People who eat healthy, go to the gym, and still smoke cigarettes...why?
People who eat healthy, go to the gym, and still smoke cigarettes...why?
ever heard of addiction?
Better smoke as a jacked dude than a skinnyfat blob.
Bc i enjoy all 3. What faggot is willing to throw away a pleasure for like 10 more years of life? All your friends are dead
desu if a smoker actually do eats healthy, regularly exercises and specially do cardio, the smoker will be healthier than 80% of the population of this god forsaken planet (unless one smokes >75 a day)
no excuse, especially with medications like chantix which make quitting fairly easy
also you're senile
Ever heard that it's awesome after a meal?
What's the healthiest alternative you guys have for stress relief? Love workin out but it doesn't clear stress from me
interesting point. most people i know who get butthurt about smoking dont exercise or watch what they eat at all
People who smoke are retarded
throat ache
smell like shit
look gay and tryhard
women dislike it
until they get lung cancer and die a horribly painful death
As with all things, everyone's body is affected differently. There's no proven studies that show exercising lessens the harmful effects of smoking. That much I can tell you.
it's definitely unhealthy but if one is going to do it, better do it while maintaining other healthy habits
some might, some won't.
quite a bit of people that reach 100 years of age smoked cigarettes, plenty of documented cases.
>inb4 shill
t. Chantix shill
As a Nurse I can safely say you're a coping retard. Smoke devastates you regardless if you do those things.
>implying exercise doesnt help lung functionality
I like it.
Calming hobbies. Meditation, vidya, painting and of course, DUDE WEED LMAO (in brownies, of course. don't want to purposfully inhale smoke).
>What's the healthiest alternative you guys have for stress relief? Love workin out but it doesn't clear stress from me
Meditation, if done properly, is amazing for removing the weight of stress from your mind. It all starts with taking deep breaths. I call that 'working out' for your soul.
for the glory of satan of course
that we smoke doesnt mean we have to be unhealthy in everything you know
Not a shill, but Chantix did help me get off cigs. It's pretty effective and my insurance paid for it 100%.
because that cigarette on the walk home from the gym on a crisp autumn morning feels fucking amazing, pussy
Where did you read working out strengthens your internal organs? Look, just have a (You), eat a hot pocket, and reevaluate your take on life, good sir.
>I like it.
fat people like sitting around eating cake and not exercising, doesn't mean it's healthy
>not being a nicotine-addicted weak willed loser makes you a pussy
do they not teach you how to interpret texts in nursing school?
Doesn't that stuff have a shit ton of side effects though? I've never seen one of those ads that didn't come with a laundry list of cons to them.
Lmao just use a mouth fedora
Potential side effects...yeah, they warned me chantix may cause suicidal thoughts when I picked it up at the pharmacy. I didn't have any side effects though, just made cigarettes taste nasty as fuck.
yeah, why not just use nicotine patches?
Youre right, olympic runners and fat fucks have the same internal conditioning. Seriously what the hell
because if you're serious about quitting, chantix is way more effective than patches or gum. there's been studies on this.
The only thing you should quit is the shit in cigarettes.
Nicotine is a god tier nootropic.
Quitting smoking has been one of the smartest decisions I have ever made in my life. I don't smell like an ashtray, my cardio has improved, I have way more money, and I get look down on disgusting smokers.
>woman dislike it
disregard this post. all women think smoking is bad-ass even if they pretend not to like it and “get mad” at you for doing it. girls always get so giggly and bubbly when i tell them that i smoke
then you only know fucking retarded worthless thots.
every respectable woman finds it disgusting and most likely would not bear children to a man that will have shite health by 50
What? Either you are in highschool or live with white trash tier women.
This is reality
So OP makes a thread about it
Nicotine is still bad for your cardiovascular health.
Obviously because it’s enjoyable retard. It’s possible to enjoy eating healthy, going to the gym, and smoking. You can like those things without trying to maximize your healthiness. Not everyone cares about possibly having an early, painful death.