If race is a biological reality, why isn't there a race chromosome scientists can point to?
If race is a biological reality, why isn't there a race chromosome scientists can point to?
scients arent allowed to talk about it since end of ww2
Also, why is there far more genetic variation within "races" than there is between them?
It's almost like the idea of white supremacy is based on lies or something idk
because race is just a bunch of genetic traits that people tend to have in set patterns, and it is these combinations of gene traits that we have defined as races. However there is no actual binary for what race you are or arent, hence the unfortunate sjw oversimplification "race is a social construct".
What are these genetic traits?
>Conspiracy theory
Yrsh, kind of like how the moon landing was a hoax
Dark skin:
The MC1R gene provides instructions for making a protein called the melanocortin 1 receptor. This receptor plays an important role in normal pigmentation. The receptor is primarily located on the surface of melanocytes, which are specialized cells that produce a pigment called melanin
But there are genes for earwax consistency, predisposition to diseases, arm-hair - it's insane.
Like said, not allowed to be discussed in public, in the west, since 1945. First comment best comment.
I'm aware that there are many genes that determine different things, but how do these genes define "race", especially given the fact that there is more genetic variation among the defined "races" than there is between them?
this guy explained it: lazy sjw answer: it's a social construct so you can safely ignore any biological determinism or race based genetic science
big brain answer: it's biologically determined, but everybody should have an opportunity to thrive, and we shouldn't let the truth lead to unsavory things like eugenics, tribalism, purges, caste systems. We can handle talking about the biological basis for race (patterns in genes that determine socially important traits) without regressing into fascism or wild hierarchies of value based on these traits.
Gr8 b8
>dark skin is just caused by a pigment gene
>mfw races are different only because of a pigment gene
There isn't except within sub saharan Africans and that's only a matter of definition. If Europeans actually cared you could probably separate niggers into 5 classical races but they are all retards except Ethiopians so it doesn't really matter to us.
Yikes just like how they thought ceasar was going to be assassinated or watergate. Lol you'd have to be an idiot to believe humans struggling for power on a level you could never imagine would ever scheme in secrete.
What's wrong with tribalism. Why do we HAVE to love together?
Yeah we all know that we are closer related to caucasoid black people in the horn of africa than they are with some khoisan or abbo nig offshoots of humanity, because they are different races, duh.
>frog poster
OP is right, but he's also a fag. White nationalism/supremacy is just laziness. "I'm not all that good, but famous people in my culture were the same skin color so I must be above those stupid niggers"
>tfw retarded
Yikers sweety poo
Its not about that. Why do you trannies do this? Just shill. Its so obvious.
Dude orange is closer to red than it is to yellow. Ha therefore colors don't exist
Because race isn't a result of one "chromosome", it's a combination of many genotypes.
>Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity.
Read this very carefully and tell me again how race isn't genetic.
Man i hate Jow Forums am i right my fellow robotics people?
Why not group all people with an IQ of about 100 as the same "race"?
Why not group all people with opposable thumbs as the same "race"?
Why is it specifically skin color and where your ancestors were born (which is funny because all people originate from Africa)?
I think you meant sweaty poo, pigment bro
That sounds obviously false. So you're saying different white people (Russians and Spanish or something) are further apart than Russians and Blacks? Or Blacks and Asians? Do you even think about the information that's given to you as "scientists say..." before accepting it a gospel?
But duude. Theres one tribe in Africa that more closely related to germans than germans are to middle easterners
You could spend hours giving these people evidence and they will refuse to see the obvious implications.
Its just weird becuase the more the human genome is mapped the more abs more obvious it is becoming. You can't deny reality forever just becuase it might conflict with the bible er progressive ideals or maybe they can, who knows.
Are you retarded OP.
Honest opinion, did you hit your head as a child?
Because racist poltards are literally all boomers who grew up with boomer beliefs. Race was defined to differentiate cultures and values. Blacks and whites were very different, but so were Italians and Greeks. Most boomers dont understand that. Now that cultures may be much more mixed with skin color and nationality, modern humans differentiate on more meaningful things. Boomers are stuck in the past though, they cant handle change.
who the fuck lied to you and told you that race is not in our DNA ?
also who the hell told you that white supremacy is the same as white nationalists ?
first things first DNA determent every thing about you as a person including your IQ and violent reactions to what food you like to eat and how your body reacts to it all the way down to mental disorders
white nationalism is about is in its name nationalism , the US for an example is majority white there for its a white nation , that is why blacks for an example are called a minority that is not a bad thing that is just the nature of its population that is not a crime , no one goes out of their way to make it white it just is , who are you people , why do you sit in echo chambers feeding your self simple silly answers ?
do you know why white people are smarter then black people for an example ? they had a better diet for longer generations and ad to over come natural obstacles that favored smarter people over stronger people , biology is a thing and natural selection is a thing , they didnt have the rich Savana world like the one in Africa that humans have been enjoying for the most part of human evolution in fact people in North Africa had the highest IQ for a time , then it equaled with the ones in Europe , that is even before civilization was a thing , we can study it by the size of the brain compared to the body and their inventions at the time
and yes DNA is a big factor since they manged to LIVE longer and give off springs based on favorable genetics
please people get out of your silly ass echo chambers and do some real science and home work
Honest question*
I'm asking you asking you
Thats what it is. Name one meaningful implication for a loser to claim that Asian people are smarter than those faggot whites?
Because the traditional definition for subspeciation (the taxonomic term for things like race, breed, etc.) is:
Populations within a species that do not typically interbreed.
That's it. And for 50,000+ years of evolution that was true of humans. Africans didn't breed with Europeans didn't breed with Asians.
Lately it has become more muddled, but most people still fall nicely into one of those genetic clusters, see:
Because you fucking retard that's not how genetics work. You can't just group all animals that walk on 4 legs and call them a race based specifically on one trait.
>its just skin color
Why do you continue this lie. Europeans and east asians have the same skin color and look nothing alike. Albino niggers look nothing like europeans but albino indians kind of do.
Its not just a single trait you lying fuck. If you are going to argue at least pretend you understand your opponents position.
Boomers are neoliberals. They were the free love hippies. Its time to face the reality that you aren't a kid anymore
>all Europeans look the same
Cool lol
All Europeans can tell they look European, as opposed to African or Asian. Again, see:
Thanks for the weird opinion, boomer
It's actually true though. There was an incident recently where a scientist simply said, "Hey, maybe we should look into whether the distribution of genotypes associated with intelligence differs between races." He was met with global condemnation for even suggesting it be researched and hundreds of other scientists signed a letter condemning him and asking for his expulsion from Oxford and the academic community at large. Race realists are quite literally the Galileo of our time and cultural progressives are the church.
Yeah bro French people look the same as Macedonians :^)
all im getting from this is that race basically isnt real
Name one meaningful implication of claiming the sky is blue. Its a fact. It doesn't have to have a higher meaning other than the discovery of truth in the natural world.
Please answer me. What is ethically wrong about creating a white nation and preventing non whites to inhabit it? Hypothetically, if the state of montana separated from the us and declared itself white nationalist. Why do you believe its ethically wrong for them to not allow non white immigrants into the country?
Pretty much, yes. yorg
it's because you're not very intelligent, dude.
certain genes lead to the production of melanin lmao
niggers will not birth whites lmao
I swear you guys aren't even thinking of the shit you're trying to bait with anymore
Not an argument.
Try a little harder
Okay I'll do multiple traits. Let's play this game
>130 IQ
>Opposable thumbs
>Small nose
There, I just defined a "race" :^)
Why not use my definition over some other arbitrary one?
So you support the idea that race goes beyond skin?
Your argument
When does red turn to orange. Hur cant answer huh, colors don't exist.
There is literally not enough genetic differentiation between humans to divide into subspecies.
Holy shit you are actually retarded.
>lions and dogs are the same race
>4 legs
>sharp teeth
You aren't even arguing about race but trying to argue about the definition of race. Do you not see how retarded to are? Quick define what a human is.
youre right, the only "race" is the white race AKA humans, everything is a subspecies/subhuman.
so my point is eat shit you disgusting nigger
Literally like literally there is
>more semantics
God you are pathetic. The lengths you go to pretend you are right
There is LITERALLY not enough genetic variation between any humans or populations of humans to be considered different species or subspecies or races.
If you have proof of otherwise, post it
I fail to see how I and another white man have more variations than to a nigger.
I used literally properly. That is how subspecies/race is actually defined, sufficient genetic variation. There is not sufficient genetic variation between human populations, therefore there are no separate races.
I didnt say race doesnt exist.
1. Why is it an ethics question?
2. If you believe in the statistics and stereotypes about white people, your white state would die off with no kids in a few generations.
3. There are countless regions and neighborhoods and companies that are almost exclusively white. The fact that you personally disagree with how the countrys leaders make immigration laws is not an ethical discussion. If you think the grass would be greener if you didnt have to compete with Asians and indians for jobs or whatever, thats just wishful thinking. You are inevitably biased around this subject.
G. Lets agree that suggesting a rule around being white to be part of a group is a valid suggestion (that few people agree with). Lets not allow that agreement to be an endorsement of blatant racism or using race as a proxy for achievement or success. Black only or Asian only groups that focus on that shit fail too.
Because some more general specific combinations of traits is what makes a "race".
There is no specific set line for these and saying that "gene X isnt part of race Y".
Those qualities were gained from adaptation to enviroment and normal natural selection.
The problem with speaking about races comes to the fact that everyone is going to be at a diferent level of reductionism on what defines something and people have to remember that those populations didnt live isolated from everyone else and made border with other "races" so in that border you could normally have a buffer zone of people showing combinations of both races and mixing.
Talking about races, the natives and so on is super complex and very hard to tackle unless you have a degree on it. But both the Jow Forumstard and the sjw shit on it and take their own conclusions for the sake of arguements.
>what is ethically wrong about creating a white nation and preventing non-whites from inhabiting it
(1) Land is not owned, nor is each geographuc area of equal value. The US, Russia, Mid-East, Africa are the most abundant in resources, but due to a history of usage and destruction of these resources, there is no way to ethically assign land to race.
(2) no race is a collective hivemind which supports this. Thus, detractors of all races exist, and the idea is not popular. Reshaping the entire structure of the world based on a niche ideology is literally the few deciding for the majority. Tyranny is ethically wrong.
(3) Reshaping the entire ztructure of the world, even over time, requires the implementation of force and is a violation of the non-aggression axiom.
(4) race is not a useful biological category, as it has little basis in biology. Race is a category which is useful for statistical analysis. Using race to determine if someone MAY have sickle cell anemia is a pragmatic use, but you still have to use blood work to determine this to be the case. Using race as a governmental categorization has always been a method of discrimination. Ethically unacceptable.
(5) The force of other races to exit a country which they were born and culturally doctrinated removes them from their culture and their home country. This is also ethically unacceptable.
Tl:dr stop showing your power level, you're an idiot.
a specie is not a Race
kids please stop this is the most uneducated argument i have ever seen i never post on Jow Forums but i feel like i must i have never seen a collective of people start wrong and to correct them self's they get even worse not sure if you people are trolling or not but you are making it worse please stop
it will take me hours and hours to correct every misrepresented'' fact '' that was presented here and how every '' proof '' is subjective as hell or even in most cases here just wrong
This is not the mindset of any white nationalist lmao, most white "supremacists" just believe there's nothing wrong with being proud of your race, and thinks white countries should stay white. You know, exactly how all other races are being praised for thinking.
Nice straw man tho
You know, East Africans look much different from West Africans. That doesn't negate the idea of there being a black race.
there is no crime in being proud of who you are as a human being that includes your Race , if you think white people should be ashamed due to slavery , black people invited it in Africa and are the ones who sold slaves to america for an example , the first person to legally own slaves in the US was black , fucking fact , and i am FROM Africa so tone down the stupidity
nations that are white have less crime less homeless people and are doing great more then other nations that are not
this is also fact , dont hate it , if you are black for an example just do better dont bring others down just because you cant keep up
Literally nothing is wrong with it, but I think a reason why people don't like to entertain it or think about it is because they think it will inevitably lead to violence instead of just leaving each other alone. I do think a lot more people should just stay away from each other.
Dude its complex. Not really. Tribal peoples are not as homogeneous as peoples who lived in society.
You are arguing semantics is its fucking pathetic.
But again there is enough genetic delineation to claim we are sub species.
Ah yes, race is a totally real thing which is why Italians and Irishmen weren't considered to be the same race and Europeans and Americans until 100 years ago.
Also race isn't a biological thing like species or subspecies because there is literally not enough genetic variation between "races" to define them as such.
Humans haven't been around long enough as other animals to split off into biologically distinct groups.
>one man has white skin, thin nose, light hair and eyes and a specific skeletal/skull structure, builds muscle and has different metabolism
>one man has dark skin a wider nose bridge, more coarse hair, black eyes and hair, different skeleton/skull, stores less fat etc.
Some retard: dude race literally doesn't exist! Where is the race gene? HURR
Also btw elephants are more related to humans than alligators, so does that mean we're the same species? Literally not an argument
>avoid the question
>straw mans
Give me one nation that is exclusively white and has never been pushed to diversify. You can't
Well they look more French than African.
And yes on the borders between Europe and Africa you have swarthy people with some European and some African admixture. This is no surprise.
I'd like to see the mental gymnastics involved in getting to that conclusion. Please, humor us.
Then how come there is? Again, see: I'll try to dumb it down for you guys.
Basically they fed a computer with the genetic data of a few thousand people.
Then they asked the people to self-identify as White/Black/Asian.
This creates 3 groups of people based on their "socially constructed" race.
Then the computer is told to take ONLY THE GENETIC DATA, and create 3 groups so that the members of each group are as alike each other as possible, and as different from members of the other groups as possible. This is called k-means clustering if you want to look it up.
The result? Near 100% overlap between "genetic races" as objectively determined by a computer, and "social races" as subjectively determined by the people themselves.
So for all intents and purposes, social race = genetic race.
>fInD tHe GeNe
weak shit som
Pride in a white race is ethically wrong.
(1) black pride exists because the majority of black americans have no ancestry that they can trace. Due to being descended from slaves, "black" is the only identity they can unite under. This was not a chosen category, and the vast majority would rather be able to claim Ugandan pride or South African pride etc. "White pride" has no such basis, any white person is able to trace their family lineage beyond their birth country, and feel a sense of pride in their actual ancestry, rather than an arbitrary categorization
(2) "White Pride" is thus a dog whistle. The idea itself implies two separate origins: white/non-white. Further deliberation, further exploration of one's cultural roots is encouraged by white supremacists, but it is not the primary focus. Nobody has a problem with British pride, Irish pride, Swiss pride, German pride, etc. The issue is in categorizing all these various cultures as "white pride" in order to create a false dichotomy.
White nationalism may not present itself as such, but it is exactly as I described: ignorant people who seek validation via the accomplishments of others with the same skin pigment
why are lefties so dumb
By 'race' you know exactly what is meant, so stop acting like it's some misunderstood designation. Call it ethnicity then.
why do you think people cross the sea every day from Libya to get to Europe ? because they wanna be oppressed ?
no Africa was doing better when white people were over looking it ,and even before white people arrive to Africa blacks have been killing and even eating one another
not killing but actual cannibalism and not because of hunger there was plenty of food as it still is , it needed white people to enforce laws and regulate most of that mess , just look up history , Arabs had slaves from across the world , Africans too ,the least to ever own slaves were Europeans some places in Europe never even heard of the concept until late history
>Humans haven't been around long enough as other animals to split off into biologically distinct groups.
What did user mean by this?
>Ah yes, race is a totally real thing which is why Italians and Irishmen weren't considered to be the same race and Europeans and Americans until 100 years ago.
Literally not true. Do you think they had to sit at the back of the bus during Jim Crow laws? They were always considered white.
>Also race isn't a biological thing like species or subspecies because there is literally not enough genetic variation between "races" to define them as such.
Why does race perfectly satisfy the conditions for subspeciation then? There actually doesn't even have to be any genetic variation for there to be subspecies.
>Humans haven't been around long enough as other animals to split off into biologically distinct groups.
Why do you get to be the arbiter of how much divergent evolution is needed to reach this "biologically distinct" threshold?
If we apply the exact same standards to humans as we do to tigers, we would say that there are multiple human subspecies.
>tripfag doesn't know world history
It's a dumb shitlib meme. They think evolution can only happen over millions of years.
>Europe is abundant in resource
No. You act as though ethnic nationalists wouldn't be allowed to trade with each other either. Fuck off with your property is theft commie bullshit.
Tyranny is forcing Europeans to accept millions of refuges without a vote. Its you who is trying to change the world. Im a conservative im trying to conserve the old world.
>race isn't
Yes...yes it is. Germany for germans.
You have no substance to your argument. You constantly strawman as well and then flat out lie. Its been proven people in multicultural settings are not healthy and do not trust others.
>white people in africa
order, polio cured
>white people out of africa
horrible place full of disease
Except your argument falls apart when you realize 'Irish' and 'Welsh' and 'German' isn't a race/ethnicity either. Most Northern europeans share common ancestry. We look and act the same, share virtually the same culture and had the same religion and extremely similar languages, even modern creations things like borders have moved around even in the past few hundred years. So there's not exactly one thing that distinguishes one germanic people from the other
Taxonomists determine subspeciation. Are you a taxonomist?
>triggered jannies deleting muh raycis replies in a thread about race
>Most Northern europeans share common ancestry.
>We look and act the same
Sure kid
>share virtually the same culture
>and had the same religion
Different denominations and culture which extends way before Abrahamic religions
>and extremely similar languages
>things like borders have moved around even in the past few hundred years. So there's not exactly one thing that distinguishes one germanic people from the other
Your family ancestry distinguishes one group from the next. You're drawing conclusions from false premises.
none of you even holds a solid argument 98% of the replays i see holds no real science or value , very few actuly said shit based on real data or actual science, if your SHIT does not match reailty as we know itthen you are insane people please get off the internet or at least use it to learn a thing or two i beg you its scares me to see how many of you are there like the dumb ass who started this argument , its like shit and it only attracted flys
Black people can trace their lineage using genetic testing though
Oof this is sad
Roughly half of taxonomists, biologists, anthropologists, etc. believe race is genetic. It's not some fringe position.
That is despite how left-leaning academia is and how people like James Watson get exiled from society for believing that race is genetic.
You can't exactly be a "licensed taxonomist", but I can guarantee you I know more about (human) taxonomy, race and genetics than anyone else in this thread.
thank you for pointing that out
>"Over the past 10,000 years, their data show, human evolution has occurred a hundred times more quickly than in any other period in our species' history."
Appeal to authority
No ur stoopid lmao
Someone's looking after us and going to get the tranny Discords lads. It's happening.
>White nationalism may not present itself as such, but it is exactly as I described: ignorant people who seek validation via the accomplishments of others with the same skin pigment
Actually, it has more to do with wanting to live in a society more like Denmark and Norway than Haiti or Mexico. The conditions of these countries are almost entirely a product of what sort of people live in them.
forgot pic. but yeah fuck tranny niggers and tranny fuckers the guy's right, whole board is fucked and has been
>conflating race identity with race genetics
Only a lefty could be this stupid.
>Europe is abundant in resource
I said Russia, not Europe.
>You act as though ethnic nationalists wouldn't be allowed to trade with each other either.
Trade between a nation which is abundant in resources and one which has been ravaged from centuries of resource mining is unequal trade, and spawns inequality.
>Fuck off with your commie bullshit.
This is not a refutation of an argument on ethics. Make an ethical argument for land distribution that doesn't require breaking the non-aggression principle.
>Tyranny is forcing Europeans to accept millions of refuges without a vote.
Europeans voted for their representatives, who simultaneously aided the US in creating refugees. They are ethically responsible for caring for the civilian lives they've destroyed. The sensible solution would be to stop voting for unnecessary wars which breed refugees.
>Its you who is trying to change the world. Im a conservative im trying to conserve the old world
Separating races by country is changing the world.
>Germany for germans.
Families which have lived for generations outside of Germany do not share a culture or language with Germans, even if their ancestry can be traced that far back
>You have no substance to your argument.
You asked for ethical arguments and have made no ethical refutations.
>You constantly strawman as well and then flat out lie.
Cite strawmen or lies
>Its been proven people in multicultural settings are not healthy and do not trust others.
It's been proven that ice cream sales increase murder rates.
Its really not a hard concept you nigger.
Your parents are closer to you then your uncle. Your uncle is closer to you than your cousin 1st removed. In many small european villages people would marry their 2nd removed cousins all the time. This leads to genetic clustering. You are closer to your family than the village neighbor. You are closer to meds than slaves. You are closer to cuacasions than niggers ect ect.
You act as though there is no discernible difference between your genetic relation to your family and your neighbor
Nice try. Niggers are missing chromosomes.
>the conditions of Haiti and Mexico are because of the people within the country
Hahahahahahjahahahhaha omfg you actually cited Haiti for this. Even having the most basic understanding of Haitian history would refute your argument. Do some research lmao
>Magazine article
Subspeciation is literally determined by experts. I am asking if you are an expert on the subject. I'm assuming you're not. What background do you have which gives your argument weight over the experts?
>half of taxonomists believe race is genetic
[Citation needed]
>what does race being genetic have anything to do with subspeciation?
no they dont ? no human does but DNA is a thing which what makes a person black or white , which also control body mass , bone density skin melanin levels and IQ to name a FEW!
Race is more important than culture. Im honestly not going to bother. You know you're wrong and the only thing keeping you going is that massive ego. Too afraid to admit you might be wrong about something.
Oh and russia doesnt have a lot of natural resources either. Least to compared to the middle east and especially Africa
Hahaha dude like even having a room temperature iq would make you understand you have no sources or arguments other than
>ha u wrong stupid
>small villages used to marry 1st cousins
It is 2019. Genetics have spread for centuries, to different lands. Being proud of your personal ancestry and being proud of all white groupings as a whole are two different things.
>adds N word to show he's not emotionally invested in his belief of racial supremacy to others
>genetic testing
Female slaves were often raped and impregnated by white owners. The tests would reveal them to belong to lots of various different areas. How do you decide which one is your origin?