Let's really and give advice to each other for once
Last CBT died
CBT, advice each other
dont have full frontal, but here is me on bench
Why does this shitskin bleach each and every single pic he posts to look white?
I crop my pictures and add some contrast only.
Not black lmaooo
180 lbs
Really bad at posing
>roiding and getting gyno for this
You're at a really good point to gain some size. Lean and already got some muscle - hope you're eating a caloric surplus and lifting hard
Noodle armed dyel bois don’t need to apply lmaooo won’t even ask for pics don’t even wanna see them skinny fat white bois lol
You are Done no bb for doubted something like ping pong
Looks tight, tighter then a teenage wet pussy yummy boi
Don’t see anything and what I see looks shit strength isn’t mass
Base is ok start eating and work out a lot then after a year start roiding
Jan 23/19 to Aug 3/19
three pics:
>before hernia surgery
>right afteri got the stitches out
Nice chest
How tall are you? 5'5?
Im 10‘8 im basically a one piece character lmao do me a favor boi
Can you hold one of your arms in boiling water I’m hungry for some pasta lol
Skinny af but i still get pussies heh
183 cm
73 kg
Looking joocy brah. Mirin those delts
In the thread early for once.
>22 Y/O.
Bulked up from 86 in the last 7 months. Been smashing my legs to finally get some growth.
Thoughts fellas?
Yo man, y I u look kinda disproportionate to me. Huge legs small biceps, no triceps and shoulders ain't too big either.
Traps are like as big as your shoulder...
Looks like you fell for the SS meme
It's just the pose breh. My legs are actually my biggest weakness lmao.
Don't have any current back/bicep/shoulder pics but here's one from when I was leaner
What's your weight and height/time lifted? Looking juicy.
Not wrong. I'm not opposed to gaining a bit of fat for the sake of getting considerably stronger and gaining muscle though. Doesn't really bother me. Here's a full frontal for your reference (nohomo).
Inb4 clean your room, I have it's an old pic.
You have potential but it's definitely time to diet down
Ya'll from Canada? Why so skinny?
You'd have solid definition if cut just 10lbs. But then you might be a twink.
Aesthetic, but strong enough to not merely be a pretty boi.
damn you look really blown up
Thanks, working on it atm
Anyone got any tips on bulking btw? Any easy high calorie drinks or anyhting.
76kg 176cm
Last years cut, i look pretty much the same atm.
Started my bulk last week
6 2"
aiming for 198lbs ripped next summer.
Pls no bully, I'm bulking from skelly
Looking huge and thick like a wrassler, dude. Mirin'
If you want more definition just cut a bit but your size is great
5'10" 155lbs
Hey it's that Indian guy again. Hi fren!
Some more fasting and HIIT and you'll see a lot more definition on the muscle you already have
hips are fucked
5’10 175
1 year in. Did ppl. Now on nsuns.
18 y/o
Lifting almost a year now
Currently lean bulking.
Concentration on shoulders, core, legs, and forearms/grip.
Did my first deadlift session at gym yesterday. Made it to a set of 5 at 2pl8t.
My grip wears out long before anything else. Even with reverse grip.
Same for pullups and lat pulldowns.
I'm trying to get in shape for cosplay I'd like to do at PAX South in January.
Will be cutting significantly in the fall once it cool enough to ride bike (it's over 100 right now).
I'm currently 5'8"
~170lb, ~21‐23% bf
I actually have a good amount of muscle given my size and bf%.
What do I need to do to get Turok physique?
ass is off the bench? what kinda shit form is shit?
Good progress brah
1,5 year progress, last 8 months carnivore / keto
Your body is season 1 Lucifer.
looks like whole upper body likes mass, specially chest and arms
I would do a proper cut and then focus on weak points, You are a big boi regardless, keep going brah
Bad hips but mirin’. Hit more delts and upper chest.
23yo idk what bf%
>tfw DYEL
shame on those hips, apart from that you're both pretty juicy.
mirin hard. fuck cutting, just keep working on your mass and your legs will look phenomenal.
5'6, 132 lbs.
I know DIEL
should i keep bulking or cut
5'10 165 lbs
fukc off roastie
176cm, 72.5kg
Been cutting for more than 2 months now. Lost around 9kg. I think abs should be visible pretty soon. Can't wait to start bulking. Unfortunately I've had shoulder tendonitis for like a month now and barely do any pressing. Hoping it gets better by doing slow eccentrics with a band.
Hey spidey
show benis
Oh much better yeah, mirin shoulder defenition. First pic very unflattering angle.
I'm 82kg 183cm and lifting on and off for 7 years now. Also doing mma and calisthenics so size or slow strength aren't priorities.
Yeah on it fren.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
I like my wide hips desu.
Gives major mechanical advantage in sports and mma.
My gf also likes wide hips as she identifies it with strength.
The small hip twink hype is just a gay hype imo.
Dude you look like shit and you talk like a retard just leave already
>20 years old
>7/10 facelet
>5'11 manlet
>6 inch dicklet
>unemployed and broke as fuck
>uni dropout
>still living with my parents
>never been in a relationship (not khv)
>1.5 years of lifting for this shit
I need steroids.
I want to abuse the shit out of them and die.
check your test, this is bad and you somehow managed fuck up your leg
absolutely based
Another one from the same day
I just want to be done Cutting
How much more weight do I need to lose?
Awesome progress. Stop cutting now. Metabolic damage exists. Slowly increase calories and bulk for a few months. You'll be able to get shredded easier after getting your metabolism up again.
>20 years old
young, got plenty of time to improve
>7/10 facelet
>5'11 manlet
>6 inch dicklet
all could be worse
>unemployed and broke as fuck
get a job
>uni dropout
uni is a meme
>still living with my parents
moving out early is a meme, living with parents saves a lot of money
>never been in a relationship (not khv)
at 20 that's not a big deal
>1.5 years of lifting for this shit
go on a cut and get to 10% body fat first. also what's your diet and routine like
These photos are about a year apart. Weighed 220 down to 160. I've gotten stronger over the year, I just want to finally be lean. Just tired of cutting for over a year
Really? I feel like I am so close. Bulk for a couple months in the winter might be a nice change of pace though
I disagree with him. You may as well keep cutting until you're closer to 10-15% then increase your calories to a bulk.
8 more lbs left in my cut then ill probably just chill at maintenance until i die
>7 months since project escape.auschiwtz
>trying to clean bulk 3Kcals but that shit's hard
fuck yes, eating 3000kcals clean is tough
70% whole grain carbs 30% Sugar (that's my kryptonite) about 150grams of protein, fat comes primarily from saturated fat and Olive Oil
Routine: Just PPL and a Full body 4 times a week 45mins to hour
Considering to add 1 hour swimming sessions 2 times a week
240lbs/6'4 BLOAT lord disciple. Eat anything I want, drink beer, and eat 60% of the protein per day recommended by studies.
Also train with strength programs exclusively.
You don't look too good though
True, but I have regular sex.
Any advice?
Guys that look way worse than you also have regular sex. That’s an awful goal to have
That's pretty sweet
Having sex is not my goal, as I had sex as a 170lb dyel. My goal is lift some decent weights natty, before possibly cashing in my card and using special protein supplements to see how strong I can get.
Finally a lad with the same physique in progress as me, but 7 months is good!
How much were you when you started?
I used to ride bicycle ALOT so have very big quads.
My back gives out long before my legs do when squating. This is why I've switched to angled less press+hip thrusts at gym.
>Eat anything I want, drink beer, and eat 60% of the protein per day recommended by studies
Dare I say it, based and and redpilled.
Pic related was me just before christmas, sorry it's not very clear
Was 68Kg and couldn't bench more than a 0.75 plate. I know I'm still DYEL but people around me have started commenting I look buff.
I'm 19 btw, in university. Smoker and regular binge drinker which is probably slowing me down.
Not sure what that dude is talking about.
This is me 3 months into my routine after a two year hiatus.
5’11” 200
>awful face
enjoy the fat ugly bitch that finally allows you to curry up her hole, just remember she is only with you because you have some inheritance coming from your parents liquor store
why even post this