Is the west savable?

is the west savable?

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Your romanticized idea of the west is an outdated fallacy, still there is something to be said of the depths to peoples depravity i suppose. There is no fixing it in a traditional sense the vast majority of people see no issue with this kind of behavior and thus things will continue as is.

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Of course. Remove all voting rights for anyone under 28 who is not white, male, and owns property. Forcefully eject/deport illegal immigrants, including anchor babies and "dreamers." Remove all women from any position of power, be it government, military, judicial organization. Start levying taxes against gays, non whites, and single mothers. Renove the federal reserve and institute a gold/multi-metal backed currency. Cut all ties with Israel and start going after the Dual Citizenship kikes. Lastly, prevent anyone who is not a citizen from owning/buying property in the US.

so nothing realistic

>TFW I will never date a white girl who cucks me with a raw black cock in public

Feels fucking bad man

>go to the modern day Bacchanalia
>complain about drunken behavior and debauchery

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>al lthe white boys watchin this like
white guys are such fuckign cucks.

the cuck always brings cuckoldry into the conversation

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Constant, non-stop media brainwashing.
Don't just dismiss that as another laughable conspiracy theory. It's fucking devastating civilisation as a whole. And there is nothing you will ever be able to do about it.

back to pol faggot


Funny how they will think that until it's their daughter and then SUDDENLY it's wrong.

He's right you know

jokes on these women in the end who get knocked up by some random black dude. Happens all the time.

>yeah tyrone you my homie cum in that white girl yeah bro yeah *high five*

no and anyone that thinks it is, is LARPing

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Post-WW1 and 1920s Germany was pretty degenerate as well (Weimar Republic) but look what happened

the population contains the potential. The question is, how to unlock that potential?

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dating black guys are for crazy bitches who wanr to get a reaction

global warming is the salvation or the damnation. it will unleash millions of black and brown refugees unto Europe that will either awaken the populace or consume it

its sink or swim in the next 30 years boys

this is from my high school. its getting worse since trap music became so popular. white women are complete degenerates now

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yeah thats not staged

It's entirely realistic, but it would require violence.

cope. shit happens more than you think.

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Grandparent are cry

Its not like those girls were going to even so much as look your way desu.

it was at the peak in 2016 but even then its not huge its a passing fad

Quite sure it's a White guy with a tan

Poltards are really committed to the bit, you are so far in you fail to realize how incredibly detached from reality your ideas are.

If your skin isnt pale like the dead you're part of the problem, or so i've heard.

why tf do women even like black guys never mind like them over white guys? its always perplexed me

White women are unsalvageable.
We either treat them like property and stop being afraid of the repercussions, or we go extinct in 210 years.

Demography is destiny and sub-saharan africans will inherit the earth and devolve it 60,000 years backwards.

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Wheres my designated gf mang, I'm black so I should be scoring mad puzzy niqqa. I dont wanna b another Kent!

because TV cool dancing monkey huehue

>Remove all voting rights for anyone under 28 who is not white, male, and owns property.
>Not removing voting rights for ayone who doesn't know anything about politics
>Forcefully eject/deport illegal immigrants
We aren't cave men,just deport them
>including anchor babies and "dreamers."
They exist becuase that is how the US sold themselves
>Remove all women from any position of power, be it government, military, judicial organization.
Just remove retards
>Start levying taxes against gays, non whites, and single mothers.
Also add neet tax for anyone who had neetbux
>Cut all ties with Israel and start going after the Dual Citizenship kikes.
>Lastly, prevent anyone who is not a citizen from owning/buying property in the US.

not a paid for prostitute

Anyone got a full video for this? I love when girls keep their boobies covered, and LOVE when they fuck in public with a crowd watching.

>More than 2,000,000 amateur interracial videos on pornhub

Yeah, it's all hookers. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

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those guys look like wimps LOL, you are way too fixated on skin color to realize you could subdue them

white women who fuck niggers are no better than women who fuck dogs or any other animal

white women are low tier truly trash

thats unironcally how i feel

woa im a real doomer man

anyone else have fb pics like this for people at their college or is it just me. coalburners are everywhere and I see more and more white men choosing Asians

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Women have no concept of race loyalty. They literally don't see color and they only care about aggression, sociopathy and status.
Niggers are getting a carte blanche to be criminals and act like animals - women are drawn to it.
White men are demonized and tend to act lawfully - women are aversed to that.

They see zero issues of breeding their genes away with niggers and creating mongrels.
We literally have 3 generations left. Whites boast the lowest fertility rates in recorded history. 210 years of sub 2 fertility rates and the phenotypes are practically erased off the face of the planet.

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Can a man get this vid with sound?

You can experiment yourselves, you have nothing left to lose anyway.
Treat a woman like garbage, make sure you degrade her and slap her around, be violent and unpredictable. Congratz, you have a subservient cumdumpster that will always be eager to drain your balls.

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HUGE redpill.
2099: 4 white people left in the western world.

Very few white women breed with nonwhite men, Shlomo.

They breed with white men even less, chucklefuck.
That's the issue. What about REPLACEMENT LEVEL FERTILITY RATES don't you understand?

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White femanon here, if I were a man I wouldn't date a white woman, at least definitely not one from a Western country.

Normalniggers have no true ability to empathize

Yet, you are most likely way over breeding age and you have zero children.
Preaching to the choir is easy.

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No, I don't like white men, period.

Haha, so you are effectively a racemixer that promotes race mixing for both genders. Gotcha.

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Not really, I just think whites in general are overrated in terms of attractiveness.

Also, I've found most white men are whores just like most white women. I don't think whites make good marriage material in general.

Case in point.
It's not white genocide, it's white suicide and women are pulling the trigger.

Thank you for demonstrating. The jews could use you for their propaganda, make sure you reach out to them.

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For the past 20000 years, individuals with poor decision making skills ended up in the belly of a lion while the smart ones reproduced. Now, with generous safety nets, the stupid people instead get a trailer full of kids while the smart people "choose wisely" not to reproduce

Of course, this could be saved if the people on here could grow a pair and create a better future.

what ethnic groups do you find attractie

You havent read a single book, watch watched a single film, or seen a single artwork from Weimar Germany. All you do is babble and regurgitate what you read on schizo blogs like Jow Forums, and you are low IQ enough to complain about degeneracy - a word ill bet one arsecheek you dont even know the definition of - while on r9k, one of the biggest trap and fetish shillplaces around, which makes me bet the other arsecheek that you are nothing but a selfhating fag who channels his sexual frustration into edgyness like old ernst roehm, hitlers fuckbuddy, while jerking looking at trap photos with one eye. But keep embarassing yourself Jow Forumscel, people who actually know about the era you are bitching and moaning about are quite amused.

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Remember, 3 generations left.
Nonwhite immigrants 0-9 years-old outnumber native children already in most european countries.

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wow... germany after 1945 is disgusting.
huge cultural death in europe in general

Weimar republic was the pioneer in transexual surgeries, homosexuality, degenerate theater, child brothels and torture rooms.

It's common knowledge, revisionist shill.

as a non-white i dont feel cucked by this image because the guy has straight hair instead of nappy hair meaning he's not black

there's nothing left to save originally

Our countries are fine and don't need to be saved by an international collective of internet wannabe Nazis, thank you very much Jow Forums

The problem isn't the fact that a few white women date black guys. Its the fact that the vast majority of white men and women prefer to have zero, one, or two children, even in hypothetical scenarios where money isn't an issue.

He is a sandnigger. Germany is pushing for racemixing with immigrants.

Here's Belgium (elementary school sex ed)

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nothing worth saving

but he might be an arab or curry with straight hair. anything with dark skin is nigger tear anyway

Here's a Finnish Times Best Sellers book.

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Completely despicable book.

yeah that's what i'm saying

blacks got big dicks us arab curries got small dicks so it feels less cucked

I wonder why that is.

White women are still parroting that "we are overpopulated! What about the carbon footprint!"
Meanwhile we well below replacement levels.

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They're just having fun bro why are you so negative

How much children should we have?

nigger stop larping

40 years of violent propaganda.
White women fell for it hook, line and sinker.

They are know importing 3rd world immigrants while they are demonizing white men about sexual harrassment and manspreading.

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White women don't care.
They are lusted by all races of men. They are importing violence (that they yearn for) since they emasculated and defanged their own men.

They are importing their rapists and killers.

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Why is it whenever a woman says white guys aren't that great you accuse them of being a nigger, coalburner or a tranny? Not everyone is up white men's ass. Get over it. And if you want someone who adores your white mediocrity you might as well date some self hating gook who will massage your ego.

oh in "general" nvm yeah we kind of ugly desu

2+, optimal is 3+

nice try user but we know this isnt your pic

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Ideally, four. Enough to replace you, your wife, and two childless white cucks. If they're all around the same age then they'll end up being much more socially adjusted too.

Of course they don't want any children ((they)) have told them it's bad, destroying the nuclear family that once existed.
If you cannot win a war through force, win it over time with propaganda, it worked for North Korea and its working for ((them)) too as no one wants to question the news when they report what ((they)) tell them.

whats wrong with that? looks like theyre having a good time. but race mixing is wrong 14/88 preserve your White heritage.

> They are lusted by all races of men.
If you read something that is written by a white woman living in Japan, huge chance that it would be something like "why does noone want to date me REEEEEEE".

I'm ok with 2 but 3 children are a fucking nightmare yet poor nigger families will have 7 of them. How can we compete?

youre just a pussy shlomo
3-4 kids is ideal

just kill niggs
or castrate all of them

what other race is their lol? white males are the most well rounded men on earth who are capable of the worlds greatest achievements. who hurt you,keep hating bitch

Give it some time. Immigrants and minorities are seeing their birth rates collapse because feminism and degeneracy is hitting them too.

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wrong. Japanese men go nutty for that PWP.

have no idea low IQ,low status and the laziest people I have ever work with. blacks are always getting fired at my job for being lazy.

>Other people have a conflicting world view than mine and it makes me mad so I call someone a mean name to cope

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I have 6, weakling.
Healthy, happy, tough, smart, White.
Maybe you are not meant to genetically dominate the future

It is already saved.
The anger from Liberals and the weak springs from the terror that they have already lost

Well, it started when some Jewish dude failed an art school entrance exam. Conclusion: ban Jews from art schools.

I'm pretty sure I can produce 6 of them like an animal I just don't want to deal with them.

>t. die juden

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>the vast majority of people see no issue with this kind of behavior
Found the 15 year old LARPer