Found these weird mushrooms on my morning walk today, dubs decides what I do with em
Found these weird mushrooms on my morning walk today, dubs decides what I do with em
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those are airpods
Doenst look like psilocybe simileceata
Stick em in your bum
do a spore test op
ladies and bots we have a dubs
rub your penis on them
Smoke one, eat one put one in your dick
ight, I couldn't think of a way to get em all in there so I just stuck em up individually one at a time and then took them back out. They're all beat up now and smell like shit, but they're now exuding some kind of blue substance.
Dubs again decides what happens next
so...where are the pics?
>casually shoves something up his ass
Lol faggot
Dubs decided. It wasn't up to me bud
you better eat them without washing them first
that blue stuff on the bottom is what you're supposed to look for in psychoactive mushrooms pretty sure
This man is a true trooper, wash them then eat them
You had a shot and you blew it :/
Eat them, make video for us to laugh at
Smoke em
>muted for not originoli
>blue substance
Where are you from user? If they're what I think they are, stick em in coffee grounds and water them for a few weeks desu
>they're now exuding some kind of blue substance.
pics or didn't happen, faggot
If they turn blue when squashed and have normal non-spongy gills, then they are very likely psychoactive. And if you eat mushrooms based on internet identification then you're a moron.
He probably thinks that's how you ingest magic mushrooms
Florida . vhrhrhrgrjrgrurgdudb fudiejedg original original iroginal
Lactarius indigo user, extremely jealous. Edible mushroom
>t. gunshine state user
Lol not even close, fucking retard bro those look nothing alike
>never take the advice of an user
Can't I teach OP a lesson
On another note, pick some more, blend em up, soak em in water, inject some
Ok so fuck
OP, pick some more and grow one, and shove the rest in your dick hole
Not sure what those are, but these ones here are very delicious. Pick them if you see them
>Gold top
>Black gills
>Blue Bruising
That's a winner. Eat if you want to see some shit.
Eat em, figgito
Wat a shit load of them and save one for your dick, the biggest one, stick the biggest one in your dick ree
>blue bruising bolete
More like eat if you want to piss shit and vomit yourself for a week
These are clearly not boletes. Boletes have a sponge under their cap and are big and fat. These are just cute little cubies that will make OP trip balls seeing as how blue they bruised.
If you eat a mushroom just because it stains blue and you're some ingrate drug fag you won't live long
Pretty sure that's a death cap; one of the most poisonous mushrooms you could eat. They are often mistaken as Amanita Muscaria or other Psilocybe Species. Avoid at all costs, and only pick mushrooms if you are willing to risk your life over them.
>imagine search
>Death Cap
I'm not an herbalist or anything, but that doesn't sound very edible.
shh, op doesn't know
what an uncultured uninformed response. You sound like a fellow right winger to me, and if that's the case, I'd like to point out the fact that drug use has been a traditional staple of European culture for thousands of years. Is coffee drinking really degenerate? Coffee is a psychoactive substance with positive effects mind you, unless of course you belong to the miniscule minority that abuses it in such a way as to cause self-harm. In terms of Psilocybin Mushrooms, unlike other drugs they are remarkably special in that they are intensely introspective, they promote neurogenesis, they can be used to overcome addiction, they can be used to overcome mental illness, they can be used to increase creativity, and they can be used to create a larger sense of empathy. Compared to other traditional drugs, psilocybin shrooms are among the safest. Psychedelics can't cause psychosis to those who aren't predisposed. Psychedelics also have no negative impact, as, like I stated earlier, the impact is only positive. If you don't give a shit about what I'm saying, stay uninformed you pseudo-intellectual faggot.
I don't drink coffee nor do I drink soda or anything with caffeine. Coffee and cagfeine is a societal blight
Psychedelic substances, like other prescribed drugs, can be used for self-improvement. The fact that you are browsing this site shows that you do indeed indulge in what may be considered 'degenerate' or 'counterproductive' activities. There are few exceptions to the rule that everything is good in moderation.
You may follow a strict diet and a healthy lifestyle, but the fact remains that you are spending your time on one of the worst boards on a basket weaving forum
He's right about the mushrooms though. Huge amounts of mushroom related deaths are retards who improperly identify their fungi
*Mongolian basket weaving forum
Which is why I earlier stated that anons should avoid mushroom picking at all costs. That was me btw.
That's the key word. An enlightened gentleman as such that use this board should have no problem with the simple task that is identifying mushrooms of the Psilocybe genus.
Identifying mushrooms isn't a simple process
I remember gathering them in the uni campus my home. There were some cows there for veterinary school shit was cash m8 nothing like sleeping hearing the sound of rain and witnessing the sun shining early the next day. You had to get there fast or students would get there first with plastic bags what's up with that go study mofo
put them in your mouth now
Even trained Mycologists make the same mistake that amateurs fall prey too. It's an intricate process that isn't guaranteed to always work.
You know what's more dangerous than mushrooms? People who want to take authority without any knowledge or experience backing them.
put them up your ass
Ok mr. Anarchist but the reality of the situation is mycological authority is an authority for a reason: your safety. That's like saying you don't trust doctors to prescribe your cancer because you can't see it
he already put them up his ass
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