Why are black women such race traitorous whores bros...

why are black women such race traitorous whores bros? white faggots here whine about white women being race traitors when in fact black women are much bigger sluts

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nearly everyone here is a turbo sperg who doesn't have any chance with any woman regardless of race, with some rare outliers like thai gold diggers or filipino mud goblins

that's not relevant to the issue I brought up

to be fair, black men are fucking useless, so black women are smart to date outside their race. Black men don't have jobs, are in prison, get killed by other blacks before age 25, etc.

>muh dick
Fuck did you just say about me white boy

black women literally make me throw up in my mouth

Sure they do. But somehow all our most famous celebrities end up with white dudes. Somehow they aren't throwing up

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Just read nigger. no wonder shanaynay want dat swirley swirl if she gotta listen to this bitch ass shit

Black women literally fucking hate us

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Ok, so first it's white women, then asian women, and now black women. What is next? Latina women? Basically, what I'm saying is women are whores no matter what race.

All are but some are more than others

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I'll chime in, have a bunch of white guy friends with black gfs including myself so I've spoken to them about previous exes. Obviously not saying their experiences mean all black guys are like this but this is but four black girls had dating about 2-3 black guys prior to their white boyfriends and they all had similar stories like this
>black guys get insanely jealous
>they refuse to give oral sex
>expect oral sex all the time
>gfs pleasure isn't important
>extremely resistant to trying new things in bed
>most didnt believe in female orgasm
>expected the girls to do all chores
>guy sits on his ass all day
>no job prospects
>she had no say in anything
>would get physically and verbally abusive
>some girls exes threatened to kill them if they broke up

So they meet and eventually get with their white bf and are worried given their past experiences naturally. After a few months they acknowledged about me and my friends that
>Relationship dynamic is healthy
>feel like their opinions matter
>the guys WANT them to feel good
>eat pussy for free
>orgasms guaranteed
>always willing to try new things in bed
>memorable line a friend had was when his gf said "Ha, you can only fuck my ass if I get to fuck yours first"
>he immediately says "sure sounds good"
>she literally couldn't process his response because it was unlike anything she ever heard before
>chores are split up between the two
>constant compliments out of nowhere to make them feel sexy
>a feeling of real intimacy and safety they never had before

Believe it or not, doesn't matter. Anyone else heard similar stories before?

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Latinas are weirdly loyal to their 4'11 bald Chuys, I guess it has something to do with pair bonding and their high rate of pregnancies? A lot of the Latinos I know stuck with the same guy/girl since HS.

Ever since seeing this pic at the beginning of a black girl thread a few days ago I have had a deep, almost existential yearning for a black girl.
Is there any way to cure this feeling? (I doubt that I'll get any girl, let alone a qt blackfu so satisfying the urge is out of the question unfortunately)

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The only cure is to satisfy your jungle fever. Believe in yourself and you can do it.

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Women have always been like that and the kind of stuff they do to satiate their juices flowing has no limits. Even tales were written regarding that
Minos and Scylla, leucophrye and pisidice

Jungle fever got me like fucking AAARRRRGGHRGHRGRGH!!

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I know precisely one respectable, capable black man. The rest of them are complete losers. No job, no car, no house, not even money to buy a drink at the bar. A thirteen year old white boy with a newspaper route is more successful than most grown black men.

Fascinating user, so what your saying is that bar a few bad things, the black dudes were actual men who didn't want to controlled by their woman and the white dudes were beta faggots?

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I think that picture is doctored or the accounted are fake cause when i go on black twitter its all fuck white guys and not the romantic way.

>Black women, where are the white men at?
>Black men, where are the white wymyn at?
I can see why they claim to hate us. Must frustrate them so much being unable to feel love except by proxy.

If that all is true, realistically those hoes would drop the fuck out of those betas and be back on nignog cocks in a couple years.

if i could pump my nob in and out of a black girl's butthole until i fucking paint her colon with my jizz i would die a happy man

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I know its bait but if its beta to have a partner that you treat as an equal along with getting to fuck their brains out then okay. Also when you focus on her pleasure, lots of doors suddenly open. What was originally her saying no suddenly becomes a yes. Not long ago, had a pretty wild session where she was initially saying no...but wasnt actually saying no with her actions. Kept rubbing her clit and pulling her nipples hard and she kept saying no but kept moaning softly in between. End up lifting her up onto the kitchen table, shoving her thong in her mouth to shut her up and then eating her ass out before fucking both of her holes. Said to me after she swallowed my nut that it was probably the best sex we ever had and she was glad I didnt listen

Been with mine for 5 years and currently engaged so I'm doubtful.


Every races women are like that for white guys.

>try to look for where they quoted 'muh dick'
>really is just a black guy m-muh dicking

>come here baby, gimme that white sugar how I need it!

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Its bad for your teeh

>it ain't going in my mouth honey

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I'd do anything to be able to remove that with my mouth

fwooaar yeah, imagine that little puff of trapped air that would follow it right into your face
I bet you could fucking taste the residue on your teeth afterwards
fuck me I need to go jerk off

ignore this guy. you don't have to be a beta soi boi willing to do butt stuff to stay with a black women. you literally just have to be white.

t. fucked a handful of black women and was never expected to do any of this shit.

also never give a woman oral sex. ever. of any race. it makes them think lesser of you. i gave a girl oral a few times (she wasn't even black) and the relationship changed so fast and so drastically. overnight she started bossing me around and insulting me and treating me like an errand boy and atm machine. never again.

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>Not wanting to stick your face in above
>Not wanting to suck on those pussylips
>Not wanting to hear her beg for your cock
Maybe the problem wasnt that you went down on them but were just a beta yourself. You'd just let them boss you around? Me and my gf have argued plenty of times but she wouldn't think for a second that I'd just do anything she wants. Worst she ever did once was somewhat hint that if we didnt do things her way that sex may not happen until I changed my mind. I let her know that if her only use was just being a fuck hole that she can fuck off instead. She hasn't pulled that shit in years and I dont expect her to

Its beta to get sodomized, you flaming homosexual.

Us black men treat black women like shit so I don't blame them. All of my sisters are dating/married to white guys and I'm happy about that.

It's boring if you are just pretending to be this retarded, I wasn't sodomized and no other guys were. It was calling a bluff

Only black american

Does oral actually make women not respect you? I genuinely enjoy eating girls out, even if it's unreciprocated. Maybe you just did a bad job of it.

Not really. Women really don't want to fuck around after a certain age. Their sex drive is already lower than ours, so imagine how low it gets as they grow old.

you're a good cuck, I'm proud-a-you

He's not a cuck just not absolutely retarded. If they're dating quality men, the race doesn't matter at all. Would you really be pissed if your sister got married to a loving doctor just because he was black?

As long as you act alpha in the daily life you can eat her.

No, being a spineless wimp who's afraid of confrontation makes women not respect you. My gf has a say in everything but every once in a while i have to just be assertive about whatever it is that's being discussed. Apparently some guys are afraid to piss their girlfriends off thinking they'd just break up with them, so they just agree with whatever they say even if they know it's wrong. Girls like this in the short term, but they hate it in the long term

salsa pls
