Tfw weed is accidentally spiked and your tripping the fuck out

>tfw weed is accidentally spiked and your tripping the fuck out

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accidentally and spiked don't go together.

this one time we got some shit laced with coke though. good times.

im not sure if my dealer spiked it but i feel more fucked than ussual

my hearts beating really fucking fast

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unless you live in the ghetto and have shit tier dealers I doubt its laced

who would sell coke laced weed for weed prices? what's the point?

idk i just known something isn't right

any advice?

Just keep calm dude, drink some water

Heart palpitations are actually pretty normal using weed, it's made me anxious before but it's nothing to worry about

Everytime someone I know goes to an ER because of a drug there's nothing wrong and they feel like an idiot, can you call someone you know to chill with you just in case? Having someone might help

I'm really certain you'll be fine but if you cave and go to the hospital don't call an ambulance, it's like 2k down the drain

get someone to drive you

>who would sell coke laced weed for weed prices? what's the point?

we didn't buy it, it was given to us. who the fuck knows why people do this shit, probably thought it was a cool hookup.

thanks i'm just playing r6s but my hearts pouncing like a motherfucker.
ill go on discord
i'll be alright i dont want to go to the hospital just incase nothings wrong
i just bought a gram but my dealer is abit of retard so i think she spiked to for the lols

that makes more sense, are you trying to say the person who gave it to you didn't know? Or that they thought you would enjoy it?

lmao playing an intense shooter def won't help your heartrate

Is she a friend? You should probably go to someone else just in case, or at least never buy anything that's not weed. Maybe jokingly say "what did you put in this?" and see how she responds if you think that's actually a possibility

im just going to talk to my mate ill message her in the morning if im not dead, haha pretty sure she put coke in there

Weed does that user... is this your first time?

no im a regular smoker but i don't no anything else, i usually just get ami which is what i smoke the most so it doesn't effect me that much, i think its definitely spiked

Well definitely drink water, if she did then that's fucked up and i'm sorry, I wouldn't buy from her again or even keep contact because that's a shitty thing to do to someone unsuspecting

my heart rates currently 114bmp im gonna drink some water i feel super energetic

You're just greened out you fucking zoomer, happens when you have a low tolerance and smoke too much good bud. Drink water, jerk off, and eat some food, you'll be fine in 2 hours.

i only had half the zoot, i've smoked 3 and i just go zombie, last time i greened out was a few years ago and it wasn't as bad as this

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Wait.. weed can be laced with stuff?

my friends got laced with lsd once and he pretty much passed out

How the fuck do you lace lsd in weed? lsd can't survive heat.

it might've been mdma or something idk because he stopped buying off that dealer

must have been some potent herb, probably had a high THC content, savour that shit user, having a zoot second time around will be much better

should i smoke another zoot? its already rolled so i dont give a fuck lads

fuck it mate. set me a bun, i'm fucking dying for a zoot right now

haha were do you live mate i'll bike over

i'll meet you near the shop

mate what shop haha

tescos mate, i'll be out in 10, doesn't close till about 11, got a bit of change left if you fancy some munch

based dealer, weed is fucking boring

Thats not even that high, youre totally fine, weed typically does this, its probably a sativa. On a really strong sativa, like a 15$ gram of some high grade shit my heart rate got up to 170

yeah mate meet outside hive tescos ill get some greggs oven sausage rolls mate

>Anonymous 04/09/19(Tue)22:03:05 No.5186
im gonna smoke another zoot anyway

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yeah alright safe. in a bit g-man

what do you play btw bossman? you got steam/discord anything like that?

alright g senpai wag wan senpai nandos innit

xbox and discord ill talk later if you want

yeh safe, whats your disc

dsicord and xbox mate if you wanna talk

pope al assad#9342