Rate my progress (4 months of SL 5x5

Rate my progress (4 months of SL 5x5

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Look exactly the same with added shoulder

not bad. keep lifting. don't cut until you have serious muscle mass

youll make it fren, already lookin better desu

Some decent looking progress brah. Keep lifting, of course

Really good progress. Wider shoulders.

All memeing aside you made some good progress bro. Do like the other user said and put on more muscle before you do a big cut. You'll make it.

stomach, forearms and traps stayed the same but still good progress

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

From awful to bad. Keep it up but remember you’ve got a long way to go still

Looks good but you got tiny nipples, 0/10 would not suck those nipples

Nice chest gains.

Horrible. You should have eaten less to lose that disgusting belly.
You just got fatter.

great improvements brah, improve your diet and move to a more advanced program

Attached: RogerSmith.png (849x1790, 971K)

you fucking faggot kek

Nah he's got more chest definition

you need lats

lurk more

Not bad. I would recommend moving beyond SS now since you're arent a total noob at lifting

I'd still consider myself a noob at lifting. My lifts for 5x5 are:

Deadlift - 100kg
Squat - 60kg
OHP - 50kg
Bench - 80kg

How is your squat lower than your bench on a program with twice as much squatting as benching?

Looking good bro, are you on a cut too?

I've made slight modifications. My routine is:

Day A:
-Deadlift 5x5
-Bench 5x5
-Chinups 5x5

Day B:
-Squat 5x5
-OHP 5x5
-Dumbbell rows 5x5

So I bench as often as I squat.

No, I am not interesting in lowering my bodyfat for now. Just gaining muscle mass.

t. retarded

Still, you look better / thinner now because you had no muscle mass before.
Just make sure to set a bf% limit if you're bulking because the noob gains will stop eventually and you will start getting fatter.

drop that shit and do PPL, thank me in 3 months

PPL is an advanced program

What was your body weight progress?

before: 70kg
now: 83kg


how can you tell his shoulders are wider? he is in different poses

>4 months

You're a beginner, you don't know shit about lifting and you think you can just modify a program like that?

You'd be better off dropping the chins and doing squats 3x a week like the program intends. Don't forget that squats are the ultimate lift for beginners

>I have autism

Nice pear shape, you look really soft and squishy

you had birthing hips before, you have less of them now, it's up to you whether this is a pro or a con