This is your last reminder not fall for deception. Lies are all around you. I can't keep watch forever

This is your last reminder not fall for deception. Lies are all around you. I can't keep watch forever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yea I sort of had to learn the hard way. Being honest is like asking to be hurt

>implying anyone needs you
you're thinking too highly of yourself schizo tranny lobotomite

Thank you mentally ill tranny, it's good to know someone is looking out for me.

I'm not lobotomized.

a lobotomy would probably make you more mentally healthy and intelligent than you are as of now

its good that cock is not a deception
it is very much real

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No need to insult me. I'm just someone else's pet project. One of many. Ain't that right, Mr. Mouse? I know you're here.

Aiste why did you fall for gunjys (mouse) tricks, I thought you were High IQ

>Lies are all around you.
Everything including you is a lie, im going crazy

>I can't keep watch forever.
Explain, halp

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I wouldn't call reaching out to a low-iq ''sociopath'' that no one trusts as ''falling''. A perso who has no issue with having a billion labels is evidently quite ''happy''. It's no secret to anyone here.

>A perso who has no issue with having a billion labels is evidently quite ''happy''.
what is "happy"

Clearly, we are one and the same. A man who's lost so much trust will continue to lose more as he tries to prove himself better. What a sad fate I have.

There's a very good reason why no one trusts him, dumbass. I hope you're using the term "happy" in the way you used to normally use it, and see what you're getting into. Seemingly having no issue with having a billion labels while abiding by the ideals of those who put the labels is not a good thing you stupid fuck, it's called hypocrisy.

>prove himself better
All you have to do is stop being an edgy nigger faggot, get raped by abos again.

Hmmm... I know very well why no one trusts him. After all, I'm him. Who else would bother with so many personas? What a self-contradictory personality I am.

If I didnn't know what Gunjy was like and his reputation I wouldn't have picked to be him.

the normal definition is flawed because people often minimalize a lot of feelings that can make someone unhappy.

Story time OP I will get the popcorn. Let us know what happened

Nothing much. I just took a closer look at the life of this person called ''Gunjy'' aka ''Mr Mouse''. He's a persona full of contradictions. He claims to be trying tk improve, yet he fails even he's trying to be sincere. People here trust him even less than I thought. People like that may be ''happy'', but they make me sad. Seems like it's impossible for him to ever repair his reputation.

shut the fuck up xumi, stop replying to yourself

fcuking good for nothing jannies

Xumi is another contradictory, manipulative persona. But he will love you if you show him weakness. Try it. It takes time, but works.

I don't understand. I am newfag so I don't get a lot of the references around here. Most people are full of contradictions and its sometimes just them being in denial. The origin of the word persona is from Greek and it literally means "mask." So it's kinda just how humans are when they show you one face and look totally different inside.

nice try faggot im not cutting myself for you, self harming faggots are the epitome of human trash

This person contradicts himself in the very same sentence. He can't even ''larp'' as a nice person.
Very well. But I'd prefer to be known as ''Aiste'' aka ''Gunjy'' from now on, okay?

>But I'd prefer to be known as ''Aiste'' aka ''Gunjy'' from now on, okay?
uh no? how about degenerate schizo tranny, thats what you are deep down

larp moar

>he doesnt larp as others
lmaoing @ this nonschizo

Xumi I like you a lot, I would love to talk to you more.

I can't understand why people seem to be hurt by gunjy all the time. he always nice and helpful if you aren't annoying or shitty.

Have you tried acid yet

Please let me date you

>degenerate schizo tranny
I'm less degenerate than most of this board. Keep getting deceived by "professionals".
In a way, having someone else take over my past would make it easier to let go. Thanks Xumi, thanks, Gunjy.
Come to Langley.

You were a good waifu while it lasted.

>Come to Langley
I'll be there in 2 hours give or take. What do you wanna do?

Schizophrenia is highly linked to low iq, gain like multiple percent chance to have schizophrenia per iq point lost.

Meet me where Savile Ln meets Madison Blvd. It's close to a Presbyterian church. We'll decide what to do then.

Alright, got it

I should be wearing a bluish white coat. Very distinctive. Approach me and just ask if I'm "ice tea". I'll know it's you.

Courtesy of Gunjy himself:

>I'm less degenerate than most of this board
sure, thats why youre desperately running away from your past, faggot. doxing people for fun sure is a virtuous act, youre doing great tranny

THANK YOU , seriously Jow Forums is like a huge brainwashing cuck fest . its literally mentally unhealthy to browse here

I only ever semi-doxed one. And only because he was a manipulative predator who wanted to control me. "Happy" people deserve to suffer for all the pain they create.

This tranny is a dedicated shill trying to placate xemselves as me

Hey Aiste, why don't you go outside and make friends with some happy people?

Sure, what's next? "Aiste, take some meds"? "Hey, Aiste, tell your psychiatrists about wanting to be a girl!"? Sure thing, buddy.
You're 4th in the list of people I want to dox. Too bad I'm not smart or manipulative enough. Maybe when they fry my brain and turn me into a "happy" person, I will.

Give me your discord already aiste

What's next is you become my crazy yandere gf

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>crazy yandere gf(male)

I'm only getting harder, stop it

>that voice
jesus kek, thats why he doesnt like vc lmao
gunjy did your balls never drop or what? its not late man you should see a doc

I don't know what I want anymore. My schizophrenia is getting worse. Yesterday I faked a suicide and used Gunjy to bait some people into believing that he and I are the same person, then had him make this vocaroo: He sounds like a child haha. I don't know what I'm even doing with myself.

Norway is cucked come to America you'll love it.

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Lmao based schizo

You can always come to my place. I promise to not chain you to the walls in my basement and force feed you trannypills. Pinky promise.

He's a very self-contradicting persona. He tells me that he wants to be nice and brags about fucking people over in the same post.

He's a very very "happy" person. I wish I could seek out all of them. The fact that they're allowed to manipulate the "mentally ill" is very unjust. I know it's not much, but I'm not smart enough to do anything else. I wish to see the day when "schizos" and all others like us will have their justice.

And why would I love America? What's so great about it?
Based. But I'm not a tranny. Unless you have pills that can give me another X chromosome, I'm not interested.

>this is what cyber chad sounds like
Lmao already heard his voice on his YT channel but it's 100% child like here.

>into believing that he and I are the same person
desu you do appear similar but a key difference is gunjy is obsessed with showing his "mental illness" like it's a badge of pride, you're the complete polar opposite. Ironic that the "schizo" is the sane one here, "mental illness" is a fucking meme most here like to believe in for some stupid reason. I love you for being the sane voice.

He really tried to make you kys didn't he? Was it right off the bat or did he try grooming you before? Knew it would happen, people don't really ever change. You're doing gods work ice tea.

>He tells me that he wants to be nice and brags about fucking people over in the same post.
>The fact that they're allowed to manipulate the "mentally ill" is very unjust.
Yeah this is the main issue most have with him me included, I try to understand this dumbass but it's black or white for him ie love muh friends and be nice or try ruining others for fun.

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Government can't tell you what to do. That's what's great about America.

He didn't actually try to get me to kms. I'm the one who approached him. I got the idea after seeing how much he hates to be impersonated by others.
You now, I always had a very idealized view of the American countryside as this crazy, supernatural, mysterious place from playing GTA: SA and GTA5. It's pretty romantic to me.

Finally got Gunjy to do the one I wanted:

>that voice

no one believed you retard
thats why I said "good for her I guess"

It's not much, but I still enjoy seeing a "happy" person stuck with his reputation. No one trusts him and never will. That's what you get for manipulating and exploiting the "mentally ill".

nice, I didnt know you did that

Also got a pretty nice vocaroo from him:

ok but why should I care about what he says?

Because what he said here is 100% true, silly.

you are right desu but i didnt need to here it from him

It's just nice to have someone like him say it. Next, maybe I'll try to have Xumi or Ritalinbot do it too.

ok have fun lol

It's not for fun. It's about seeking out all the "happy" people.

Eyes and ears open, schizoposter, watch the skies. Be prepared for the changes yet to come. Good luck, commander.

Let us bring ruin to the "happy" people like they brought to us.

that's actually good advice. except that the deception is my behavior lately. and the lies that surround me are all my own and they let me live a lifestyle that is now kind of shitty.
I'm going to have to make a call friday and come clean about being a failure.
that's going to be fun. but I expect positive changes will come from it, at least after a few months.

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Be careful with how much fault you take. It could all be manipulation by other people.

no I don't even worry about that. I could be like Atlas carrying a world of fault as long as I'm working a good job and moving forward.
because when I move forward fault can't hold me back

But what if we deceive the deceivers?

Well okay, I'm sorry. I hope you do well. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. OP is having a schizophrenic breakdown haha.
You might end up abusing that power and becoming no better.

Oh my god. I think they may actually kill me for this thread. I can hear it buzzing outside. Please delete. i need spme sleep. no one will hug me

What the hell is this thread about and why is Gunjy/Xumi still allowed to live? He's the most pathetic, mentally I'll, fucked up, unhappy, miserable person I've ever met and he deserves nothing but death. His life really is miserable.

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Well, hello, Ritalinbot. Are you really so certain they are evil? I've spoken to both and quite like each of them. You, meanwhile, clog up /v/ with your psychosis and Jow Forums with your broken record hatred of these two.

Active Jow Forums Discord server, normalfags not allowed:

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>even a literal schizophrenic has an easier time making friends than you
what the actual fuck

It seems that a lot of discord trannoids are in this thread, hmm, maybe its time to rev up those friendly and heartwarming statistics about how they won't be here anymore in 10-20 years? What do you say fellow posters?