Anyone here ever used a posture corrector? Did you notice any difference after using it for some time?

Anyone here ever used a posture corrector? Did you notice any difference after using it for some time?

Attached: Best_Posture_Corrector_large.jpg (480x480, 27K)

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just do yoga and lift lol

Didn't knew this thing existed. Is it worth it?

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does it even matter if your 5'4?

Who's 5'4?

nah, i brought it and found it just clunky and annoying. stop using.

>400 bucks
>shit review
>probably uncomfortable af, especially if you work in heat

I do lift, but most of the day I'm sitting around at one place or other. Decades of this shit can't be healthy for my back

Literally just do this shit twice a day:

this is stupid as fuck. If you have poor posture its because you have some sort of muscle imbalance. Using some fucking elastic to force your body into proper posture just allows those muscles to get EVEN WEAKER OVER TIME thus making your problem worse.

If you want good posture then do lots of squats, DL, and weighted chins.

>If you want good posture then do lots of squats, DL, and weighted chins.
Spoken like someone who has no clue about the topic.

what is that currency?

Bruh those are rupees. So like 6 dollas.

Pajeet bucks

just get metal rods in your spine bro

Just do facepulls bro

That thing is massive, there's much smaller ones

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>needing a copestrap
Jesus, just lift and be mindful of your posture. It's not that hard.

Posture correction devices are a meme, you have a musculature imbalance.
You will never fix your posture wearing this shit because the moment you take it off it will be shit within minutes. And no they will not correct your musculature imbalance no matter how much you wear it.

Those things are 100% a scam, I’ve seen the ads for them on Instagram or wherever. I mean the price tag and non existent reviews should probably have been a red flag OP

Fantastic way for the dirty money-grubbing Jews to snatch all of your hard earned money.
>banded face pulls will fix you

Spoken like someone who has good posture*


>the price tag and non existent reviews should probably have been a red flag

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That doesn't mean you know shit about how to _obtain_ good posture lol
I would know because I actually had bad posture and now have good posture

Looks like a kinky harness lol

Looks like it only keeps you from slumping your shoulders foreward. But you can still have shitty posture by pushing your hip foreward and your shoulders down.

Your supposed to build the muscle and the muscle memory to keep you in that posture. Using something that holds your back up for you is going to have the opposite effect.

do facepulls nigger

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Jow Forums niggers dont know what they are talking about. listen to this man who is actually physically fit.

This. It's not going to fix anything if you're looking for that. But it does have uses when you want to look good during events and shit

just stand up straight, faggot

Second this. I bought the relatively small one for the upper back and it’s more annoying than helpful, and it fucks my shoulders up while driving.

>if your posture is poor, actively correcting your posture won’t help
Wow, ‘tards can even use the internet in 2019. Neat.

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yes. I have one. It kind of hurts to wear, but it does temporarily correct your posture while you wear it. I think if I wore it everyday it would help permanently. I stopped wearing it regularly since it wasn't that comfortable.

Actively harmful from what I remember reading. Posture is determined by muscle tone. i.e. how tight each muscle likes to be when you're not consciously moving it. These supports disengage the muscles that should be engaged, and activate the muscles that shouldn't be.

You're better off going for the exact opposite. If you're shoulders are slumped forward, using a band around your arms that forces your shoulders to be even more slumped, your backs muscles will try to resist, and when you take off the band, your muscles will have tighter tone and therefore better posture.

It's a fucking scam as is any 'ez solution' to 'poor posture'. Long term just tuck your chin back, do upper back stretches and make sure to not neglect medial and lower trap muscles to prevent rotator cuffs and upper traps from causing tightness and rounding.

I swear to fuck some people are more gullible than eastern european housewives.

I got the same one off amazon not too long ago. You can’t wearing it under cloths, it’s uncomfortable, your mobility is greatly restricted. Does it work? I’d probably have to wear it everyday for a few months to see results, which isn’t gonna going to happen because my job requires lots of manual labor and I really doubt you can even get full range of motion with it in the gym . I’m going to do yoga and lift to fix my posture like another user suggested

I had terrible posture in high school. I asked my mum to whack me over the head every time she saw me slouching. No issue since

>Spending money for fabric to do the job 90% of people are capable of doing unconsciously

Attached: d2b.jpg (1080x1078, 97K)

>Be me, 28 yo
>at restaurant with some people
>cute waitress, around 20, looks at her a couple times because im a straight male
>when waitress drops the menu in front of me she says "i'm half your age"

Attached: bluthfacewhen.jpg (343x357, 59K)

If you add some mobility and stretching exercises to your routine, it'll correct itself over time. It won't be perfect, but it'll be a massive improvement.

just correct your posture

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No, because now you have a piece of elastic pushing you into place rather than USING YOUR MUSCLES to correct your posture. So your muscles will just get even weaker over time and your posture even worse.

Learn to think critically.

speak to an orthopedist. oh wait, you are all americans and have to pay 1000$ for an appointment, I forgot


I used one of those for 30 days. Wore it for 5 hours per day. Took before and after pics and it didn't make any change. Im going to try face pulls now.

Just do this every day and save your 500 dollars

i would run all those on fakespot to see how many reviews are legit or fake

Just lift. If your back is strong you'll naturally assume a better posture


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what about this kind of shit? anyone ever try it?

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fuck off boomer

it's not worth it. it's also uncomfortable and you won't use it. instead what you should do is research whatever posture issue you have, and do the relevant exercises and stretches to correct it. I've been working on my lumbar lordosis for 3 months, and am definitely noticing some improvements.

for general posture and overall coordination though, nothing beats swimming.

>parents saw i was a skinny 13 yr old prone to flu and a little asthma
>5km run every day at 6pm
>become skinny 15 yr old less prone to flu and asthma, with porsche turbo legs
>begin martial arts at 17
>become 19 yr old who can kick ten feet in the air
Thanks ma n pa.

Run, bitches, you can't slouch running for 15-20 minutes, you'll correct your posture or die.

I've been using the method of visualizing a string holding my head up and that's helping a lot. Well it feels kind of awkward when I'm doing stuff where I should be looking down and I'm just refusing to let my head come down. But I tell myself that the only way I'll ever be the alpha male is to keep it up high

Just tried this before going to bed. Thanks for the video.

I’d buy one, but it honestly looks like a bra.

There are other ways to improve posture