Veganism is so healthy and natural!

>veganism is so healthy and natural!

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Veganism is an eating disorder. Nothing more nothing less.
They be institutionalized until they can emotionally handle a heathy diet.

veganism is healthy when the alternative is eating meat that is contaminated with all sorts of shit, t b h
I got contaminated from chicken, despite not even ea ting any, turns out my kitchen sink was the culprit, since the bacteria in raw meat spreads all over the fucking place unless you bleach everything
it's fucking insane, I am going meat free because of this bullshit

>Veganism is an eating disorder.
No, really, it's a human death-cult, and their agenda is to reduce the human population down to zero, so dumb animals can 'take back the Earth'. They think we're a cancer killing the planet and need to be erradicated.
>veganism is healthy
stopped reading right there

I get massive diarrhea and headaches from eating at restaurants around 40% of the time, the culpritis always contamination sourced from meat
every single fucking time
I've had enough of this bullshit, I boil eggs and drink pasteurized milk, I don't wanna get fucking cucked every month or so from eating meat that isn't 100% perfectly clean from animal sanctuaries.

>No, really, it's a human death-cult, and their agenda is to reduce the human population down to zero, so dumb animals can 'take back the Earth'. They think we're a cancer killing the planet and need to be erradicated.
They feel guilt for being human even though all other animals do is eat each other.

Your medical problems are not indicative of eating meat being bad. Go see a doctor. Best of luck to you.

>I got sick from a dirty sink
Sucks to be an immunesystemlet

You only need to take b12 every other day

wfpb vegan here

I only take b12. Meanwhile you stinkers are choking down cups of protein, vitamins, minerals, random ass supplements, pre-workouts, post-workouts, snort smelling salts to lift...etc all because your diet is deficient.

Sad you don't respect your body. You put yourself at risk for so many diseases which means you'll be taking even more pills, getting surgeries, hurting, aching, suffering from depression, and looking gross with your disabilities brought on by a shitty diet even before you're middle aged. Hope you get better, user. Shame about your illnesses, but you've been warned.

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if a lifter is eating like they're supposed to, they're eating what you eat in addition to meat. there's nothing deficient about a conventional lifting diet. you, on the other hand, are at a disadvantage comparatively.

face it my guy. your diet exists purely for moral reasons.

veganism is a moral decision. wfpb is a health conscious decision in addition to a moral decision. So no, it doesn't exist "purely" for moral reasons.

You must be a skeleton.

Ha, I used to say shit like that when I was a vegan. Enjoy YOUR pills, hurting, aching, depression, and looking like shit. That is coming for you sooner or later.

Just have an energy drink, all the b12 u need

That's bc you don't cook your vegan shit and eat it raw after it touched raw chicken. Cooking shit kills bacteria.

how weak is your fucking immune system kek
>natural selection

>veganism is healthy


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Dont tell me you put your chicken in the sink

Absolutely based

I have no moral qualms about meat eating, but I haven't been able to partake since the removal of my gallbladder a couple years ago. It can be healthy or unhealthy just like any other diet.

Also, being preachy dicks about how better you are than everyone else is why vegans are so hated.