>he's more than 6'
He's more than 6'
being tall has been such a blessing honestly thank you God. im not even attractive and still girls come up to me in bars/clubs/parties with the same opening line each time
>wow how tall are you?
and i dont need to do much work after
im 6'2 8inch cock great genes have sex but im still miserable you want to know why
cause being attractive doesn't mean tfw gf
god i hate you cunts with these memes thinking that shit would solve your problems reee
>he goes to bars/clubs/parties
Get out.
its not a universal cure but you have to admit being tall has way more advantages than being short. you have issues sure but at least height isnt somethin gyou have to worry about
>slightly above 6'
>no one gives a shit
I dunno maybe it works in America
it just hit me how insane the 6' requirement is lmao. imagine if a man said to a girl that she should kill herself because her tits are small. everyone would implode
As someone with autism and is 6'5" I hope you all know that being tall sucks. It just turns you into a fetish, which means their attention is basically on their, "Genital's interpretation," of my physical appearance.
Also because you are so tall you have to learn how to control your body so much more because people flinch or back away if you make any excitable movements. Especially during dancing.
>tfw 5'9
can't even fraud my way onto being 6 foot the difference is too noticable
This has to be an american fetish thing nonwhites have
You can't just be tall and expect to be attractive to actually attractive girl in europe (especially eastern europe)
>tfw 6' on the button
>tfw girls don't care
>tfw I see a 5'8" manlet with gf
you have to be significantly taller than average for it to actually help with anything. like 6'2" or above
I'm 5'9 and literally never had a problem getting laid
this height fetish meme only started appearing seriously in the last 2 years
Just don't be ugly and be fit
90% non white whores compensating
>tfw 4'8" but still need a 6'5" man
Does the being attracted to tall people thing apply to guys that are like one inch taller than the girl? Let's say in this case that it is a relatively tall girl
it really doesn't matter how tall the girl is.
What does matter is how you are compared to other guys.
Guys who are in the top 20% of height (6 foot or over) are the most attractive
How tall are you user? I ask because im 6'2 and this never happened to me.
you're probably just volcel
Wow that must suck sorry man
And here I am as a 5'11 diagnosed autist who hasn't been looked twice at by a girl since highschool thinking I have it bad.
Hah, you're the woman I lost my virginity to then! Was so weird now that I think about it. Why do the REALLY short women like me? Because most average height women don't seem to care much about it.
Is it because being loved by a gentle giant/mountain lover is a thing I don't understand, being said mountain?
There are diminishing returns... a lot of girls are actually not interested in dating a 7' circus freak
That's WHY you desire a tall man, your genes are screaming to return to the mean.
It actually does suck. I mean most people here complain about not having a starting interaction or something. For my life the problem isn't the starting thing (I look and talk like a professor, I this and that) but it is that after the first few sentences I just 'be' whatever that person needs me to be.
So a lot of my relationships have been me being lots of women's emotional rape toy.
It hurts to hurt but I talk and act like a robot even today because even though my autism is 100% under control, all the damage is still there.
Never be proud you are someone's fetish, just if you have the spare time to satisfy them then ya may as well. Just don't get trapped by thinking they care about the thing BEHIND the mask/fetish.
I'm having trouble telling if you're baiting me or legitimately retarded
I'm just going to close the tab
I'm autistic. Not retarded. If you aren't willing to spend the time to tell the difference then you're just going to keep repeating what any trapped autist does: repeat 'close tab until I find something that makes me happy rather than making an effort to engage in conversation with the world/universe/internet'.
it's not may fault that my tall dad married a short woman and gave birth to a 5'8 reject.
>be tall and attractive
>woman interested
>show how clingy I am
>she ghosts me
same here, my mommy is 5'2 and my father is 6'3 and she expected her kids to be a normal height, yet I got yeeted and got shitty 5'8. Womanlets and manlets should not reproduce.
>tfw 5'10"
Is it reasonable if I fake being 6'0"
Yes, everyone that height claims 6'. Doesn't matter, most women are shorter than that and can't tell the difference, they are retarded.
10/10 - dis me.
I only like clingy/needy women though so if they aren't like me I fail to see the value myself.
he is being sarcastic you silly poopoopeepee head
>tfw 5'5
I'm cursed
I know that feel sis, guys my height or even taller DISGUST me. I want a giant bf
>tfw get free pass from 5'10" to 6'0"
Thanks user. I'm glad to hear that, I feel I can finally make it. Feels like if it's been time since the last time I've genuinely felt happy about myself.
>taller DISGUST me
>want a giant bf
>His cock notts your pussy Soo hard
TFW I'm allergic to dogs, why is good so cruel
Whew, that's arousing as fuck. Is no other autistic's fetish a human enjoying themselves and not caring who sees them? It's how autistics learn true communication.
Mouth could be a bit wide, slightly more cheek definition and she'd look a lot like she was having a proper soul orgasm with that dog.
Manlets are disgusting
tallest guy in class yet still no gf or any female contact
>tfw 6'2 and talklessvirgin
Most people shorter than me I find build a story in their head about how important/special/strong you must be because you are different from them. Height is a big thing to mother nature.
just wish that i was born somewhere that isnt fucking eastern europe because women mostly care about your face/money and your physical build
>tfw one shoulder is lower than the other one
>tfw i literally look like wojak
bitches b dum
if your 5'10 jus say yur 6ft
I don't know the culture of eastern europe so can't comment on how its language likes its male/female pairings to meet and mate.
All women though are soft, warm memories that look for some integrity in a man to melt around/over. Integrity just means no matter what another does, will you still be you?
Looks like a chad won't help you if you're a complete autismo.
>t. Diagnosed autist who is 6' 4" with above average appearance
Universe, would I be considered the Chad of autists purely because I wouldn't leave one of my own behind? If so, can't I have some better thing to present/gift them?
They don't deserve to suffer like I did until the age of 34.
>When you're 5'11"
King of the Manlets.
I spent the last 15 years thinking I was 5ft10 and felt okay about at least being average for the US and maybe even slightly tall for a half asian person.
Then I found out last week that at some point I measured myself wrong. Im really 5ft9. Shouldnt make much difference, but honestly I had tied a small part of my identity to at least being statistically average height.
Mention it in my family group chat that Im actually 5ft9.
My sister: oh I always thought of you as short
women here mostly care about your pesonality and appearance
my mates are about 5'4 and 5'7 and they both had at least one relationship and they both have no problems talking with women
i guess being a incel is a punishment sent by a higher force
Then I stand for the incel, I fight for the brother whose memory feels like another wouldn't want the warmth of a woman for him.
>Father Incel
I discard that which is cause for men to burn. I know the men that women want to see rise as all others burn.
The incel who educates and embraces everything.
>I love you
if i actually won the genetic lottery i'll be about 6'3 or 6'4 cause muh dad
(side note: everyone in my family is and was an extrovert and a chad/stacy and nobody can relate to the fact that i try to avoid human contact)
America is retarded
Feels good sometimes man
I avoid human emotional abuse. The fact that humans haven't figured out that 'you' guys are awesome is beyond my capacity to fuck sluts.
Im like 6,56 in this retard system, (197cm in normal) and it makes your life a pain, you cant choose what you want to wear, you cant choose which shoes you want, which trousers... you choose if it suits you or not, plus constant headache of bumping into stuff... and girls? irl they dont care as much, at least not about me so...
oh dear christ yes, I fucking, FUCKING HATE, shoe shopping. Worst fucking thing is those sales people that say, "You're going to have a hard time finding shoes that fit you."
Really dipshit? I haven't fucking lived with my feet longer than you've been selling things that go on them? If I'm autistic then those salespeople must have hyper autism because they think the shit they repeat is helpful to someone who UPON IMMEDIATE AND OBVIOUS INSPECTION would have full awareness of the problem. Your feet only fucking grow as you age and if I am THAT tall then my feet are already that size, yeah? So not like they need to check my fucking ID for age.
>Tfw 6'4 and haven't had a date in 6 years.
I'm on the slim side of average but not squelette. I have a slight receding hair line. I've seen guys shorter than I with worse hair who have a gf. Your height has nothing to do with it, charisma is king.
>ugly face
Would trade height for face gains
47 2/3 (eu) like anything 13+ in uk measurements, I got some cool adidas sneakers in 49 so after like 4 years i have a tiny bit bigger shoe, and gosh damn feelsgodman
Not him but I am 6ft6 and have never been asked my height in person outside of church by old people who remembered when I was like 5ft.
(6,5something) im being asked ona fin daily basis qui-de and I hate it desu, i stopped growing like 2 years ago and everybody keeps it like, OHMAGAD UVE GROWN AGAIN
... ffs smoltards
I'm a size 13 UK. Fun story, it wasn't until I was ~23 when I realized that my feet were always IN PAIN from shoes because .
These shoes were the first things that actually taught me that wearing them wasn't some test of discipline or some shit.
I put them on and my feet just fucking melt. I have to buy a new pair already but trying to find shoes that are comfortable and everything is so fucking hard when finding even one is a godsend. It's like you can't understand how awesome nice shoes are to wear when you are forced to take whatever you can get.
just buy a pair of vapormaxes and you're good as long as the air bubble doesnt pop
(as far as i know the only color past 46 eu is either fully black or fully white
Do yoy talk to people? I am apparently really attractive but I almost never talk to people, my voice is super hard to hear, and I do not think I look approchable so mostly people not talking to me is my fault I think.
they super seem like shoes i wouldnt wear if anyone was near, but they seem comfy desu
Well, I guess that's my next shoe or my name isn't autistic poo.
Fuck other people. I don't care if they look like grandpa slippers, they as comfy as a virgin's warm vagina.
xmmm well im pretty extroverted (and it only brings me into social trouble i cant handle afterwards haha) but I guess I do, but I dont think it has to do much with it
It doesn't work in Europe, I'm 6'4 and I'm more like a freak to women than a potential mate
>Almost perfect face
I would trade my face for height gains. I'm good with girls but NO ONE RESPECTS ME MALES HERE DON'T SEE ME AS AN ADULT
youve got my Fs fren. kinda sad it works like this (murica?) I mean yes, im taken more like adult by others but w/e, at the end of the day it doesnt matter if i look shitty
>fembot cancels our meet up
>know it's because I am trash and not good enough for her
Not just trash, a trash orbiter. You have no gf and no dignity.
Why do you want to be a chatbot that just repeats what you've been told was emotionally abusive?
Sounds like an algorithm.