
You will never know this feel. EVER.
All the juicy action starts at about 0:27 but you should watch it in it's entirety to know what's going on.

Trust me user, if you are suicidal because of loneliness you should NOT watch this video. I myself have never seen anything as depressing as this.

Attached: Never knew, never will (know the feel).jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Trust me user, if you are suicidal because of loneliness you should NOT watch this video.
really wished i read this before absentmindedly clicking on the link.

>see thread
>think "op is probably a faggot and its nothing"
>open link
>video starts
>"okay I know where its going but I will stand it"
>watch the video
>start crying
>die inside
>pic related is now me

It hurts. It really does hurt anons. I cant cope anymore.

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Yeah I probably should have put this before the link. Sorry.

I feel you. I felt as empty and dead inside after watching it as you. Why do I even exist, to suffer I guess.

>Suicide fuel
>Suicide fuel
>Suicide fuel
I swear to god, if that's the shit that drives you guys into wanting to kill yourself then you should go ahead and end it.
Thats just pathetic. Some people are lucky, you're not. Get over it and stop bitching about it.

>"You are supposed to be an empty shell of a human being who wants no love or else I will call you a pathetic bitch."

People like (you) are what's wrong with this world.

some cunt gives a fakey speech to her bf while being filmed so everyone on her social media sees how "perfect" their relationship is (until she gets bored) and that's your "suicide fue"l?

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How young you must be to still be able to cope with such pathetic excuses for it?

Hello just leaving this here

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No, wanting to be loved is perfectly fine.
However, you bitch about other people finding something you didn't get to a point where you call it suicide fuel. That's just plainly pathetic. So don't you dare giving such an bullshit excuse, we both know that I am right.

Some people had really shitty lives, where they had no love from their parents and were bullied in school and they weren't formed the right way.
Now they can't change anything about the past, so they can not find the lost feelings with new parents or new friends or anything like this.
I know something about it because I had such life and I had a gf for some time and I know how it changed my life. But I bet you are a all knowing guy who will laugh it off and say
it's not true or that such cases don't happen, because you had normal life yet still are a failure because of your own mistakes.

Imagine being so attractive that some roastie cries tears of joy because you say a four letter word to her.
>suicide fuel
Nah, they'd be divorced in 10 years.

No, those cases happen. But you're an adult and so you're in charge of your own life. If you had a shitty childhood? My sympathy.
Still doesn't changes the fact that the healthy reaction on two people beeing happy isn't wanting to kill yourself just because you're not happy anymore. Mostly, because I'm pretty sure you won't do it, you're just a bitch that complains. Which spits on the grave of those people who actually killed themself for more plausible reasons than seeing a happy and loving couple.

Please learn English. Reading that is painful.

Try a year dating at most

You sound like an absolutely brain dead normie. Literally just insert "bitching" or "excuse" into any sentence whatsoever and act like you have the final understanding of how to transcend suffering. I know people like you literally just post here for attention and bait because it's cool to be contrarian in a place full of losers and you dont get enough normie interaction to fill the void but you really just come off as an insufferable faggot.

>Still doesn't changes the fact that the healthy reaction on two people beeing happy isn't wanting to kill yourself just because you're not happy anymore.
It isn't I never said it is. But I AM not healthy. "Happy anymore"? Dude, I was never happy. Even such basic creatures like dogs can get mental illnesses if they weren't rised properly with love and do self harm. Let alone such advanced creatures like humans...

>" because I'm pretty sure you won't do it, you're just a bitch that complains. "
Here, we go, as I predicted >But I bet you are a all knowing guy

I hate scum like you. If you get triggered by someone's response to anything and you don't agree with it and feel urge to tell them about it, this is sad.

Assuming you're
Your English is even worse. Also, kill yourself. :^)

Godly trips of truth. Retarded normie user BTFO.
But more seriously, I bet dude is just coping hard ITT. Actually he will more likely commit suicide than me (OP).

>Your English is even worse. Also, kill yourself. :^)
I didn't say ANYTHING about your English, little seething bitch. I wish I had your life in my hands. I would stomp on your head till you get death convultions.

>Assuming you're
Swing and a miss

Attached: (You).png (373x119, 10K)

she will leave him anyways at some point or its fake

>Implying men are supposed to have souls and feelings

Projecting AND seething.

And this post is original.

Who and how hurt (you)?

Based sanity user putting incels in their place. m8, dont waste your time on these worthless faggots

>Who and how hurt (you)?
Fuck off leddit, you are more retarded than the trannies

Why did you do this, I hope you die a horrible death cunt.

>Obvious Jow Forumseddit "WEEMEEN POWER" thot enabler
>Tells me to go back to >Incels are evil and uncapable of loving, that's why they are VOLCELS - when it fits.
>Incels are pathetic when they want love and it fits.

Anything just to shame incels, right?

>Obvious Jow Forumseddit "WEEMEEN POWER" thot enabler
Fucking how?
If I say that you shouldnt cry like a pussy everytime something "sad" happens and be a tranny faggot I am (((enabling))) women
Also incels should be shamed everywhere and always

It's really sad how some people just rushed in to this thread to bash "incels" for wanting love but in another thread they will mock them for being evil. Hmmm I wonder where does their hatred comes from.

>H-h-how am I a thot enabler?
>Also incels should be shamed everywhere and always

Exposed yourself faggot. Every time you "shame" an incel, you are enabling another thot in fucking 8 different (top 20%) men at the same time.

This only and solely happens to CHAD! Be thankful that Chad will probably fuck her dry and blocks her everywhere after that. Worthless whore.

He doesn't sound like a Chad though. And the way they are calling each other "dude" makes me think it's that typical cute friend couple where they are both about 7/10 and basically fit eac other well so everyone thinks "why aren't they together?" These types of relationships last the longest.

WRONG! Every single woman above a 3 doesn't settle for less than a 9/10 Chad. 7 is like a 2 in their eyes.
These are all desperate betabux who can fuck her in a dead fish position once a month while she cheats on him with CHAD with she has amazing sweaty sex in every position imaginable.

>Every time you "shame" an incel, you are enabling another thot in fucking 8 different (top 20%) men at the same time.
Again, how are these two related? Incels have no fucking say in the sexual market since they are celibate.
I dont disagree with what they say, but they as people are utter shitbags that deserve to be bullied because they are weak.

Who hurt you little user? Didn't mommy buy you those crayons you asked her for? Poor thing, who hurt you?

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Nigga please explain to me, the brainlet, how incels affect the sexual market in any meaningful way

I was reffering to this part:

>I dont disagree with what they say, but they as people are utter shitbags that deserve to be bullied because they are weak.

Not only buttblasted for some reason, but a brainlet at that.

>I was reffering to this part:

>I dont disagree with what they say, but they as people are utter shitbags that deserve to be bullied because they are weak.
Then just say it outright since I am so retarded.
Now why do I hate incels? Because they reject "cope" like looksmaxing, hobbys and just hope in general. Plus they are unreasonably obsessed with pussy and validation of others, which is more retarded than me.
Also natural selection

>Also (((natural selection)))

Yep, a retard hah. Did you run from a retard facility?

I don't even give a shit at this point, your video didn't make me feel anything, I just want to be left alone

You do realize that this relationship is going to end and they are going to be worse off than what they started? Being alone is a gift, if you can see it. It's just the unpopular opinion.

(trips of truth)
Now, these guys get it. Take notes, it will lead to a better life if you embrace, rather than hate, lonliness.

I had to stop watching after about a minute because it was getting way too cringeworthy. Prior to that I was smiling like a dumbass though.

It's cringy only for like 15-20 seconds then it get's better. And by BETTER I mean WORSE.

>you are the sun Xd

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Its cringe af. Also love meme. kek

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Would anyone else be really turned off by a woman calling them dude?

>Girl that I like also is my good friend and calls me dude?
Are you kidding? That makes me diamond hard.

i thought it was going to be her talking about her dead crush or something but nope.

this is some pretty normie tier shit OP, gonna need a lot more than that.

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jesus christ youre all pathetic, learn to be self sufficient. rely on nobody but yourself.

>Craving for thing all of my ancestors lived through thus is written in my DNA is pathetic.
XXI century NPC mentality for you.

have fun being a slave to your genetics.

I would love to see your face when it turned out to be in vain and we get to the same place in the afterlife.

>Not hoping/trying to change the world to fit normality
No wonder the west is more fucked up than here. Stupid fucking goyim. You actually deserve what you are getting now. I don't.

if we both end up in the same afterlife, then the way we live our lives doesn't matter. My point is simply that the sooner you realise your natural instincts are selfish and shouldn't be listened to, the sooner you'll live the life you want to live.

Was I the only one who was smiling while watching this video? I thought it was cute and I'm happy for them. Ya'll need some empathy.

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This honestly fucked me up more than anything I've even seen online. Gore, rape, pizza, animal abuse have nothing on this video. I'm FUCKING SHAKING RIGHT NOW! When I kill myself I'm going to leave this video playing next to my corpse. It encompases everything I hate about myself and the world. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME AND I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE.

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>Time to die


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That guy who answered the phone call is genetically superior to you in every way and that why he has beautiful girls falling in love with him while you're all alone.

>When I kill myself I'm going to leave this video playing next to my corpse.
I am glad I could help you user. Sometimes it's difficult to explain something with words so I bet taht you are now happier at least a little bit because you know what is your problem and that you will be able to show it to others.

Hmm. This video brought to me how simple people really are. And I am talking about myself. We are all looking for extreme emotions in our lives. Of course, normally people want them to be positive like in Vid Related.
However after watching this, only pain, sadness and anger arose in me, because I know I will NOT feel this massively positive emotion EVER. So my body just tried to emulate ANY feeling as strong as in that video.
So we either go full butterflies or full pychotic murderer, because thoughts of killing masses of people arose in me and this huge urge to listen to some fucked music about killing people like youtube.com/watch?v=E1TI0hMv9sI
In other words virgins, incels wouldn't be bitter if they had love in their lives and this is the first thing they are looking for but they can not. So they reach towards the first huge feeling they have in them and it's rage.

I do love opportunities where I can smile cynically.

>confessing love to someone over the fucking phone just because you needed the attention at that moment

yeah, thats not real love and i want none of that normie bullshit I'd rather be lonely.

Seems like she really does love him, that look like a very honest reaction to the whole situation throughout the whole video.

Reminder that envy is a sin.

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Reminder that Jesus Christ wasn't a historical figure.

I'm flattered because you're calling me a 9/10 Chad, but you're still wrong.

Someone said it
Thanks based friendo

>even that ugly sperg from work finally got a gf


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Finally someone not calling the guy a chad. He doesn't sound like one and he spilled spaghetti even through the fucking phone.

Makes you grateful for having a loving girlfriend

Yeah fuck you too.

in a original sense of course

You're weak is why it's even suicide fuel for you. Get over it kid, it's gonna keep happening.

>not reading it as it is
Ho, user.
>Assuming you're (this user), your English is even worse.

You are ALL lonely and alone out of choice, rather than improving yourselves you meme about it and cry about being lonely.

I'm fat, ugly, old, have no job, live with my parents, hairy, balding, various medical issues and pic related is my Tinder. I'm not attracted to any of the girls, but they are still there.

You're all lonely out of choice.

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Chad larping as a fatass. Nice try faggotto.

seething redditard

Of youre getting matches, then you are not ugly, period. You dont know what it means to be ugly

125kg, down from 145kg. Sorry that you refuse to see you're holding yourself back

Not stupid enough to post my face, but I have routinely been told I'm a 3/10. My friend kept saying I'm an 8/10 so when we were out drinking one time we went up to different people in various bars. I was rated a 2/10 at my lowest and a 5/10 at my highest, most said 3-4/10

If she REALLY loved him, she wouldn't be leaving. When you have that deep of a connection with someone like she claims, you do whatever it takes to keep it.

This. She even says

>even though I havent know you long...

This isnt love, it is lust. And no matter what the copers say, he is a Chad. She just wants a few months to fuck him and then she will get over it when she moves.

>clickbait video
Delete yourself from this reality.

I'm 330 pounds and smell like shit half the time, but I've managed to fucked 203 girls.
Just be yourselves brahs

It's no use, user. The victim mentality knows no bounds. They'l cry themselves a river and try to drown themselves in it until they work up enough courage to climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and GET THE FUCK OVER IT!

I come to this board to try and shine a light for these emotards but sometimes they're all so stupid I get upset. You tried your best. They won't accept the truth unless they want to.

What gay shit is this op. Are normies even real? This video is fucking weird man. Maybe because I can't relate to such an experience at all. Are we really that far away from being normal ? The things she's saying sounds so fucking vapid. Seeing people be happy and normal makes me depressed. Get this shit away from me.

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I'm a khv and this made me smile for the first time in ages. is there something wrong with me?

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Make me wanna kill myself of pure cringe

yes (actually no), you still have hope. Leave this place now.

>tfw you finally buy the boxcutter

best feeling in the world

I'm just trying to understand the mindset of this fucking board. I thought it was a cute innocent clip, that's all, why the fuck has this thread fucking 89 comments? Sure it's a bit cringy, but like you see worse all the time on the internet. I guess I'm not enough of an depressed akward hikky to get this

Watched it and didnt feel anything.
Guess im just really used to shit life

Need the source on that


This is a very original source isnt it?

This. Only the top 20% of males should have friends or reproduce. You all should be grateful to even be alive.

Holy fuck I was skeptical at first but you were right. Why in the fuck did I watch this fuck I need to kill myself now fuck I wanna fucking scream but I dont wanna make anyone upset so excuse me


Are these people 14 years old? Good god

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No. Just happy. Happy people tend to talk and do stuff they normally wouldn't because through happiness they open up. Basically they act real, as if they were home alone.
But you wouldn't know anything about it would you?

My heart sank and a part of me just died forever


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>You will never know this feel. EVER.
I know a better feeling, since when my wife and I declared our love for each other, it was owing to the fact we knew we shared strong values. I watched a bit of this and she didn't even know him for long/had no idea what his values were.

Sweet at face value, but a hollow relationship if love was bid out of nothing.

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