Alright faggots, I just got my tax return and I feel generous. First to roll trips gets a game on steam...

Alright faggots, I just got my tax return and I feel generous. First to roll trips gets a game on steam, limit is 60 dollars. Make sure to post your steam ID so you can claim your prize.

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Other urls found in this thread:


bigboybane. how much was your return?

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My return was about 1k. I recently got a good job so I wasnt able to get back as much. Heres hoping next year will be a lot better since I choose to pay a high amount.

Prop or BOT0910 (lame joke)
Rolling, enjoy the returns

well cheers to your tax return and cheers on getting a good job bro, thats great

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Dead girls don't say no. Name history should include the normal name but someone reported my name for some reason.

Luck sob

Thanks man, yeah it is. Finally moved into my own apartment. It's not the best thing in the world but its what I got.

sounds like youre really making big moves man thats awesome and i hope you keep moving forward. i hope you treat yourself to a nice meal or something, cheers lad

Chicken tendies with honey mussy whenever I want

from GBP to USD baby

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Do you happen to have risk of rain 2 and/or are you interested in it?

nah i dont have it and while ive heard of it im not sure what kind of game it is. if you are offering to gift me it thats really nice but i dnt have a great track record with video game attention span lately and would hate to waste your money. hopefully someone gets trips here and if not just spend it on you bud. youre a class act though

Alright man, yeah I was offering it because the thread didnt pick up and you seemed to be the only one around.


thanks bro! i thought risk of rain was the 2D shooter game but i guess the sequel is 3d? would you recomend the first one as well?

grim dawn + expansions

rolling for all the witcher games

Trips are always on the last three digits, no other digits will do!
roll again! sausagegravy
...and I want Sekiro.

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I honestly never played the first one. I read good things about the second so I picked it up.

ya yeet.
sekiro or metro exodus prolly. Never gota dub tho.

check em

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rolling again for sekiro

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atlas beetle

Stardew, user, check em

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actually *ahem* here's my TRUE roll

food names are based as fuck. shame you didn't win



hope youre enjoying it then bro. i thin kthe last game i boguht was EO nexus and only got to the third stratrum. i spend most of my time playing CivV or emulating gba pokemon nuzlocke runs if i paly games at all

doesn't even have to be op, can someone just buy me fsx steam edition, i'm really interested in those types of games

check em boys


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Meh, I don't lose anything. id/elandp my username is Tarkus and I'd like Tabletop Simulator.

Fug gotta reroll

Give me Sekiro you gigantic faggot

post yfw you don't get trips

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ok, time for me to finish this

where are my trips you stupid fucking bastard?!?

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lol get fucked brah

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>off by one

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the witcher 3 originiginero



trips and everyone here gets lung cancer

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Last reroll before I give up.
I'm phonefagging and fresh out of mobile data but it'd be Bateman killing a streetnigger and his puppy.



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trips and i get a game of my choice

*ahem* I meant to say that THIS is my last reroll

rolling for mk11


damn, sucks to be you.
now watch THIS.



if trips spend the 60 bucks on yourself op

JUST. I said I don't lose anything but now I'm losing my patience like that fucking business card.

ooga booga
steam id: theholyprepuce

i wonder who would've gotten it

jesus christ that is fucking tragic lads


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Get fucked oreganoli style

Why not just donate to an actual charity

Fuck my shit up senpai. I do not, however, give up.

suck me meat my man

this is the one lads.


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witness me
this it it. time is now

come on you bastards dont stop now you yellow bellied cuntish cowards

>Connection error while posting. This would have been mine. Fuck you all

What are you? Fucking gay? Suck my oreganoli dick

Steam id: snure

This thread is fucking cursed. We'll reach bump limit before we actually get shit.

uhhhh you don't get to bring trips

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Put your money in a retirement or brokerage account.

This is the most oreganoli reroll ever, check em.

No one cared who I was until I got these digits

this thread is now cursed, first person to get trips will die tomorrow

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last try

just posting to piss off the neets

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check these triplets out guys, dont even want a game

FFFFUUUUUUCKing shit not even oregano can save this thread


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hip hip horray no games for anyone

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hemp priest

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Ii'm so fucking done with this shit

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i wont get them anyways

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Cant you just send me some bitcoin, I dont need videogames

rolling for 666 before I get banned by these jannies for flooding

Rekt oreganolinni style

those are some big trips

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yeah give me some of that good old dick

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Gimme that 666 r9km8

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Dubs and I'll kms in a really original way

last try, if i actually do get trips i'm killing myself

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Haill satin for 666 and colechemo on steam

This board is so slow for fucks sake

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first post ever here we go bb

Fuckng reroll and slavery wasn't that bad

k, last one. Then I'm off.

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give me 60 buck bro

This thread isn't fucking brutal enough.

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