Unless you're actually doing work for competitions...

Unless you're actually doing work for competitions, using a straight barbell for the conventional lifts is hurting you and you should switch to:
Bench press - Swiss bar
Deadlift - Hex bar
Rows - Tbar (handle extension)
Squat - Safety squat bar
OHP - Viking handles or something similar for a neutral grip

There's no debating this, and I wish this advice would be given more often.

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Prove it faggot

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the proof is trivial and left as an exercise to the reader

The burden of proof is on the (((accuser)))

>Landmine anything
Special snowflake Reddit lifts. Fuck off and die, bitch.

I’m glad you didn’t include sumo and made us look bad

Neutral > pronated grip for shoulder health makes specialty bars superior to a conventional barbell on most lifts.
Besides that, there's the aspect of bar path + center of gravity versus center of mass, making hex bar deadlifts, non-barbell rows, and SSB squats safer than their barbell counterparts for your lower back.

Will you buy all those fucking different types of barbells for me, faggot?

>Cleary has no fucking idea how the mechanics of deadlifts, barbell rows or squats work, probably because he hurt himself pulling 135 on deadlifts looking like a cat taking a shit, and now thinks it's the bar that's wrong not himself

As for the presses, there are minimal differences between a swiss bar or normal bar on bench, the swiss bar is simply more expensive and has less utility. And as for overhead pressing with that "thing" in OPs picture, well that's some nice internal rotation there.

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Whenever the textbooks say that, its never fucking trivial

You are a massive faggot.

only one i can agree with is the landmine t-bar row because arnold love them. swiss bars are ok but just use a DB if you want a nuetral grip

hey retard, just use dumbbells when you're worried about shoulder rotation.

also, hex deads are just squats.

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Barbell and fake-barbell movements are all dangerous and make you fat. Modern exercise equipment should be utilized instead.

Bench press - Hammer Strength incline bench
Deadlift - Low cable hip pull
Rows - Cable row machine
Squat - Leg press (this one's a no-brainer lol)
OHP - Plate-selectorized seated OHP machine

Barbells should also be avoided for assistance and accessory work. Try Nautilus machines instead.

Please try harder on your bait this is honestly embarrassing

Fat autistic t-rex detected. Go back to reading SS and jerking off over Chase Lindley.

Nah you're just a faggot. The only guys I see using hex bars are traps and twinks. I guess that's why the call it the trap bar.

I agree with most of those. Hex bar has studies behind it that you can apply to most of other lifts.

Not him but it's always funny to me how angry people get over the suggestion of a different type of barbell, or the suggestion that you should use one rep scheme over another, etc.

0/10 troll but 10/10 retard.

get off this board, no one thinks your funny, no one thinks your right, no one wants you here.

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Think about this though
A straight barbell is more common than a complex one, so why was money on like 5 different set ups when you get one bar and some plates and you’re golden

>Wonder why everyone thinks Jow Forums is DYEL
>See this topic

I'm not understanding how a 300lbs bench press will do anything better for you then a 300lbs swiss bar press.

Almost entirely false

HOWEVER, Tbar rows > bentover rows
this is UNDISPUTALE FACT and any nigger that tries to tell otherwise should kills himself

guys, let the majority just think this is true. This way, it will actually free up the squat rack, benches, anything with a barbell in it for the people that actually want to workout.

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requires more pelvic contraction, so better gains

>benching with a swiss bar requires no bench
>squatting with a safety bar requires no squat rack

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Not everyone has access to these but if you do, you should at least periodically phase them into your training.

oh shit, my bad. I didn't fully read OP's post and just thought they would migrate somewhere else entirely. Fuckkkkk

You don't have to worry, the people who actually know how to lift just get home gyms so they don't have to be around you.


lol, that was pretty cute. Good to know snowflakes like you aren't around real people

delet this faggoty bullshit you pathetic wimp

Lol you're cute as fuck holding your wrists in a straight line rather than perpendicular, putting your shoulders in an unnatural position. What a cute little boy you are.


A lot of strongmen and powerlifters are in favor of completely switching out regular squats for safety bar squats, especially if you're not an athlete requiring olympic barbells for competitions.

Various cases can be made for other lifts.

bahaha, can't even come up with a good comeback to say to me other than trying to mimick me. You soft as a pussy

T bar and regular bb rows work different things as do hex bar deads vs. Conventional. A safety bar squat is basically just a front squat. Honestly most this advice is retarded

You will never make gains lifting with your wrists in a straight line. RIP your physique.

Based. Lmao @ all the skinny fags still deadlifting with a barbell. Since I switched to hex not only have I made better gains but weight and grip has shot up considerably.

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who said anything about wrist angle pussy? keep arguing about some non issue

If you can find a way to rack it, you should try benching or pin pressing (or OHP loading it off a rack) with it to see if you can feel a difference in your shoulders.

Straight wristlet

some real grade school level trolling. You about to go into 6th grade or something?

just kiss already you faggots

I would if I could, but too many years of lifting with straight wrists have ruined his body.

Using the those bars surely would have a negative affect on test levels, no thanks

Those are probably better for your wrists but is there anything showing an actual difference