We live under a tyranny of labels. All our lives we are labelled incessantly. Loser, weirdo, crazy, ugly, etc...

We live under a tyranny of labels. All our lives we are labelled incessantly. Loser, weirdo, crazy, ugly, etc. None of this things contain our essence. They are caricatures of us. Scientists label us. Governments label us. Our peers label us. Religion labels us. I want true freedom. I am a one man revolution. I deny any and all labels applied to me. I have substance. I don't think of myself as human. That is the most pernicious label. It binds us in a Web of societal expectations and standards of behaviour. Fuck labels.

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I always hated being labeled an autist. Whenever I would hear someone call me that my nerves would shiver up, it would feel like someone scraping a knife against a chalk board.

you've just labeled yourself as someone who doesn't want to be labeled

These anti-labelists annoy the fuck out of me.

We are the future you filthy pro-labelist

Humans think in terms of schema. We subconsciously categorise material objects according to our biases. Oscar Wilde said "Hell is other people". I am in agreement with him

This is not a label.

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so? anti-labelism is a mindset. the point is to be in that mindset more often than a labelist mindset

human social constructs are pretty wild but theres no escaping now bros

A recent study showed that pro-labelists are 5 IQ points above anti-labelists on average, are 20% more likely to have a bachelors degree and own 30% more wealth.
What now anti-labelist fags?

>human social constructs are pretty wild but theres no escaping now bros
that's what they want you to think

if you make it out become my morpheus bro

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names are labels man don't you get it you're not getting out you're going in

then why are you speaking english languages are also a label and oh god im becoming a battery HEL-

Bumpaerino origanelo

>we can live without labels
Fuck off would you?

This is real shit bitch
We wildin

The way our society judges every single little human trait is just sickening. You can't even lift your finger without being labled this and that. It also takes away any feeling of individuality as we are all put into the same box as other people that are likely not even like us. People just love to judge, they love to compare, someone has to suffer so that their pride can remain.

Im with you user. We should probably be less on the internet, where this kind of phenomen is even more present than in real life. Fuck the people on the internet. We should just live for ourselves, set and pursue our own goals without the constant fear of someone telling us that we are doing it wrong

Studies are super diffuse because there is just a small number of people being tested in them that are somehow supposed to represent EVERY HUMAN BEING IN THE WORLD. That's just not possible. The small numbers you stated (5 IQ points don't mean shit) just indicate that these Studies are bullshit and shouldn't be taken seriously.

It's in our nature, though. If we didn't label everything, it'd be too much for our puny brains to process and we wouldn't get anywhere. You have to make assumptions and generalizations about the world. I believe the important part is to know when it's okay to do so, and when you should look deeper.

Have sexual relations with a female or your species.

>what is probability theory
>what is the central limit theorem
>what is statistical inference
Wew lad guess you truly represent your population

Just stop being a crazy, ugly loser

if you don't want to labelled anymore go kill yourself or find some echo-chamber to live in.