So I want to get into wrestling.. any user wrestlers here that can givr me some tips and what I can expect on my first training session?
Are you in high school? If not then you cant get into wrestling.
how old are you? depending on your club/gym/whatever you might be wrestling with teenagers so if that's the case expect to get manhandled by athletic twinks
You will be extremely tired.
Focus on technique and form. Master the basics - stance, penetration, movement, position, hand fighting. If you build from a strong foundation it will be much, much easier to develop more technical skills later.
I dont live in USA im from Southeastern europe and there are wrestling,boxing,jiujitsu clubs here that havr nothing to do with HS.. Such a retarded system you amerifats have
>Southeastern europe
Do Greco-Roman. That region is much stronger in greco than freestyle.
inb4 b-b-ut muh medalists. Most of those countries import muslims from the Caucasus who win all their freestyle medals. They have been wrestling since childhood and you will never catch up to or be able to compete with them.
Im interested do will I get thrown around like a trash bag as a begginer since I dont want my ribs to break
I dont know whats the situation here in Croatia with wrestling I have to research the subject a little bit more.. I have time since Im thinking about joining a club in about 2 months
Tell the truth about your inexperience and probably not. They will teach you how to fall. You will be manhandled but take it as a learning experience, everyone gets rekt the first time they step on the mat. Any good gym will not allow wrestlers to injure a newbie for shits and giggles.
Greco-Roman 100%.
>im 17
You dun fucked up.
Thanks man. The only thing that scares me about wrestling is all those takedowns shit looks like it hurts like hell
Mats are made to lessen the impact. When you're wrestling the adrenaline keeps you from noticing pain unless you get injured. After your first few practices you will be sore all over but you'll get used to it.
Go for it man, give it your all. Wrestling has had a tremendous positive impact on my life and I heartily recommend it.
Sign me up
I wrestled throughout high school here in the states and I wholeheartedly agree with > Wrestling has had a tremendous positive impact on my life and I heartily recommend it.
It's not a retarded system. You know how in Thailand, there are kids at 7 years old are competing and how it's common for people in their early 20s to have had 200+ fights?
Wrestling is the muay thai of America. We put our kids in it super young and by the time they're 18-20, they're absolute killers.
As a result, it's SUPER hard to get into and good at later in life because your competition has been training since essentially they could walk
>Wanna get into wrestling
>30 years old
>everyone just does mma or other gay shit
Guess I'll just lift weights and treadmill for the rest of my life
How is building muscle gonna work if im going to be sore after every training? I want to do calisthenics and wrestling will I be able to do that or am I just gonna have weight lifting trainings with my wrestling club?
*hard to get into and get good at
I'm 24 and want to get into wrestling as well. I have to start though. I know it's going to suck and I'll be manhandled on the regular, but I have to do it. I can't be a pussy and if there's ever a situation where I need to use wrestling to save myself or another person but don't know it, I'd never be able to forgive myself.
Oh but I guess I'm already doing striking and grappling and wrestling is the glue between the two.
Wrestling is the greatest sport ever. I absolutely love it. It will be extremely exhausting no matter how prepared you are. You will be sweatier and more tired than you ever though possible. Another warning: You will get absolutely manhandled at first. Most people quit because of this. You have to tough it out. Be a good training partner. Practice good hygiene and cut your fingernails. Work on the fundamentals, especially your stance and your shot. If you do Greco then your fundamentals might be different, maybe arching or something, idk. Ask questions, even if you think they might be stupid. Watch college/international wrestling in your free time. Be a good representative of the sport. It's becoming less and less popular and we need good people to stop that. Don't be afraid to fail. It's extremely hard, but that makes it even more rewarding when you get good. The first few months are hard, you have to push through. Good luck.
wrestling is for manlets. if there is anything inefficient about your body, it will be exploited. prepare to get your arm twisted and your legs flipped over your head by an angry manlet. you will get bloody noses from elbows and probably ringworm if you do it long enough. it is by far the hardest, most demanding, most unforgiving and difficult sport there is and literally nobody will care about your accomplishments. there's nothing like it and i miss it.
Concur. Even the douchiest wrestler is a better teacher than the most humble MMA guy. Outside of that, random tips...
-Traps and upper back are important muscles. A smart knee-jerk reaction to falling is flare the elbows, but this can give up your arms. Being able to retract your scapula, but not giving up grip, is hard, but IMPORTANTE
-YOU WILL BE EXHAUSTED. Recovery is key.
-ATTENTION TO DETAIL. The best of the best always know the pseudo-legal dirty tricks, but will generally not share.
It will be hard at first, but your body will adapt after a few weeks. Eat a lot and sleep a lot.
I'll take you down 1 2 3 leather head.
>that pic
Oh, now I remember why I stopped coming to this board, gives me more boners than /hm/.
Shit I just wanna run into that gym and start training right now! These things you said motivate the shit out of me!
This. I started when I was 16 and I was going up against kids who had literally been wrestling for a decade. Kids who have been lifting and wrestling since they were 6 are absolute hammers, I can't even describe how strong they are. I thought I was strong in high school with my 3pl8 deadlift, these kids were monsters.
That's the spirit. Learn to embrace the grind and it becomes pretty fun
Ex wrestler here from Croatia. I trained a long time ago but as far as I remmember here's a short overview. Trainings usually last from 1.5-2 hrs. usually consists of short cardio session with dynamic stretching excercises. Then you do some gymnastics and after that goes practicing technique and sparing for rounds. If you're out of shape or/and smoke you'll die. If from Zagreb go to either metalac or Zagreb. Lika is good as well. poyyy
Also, they don't hurt as mats are soft enough
Why can't we do collegiate wrestling after the school system? I just want to get back into it bros, I did it a couple years and quit before high school to focus on other sports. I regret that now and want to wrestle again, but you have to be in the gay school system it seems. (((bjj))) is only grappling option now. Sad!
I'd like to add onto this a little bit. During wrestling season, there's usually 2-3 dual meets and usually a quad/tournament EVERY WEEK. Could you imagine this in any other combat sport? 3-4 competitions per week for 2 months? And every other day of the week there's practice. Even at the college level the frequency of matches and practices is insane. I used to go to a wrestling summer camp every year in which we'd be practicing or having matches for 6 hours total every day. This is part of the reason why wrestlers are so good in MMA. We've been practicing like this for decades by the time the competition has started.
You should smoke after your sessions of vigorous form and texhnique sessions followed by intense sparring and calisthenic gymnasticks until failure is not an options i need more. Renember first in last out. First outer inner last (foil) you're sure to win
You could just go to an MMA gym and take the wrestling classes alone. Though it's way more fun and useful if you combine it with everything else.
>get manhandled by athletic twinks
You're exactly the type of person who should do it, but for the most part those people are too pussy to show up.
Normally I shit on America, but he is right here. The connection between schools and sports literally only has benefits. However the NCAA needs to stop being slave owners.
Just expect to be worn the fuck out. It is much more cardio testing than any other sport. Jujitsu is shit, boxing is shit, marathon running dog shit. You will burn in your chest like you drank acid cuz you are. I wrestled for a long time and if I still could I would. If you want tips just be sure to run and keep your fucking head up.
After high school your chances are slim unless your college is one of the few with a team (or has a mediocre club)
After college, folkstyle and collegiate wrestling are pretty much nonexistent, except for some MMA gyms will have some sessions of wrestling practices which are more similar to folkstyle than freestyle
i wrestled in highschool and still do drills and stuff by myself, if you dont have any experience in being thrown around u will get hurt, remember to stay compact so u dont break a limb or ur neck, u will get injured slightly somehow in the beginning but u will live. prepare to puke after practice, even the experienced high schoolers puked very often. and no u wont be doing any weight lifting on top of this, if u want to work out ontop of wrestling practice it should only be running/active recovery. good luck stay safe
lurking here but just wanted to chime in. i played football in middle school and looking to get into wrestling next year but i have body acne. i know it sounds stupid and superficial but how would this affect me wrestling? i practice good hygene bu i have back acne and acne on my legs dunno why just do. will this affect me?
Learn breakfalls
no, u can wear anything u want too, nobodys gonna be in singlets dude