What's your favourite energy drink?

What's your favourite energy drink?

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I haven't drunken an energy drink since i was 11 because it gave me what felt like a heart attack i shouldn't have seen until i'm 70. i made fun of those "i fallen on my old fragile ass and can't get up" commercials but i never thought id be one of them after drinking two monsters in one day.

red bull or monster, relentless is decent too.

havent drank energy drinks in a while and when i did i just chugged them so it makes no difference to me

>I haven't drunken
Looks like they made you retarded too

redbull is unbeatable.

Full throttle any other choice is for fags

Blue V gang gang

This is the one for me desu

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i stopped myself from drinking energy drinks, i had one like every other day. if i go to the vitamin shoppe i have to get this tho.

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>not ultra or original
weird cunt

I can't have caffeine or else I'll have a seizure, but I can make an exception for blueberry redbull because I love blueberry.

bangs are the objectively superior drank

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bang. Preferably Star Power

Coffee cause I'm not an underage b&

monster classic beats all

Did you all forget that Nos was a thing, specifically red Nos, another alright option is ultraviolet (purple) monster

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I fucking love NOS but we only seem to have the grey and blue ones here in jew zealand

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Bang markets their shit through instagram thots though.

Thats a good one but nothing beats the zero ultra.

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For me, it's Monster Ultra Paradise or Ultra Black (cherry)
Good tier choice
Star power, lemon drop, and Pina colada best flavors
Regular monster tastes like garbage, regular zero ultra is ok but as I mentioned Black and Paradise best flavors

i switched from monster to bang they are 10/10

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energy drinks are for teenagers and fat people
dont drink that shit

rockstar punched

i've had 5 today so far

Steel Reserve
o r i are hallowed

Jack Daniels I guess

I started drinking Monster Ultra because memes. It is actually good.

It would be red bull, if it wasn't ridiculously expensive.

This one was surprisingly good.

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Monster Ultra unironically, except for Ultra Blue that stuff tastes off. NOS and Full Throttle are pretty nice too, so is Red Bull but it's expensive. Ordered some Sneak so I'll see if that's any good.

boomer juice is pretty good

bangs are pretty gr8 though and cheaper by a bit


gtfo britfag

NOS is fucking great but I can't find it sold in anything but individual cans.

chances are you psyched yourself up with these delusions thinking you were going to die.

trust me. It's easy to become mindful of your own heartbeat and when you notice it you might freak out. Twice have i "thought" i was going to have a heart attack after watching videos about that shit only for it to be nothing.

also. Monster is my favorite. Originals my favorite but zero ultras not half bad.

These niggas.
>no calories, don't make you fat
>no acids, don't make your teeth rot
>crisp flavor, doesn't taste like syrup

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How the fuck are you even alive

Those Mountain Dew ones are the only ones I remotely like

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For me it's Red Bull
Although more recently I've had to switch to sugar free Red Bull because of the bong sugar tax

That doesn't matter though, to me it's just as good

Is that Sam Hydes energy drink

Honestly I prefer water, but hey energy drinks taste better than that garbage people call coffee..

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We only get 7 types where I live;
Normal, The Doctor, Punch, 3 types of Ultra (Sunset, the lemon one and the boomer one) and one with mango juice.
You can also get Assault but that's only in one specific supermarket

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Yellow red bull goes great with vodka.

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Zero Ultra, Lo Carb, or Absolute Zero. Idk why, I just prefer the softer sweeter taste and I feel like regular monster taste awful and makes me feel bloated all day.

My body literally does not tolerate caffeine. It gives me asthma and anxiety attacks and makes me stay up all night.

>Fucking terrible energy drink
>Takes selfspace from full throttle

better than monster

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I drink energy drinks about once a month when I want to program for sixteen hours straight. I'll drink four or five over that period.
My favorite is red bull. It's really expensive and I'm unemployed, so I've started mixing caffeine powder with orange juice. Yum.
If you decide to buy caffeine powder, make sure to buy a scale.

boomer monsters only

sometimes I drink the red or black rockstar i forgot but its very very rare

This was the best monster I ever had. I found it at big lots after they had already been discontinued and I haven't had it since.

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ITT:: WAGEKEKS giving prescriptions to one another.. sad

Guys I've drank 1-2 cans of monster a day for nearing 3 years now. Will this have any effect on my health? Also the original green monster is superior.

I love this shit. Cheap and affordable, and tastes just like the real thing.

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that blueberry rockstar is actually quite not terrible

trying to kick the sip addiction tho

i don't know about health but you must have spent thousands drinking that much

I've been drinking very little but green apple rockstar ever since I began drinking energy drinks

>no Xyience.

I recommend the tangerine and the cherry lime. Good stuff, you don't crash as hard as you would from a Rockstar or Monster.

heroin mixed with water

12 bags of tea all at once

if youre in central eu, this should be familiar

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>good flavors
punch, sour, cherry
>shit flavors
champagne, cotton dandy, iced tea
>flavors i haven't tried
the rest of them

rockstar whipped strawberr. its pretty tasty desu

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my top 3 in no particular order

>Rockstar Boom (both strawberry and orange)
>Rockstar Pure Zero Tangerine/Mango/Guava/Strawberry
>Monster Import

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