Prove me wrong Jow Forums
Pictured : pureed liver, ground lamb and an oyster
Prove me wrong Jow Forums
Pictured : pureed liver, ground lamb and an oyster
why ground?
ray peat approved
Melts in your mouth, almost no chewing
>falling for the Toothless-propoganda
>human ancestors harness the destructive element of fire to change their eating habits
>their nutrition quality drastically improves, allowing less time for gathering food
>as a result, their brains expand in size and capability, developing into the dominant predatory creatures on the planet
>millenia later, the highly intelligent descendants develop powerful technology and systems to share information with others across and beyond the boundaries of this planet
>now retards on the internet regress to eating raw shit because other retards on the internet told them to
Tragic poetry
Looks like cat food
That's cat food. Your eating cat food.
I understand you want to eat raw meat, I love a rare rib-eye or steak tartare myself. But why do you gotta eat it in such a unappealing manner. Couldn't you just dress it up a bit or add some spices and other stuff for flavor? Healthy food doesn't have to be disgusting.
There is no real nutritional differences between a rare steak and a raw steak since only the outside is seared. No point in eating it raw.
>Willingly increasing your chases of contracting a foodborne illness because a sungazing retard with a skullet told you to
Right, right. We're the "mentally ill" ones.
Tartares are where it's at
There's some heavy psychological projection in this post.
I'm mentaly ill for wanting my meat to have decent taste and texture?
You're a loser. You're a fucking freak.
You're a contrarian who thinks he's "in the know" because he goes against all human knowledge.
You don't have any friends, and the people you interact with on any basis think something's deeply wrong with you, and they're right.
I guarantee when "hunter eyes" were the Jow Forums lookism flavor of the week, you spent that week squinting, thinking you're an alpha.
You're unironically the same kind of person who buys Super Male Vitality. Delete this thread, permavirgin
>inb4 "lmao projection much haha thanks for the upvotes"
Fuck off, Gatis. Get a job now your gf is pregnant.
>He thinks human ancestors ate fresh food
>He thinks 50%+ obesity rate is healthier than human ancestors because he wasn't mauled to death by a tiger
>because he goes against all human knowledge.
No that's you dumbass
OP eternally and forever BTFO as this post is 100% correct in every aspect
how does it actually taste? is it really hard to get down without gagging or is it an acquired taste where it eventually starts to taste good?
Not OP but I used to have raw steaks. Doesn't taste of much but when I did it the first time I got an erection because it reminded me of a vagina. I have gagged sometimes. Raw carnivore is a total meme diet though. Although I do sometimes drink raw eggs, but that's just so I can get enough protein.
did you seriously assume cooking food with fire is the same as mass shipping highly processed food to allow great access to lots of food by the masses, or were you just PRETENDING to be retarded?
No. No one said that, you're just illiterate
>cooking your meat goes against all human knowledge
show me four examples of successful cultures who are technologically beyond the bronze age that don't cook their meat.
Humans evolved to cook food
>cooking your meat goes against all human knowledge
No one said this
French have steak tartare nonetheless
not him but you're retarded bro
our guts got smaller and our brains got bigger by around the same time we started cooking food
humans cook their food, it's what makes them human, literally the only distinction between humans and other animals
the french cook their meat almost exclusively though, so who cares?
All enzymes are destroyed in cooking meat and ~30% of B vitamins are destroyed
What if I told you that's propaganda?
>you're retarded bro
Stop arguing against strawman arguments retard, no one said this
>>cooking your meat goes against all human knowledge
everybody don't worry, this is just steroids cat shitposting again
kys OP
Enzymes are destroyed anyway by pH in stomach and/or proteases in the small intestine before uptake
If this isn't a sign of mental illness I don't know what is. Please don't shoot up a Walmart
>eating farmed salmon
your jaw will weaken also your bloodline.
>he goes against all human knowledge.
what are you talking about?
even just a century ago 40% of humans ate their meat raw
>>He thinks human ancestors ate fresh food
they did
It looks like you just pulled those out of the freezer and let them thaw. Even cultures that eat raw meat season and grind them down.
No they didn't, they couldn't always hunt so they scavenged. Eating carcasses that had been rotting in the sun for days.
You know how much effort it is to hunt something without a bow?
It's wild. I buy a whole wild fish fresh
What you are looking at is fresh but I do both out of a matter of convenience
Enzymes are what the body uses to digest the food. Not everything gets destroyed in the gut
Bingo. Humans even now eat rotten meat in some places. In Iceland they purposely rot shark and practically everywhere in Europe they rot cheese (not meat but still)
>"""prove me wrong""" shitposting
This used to be a permabannable offense, let's find out if it still is:
Your mother shit you out, I don't see why she shouldn't get the death penalty
are you legit retarded?
read my post again and the one I'm replying to
I'm sorry that you still can't read
>you're ruining my troll thread, you big meanie! WAAAAH! I'm-a insult you now! :p
Here's your containment board:
said the retard who didn't even read my post or what I was replying to
not my fault that you're retarded, not sorry lmao
You're being scammed bro
wild salmon does not look like that
yours is too fatty and pink
Are you a roastie? Literally only women care about "muh spices" and "gotta have colour on the plate tee hee"
Raw carnists are unironically worse than vegans in terms of being obnoxious faggots
Im assuming you don't have a girlfriend?
why not eat cooked meat instead?
Heh. Food is nothing but fuel for me. I'm just like my ancestors, the ancient Spartans.
>not wanting your food to look and taste good
Ok retard
A vegan, a crossfitter, and a carnivore walk into a bar.
I only know because they told everyone within two minutes.
>its wild because the people who sell it said so
Are you sure all that raw meat isnt damaging your brain or something?
You nailed it
>raw eater
>doesn't like yo chew
enjoy your weak jawline and the shit genetic mutations you will pass onto your children
God shut the fuck up, you freak
If you cook it well done. Rare or blue has the same amount of nutrients.
While you eat that trash, I'm eating plantain canoes.
I feel sorry for his kid, he is gonna go blind from sun lmao.
No way, vegans are all literally mentally ill from the B12, carnatine, carnosine and creatine deficiency.
Yet despite actual mental disabilities, they are still less annoying than raw carnists
Says no one. There are like 20 raw carnists and 2 or 3 are on this thread.
"In terms of being obnoxious faggots"
Im not saying they are unhealthy, im saying that are fucking annoying and normal people don't like talking to them, just like vegans.
>he thinks
the anti-nutrients eat your brain do you want to live in garden of eden or not you got to eat the full nutrient rich raw meats and gaze at the sun or die under the child raping elite poisoning you every day with thees anti-nutrients. it's really simple
Our brains run better on raw animal fat, a bunch of nutrients are destroyed in cooking including all enzymes.
Try it you'll never go back
Have you ever thought destroying your food with fire is destroying your health
Are you Gatis aka s3verge?
>that'll be $50 plus tip.
try cooked bacon you'll never go back
Came to Jow Forums for the first time in months to see this thread. Then this post. I remember why I left. I refuse to become submerged in this mentally ill nonsense again.
Have sex
I'm not talking about taste, I'm talking about health
based raw meat retard
Yall rawbois are fucking nasty
People who don't eat or drink junk food or soda but cook their meats and veggies are usually pretty fucking healthy. But I guess the retard who sungazes in the middle of the day knows whats best for mankind.
have you ever considered that humans started evolving to eat cooked food after we started doing it and benefitting from it leaving us with a version of the human today that needs to eat cooked food
Why is this thread still here? Are you all stupid? Stop responding to this thread.
Highly based
Ask me how I know you don't work out
No it's not, he puts much emphasis on anti-bacterial/septic strategies. He would never advice raw meat.
Kek 15€ dude, no tips. Being French is worth it just for the food
I like not having a tapeworm.
What's a "carnist?"
>People who don't eat or drink junk food or soda but cook their meats and veggies are usually pretty fucking healthy.
True. Sverige also looks pretty healthy and so does his gf (who is pregnant btw)
No need for any arguments between carnivores, when vegans are the only enemy.
You use your own enzymes you spastic, you think animals walk around with their muscles full of enzymes that destroy them?
Enjoy your tapeworm, OP.
>Toothless shills his mental disorder cult