I love being a zoomer

I love being a zoomer

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I've been playing videogames since 1989. Kill me

As long as i get your stash afterwards

Whacha got

switch blops2 for blops1 or WaW and this is also me
t. that 1998 zoomer

>Hey dude you got to round 60 on kino?

>that one kid who only wanted to play on Five

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Seems like something a boomer would make and use it as a coping mechanism.

wtf is being 98 a zoomer now

I'm a 00 zoomer and this still applies

You're only 19 wow. You're so inexperienced.

Unlike me who's 20 of 1998

Yeah, it does for me too somewhat. I was always a Nintendo kid but my sister owned a PS2 and I remember watching her play Katamari Damacy on it. We also had a GameCube with Donkey Konga and some other games on it (Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Billy Hatcher). Donkey Konga was fucking based tho.

>zoomers relate to ps2

honestly amazed here

The only thing i dont like about being a zoomer is that fucking boomers are fucking us over because they want a nice retirement. All past political actions are for their benefit. We get to inherit their mistakes. Yay.

>born 1998


Evidently. Used to we were considered millennials, but for whatever reason they decided that wasn't good enough. But not that these generational labels ultimately matter, unless you really want to fit in with what your generation supposedly is.

I love being a zoomer slut for older daddies

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98 is too young to listen to hybrid theory

Yep, used to grind vs bots in battlefront 2 for hours and hours.

>tfw havent played and beaten maximo ghosts to glory since it came out

>zoomers are starting to become old men now
Why am I still here?

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>born 1998
>starting to get eye wrinkles


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Five was pleb filter, all the scrubs wanted to play kino because it took no skill

Me too. I wouldn't really care, but I just love the physical feeling of having hair. Knowing I'll never be able to put my hands through my luscious locks hurts more than being a ugly baldy.

>I love bein'
>I love bein'
>I love bein' a turtle!!

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I'm a boomer an I'm too young to have had a gamecube.

mah nigga
nobody wants to play five user we're playing kino or maybe arcade after a few rounds, if you don't wanna play kino then hand over the sticks