
didnt see a mire thread for that test boost so ill start
>muscle ups at park
>gotta go to class at 1 so i take off my shirt to avoid sweat
>girl on bicycle riding by, stares at me and bites her upper lip, seems like she didn't care if she ran into a pole
>nofap week 3-4
post ur mires faggots

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Fucking sexy af

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that propane salesman ass

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how do you even get a hank hill ass like that??

why tf do women wear bikini tops with shit hanging from the cups? Are they trying to hide their nipples or make their tits seem bigger?

>cybergoth party
>be shredding on the dance floor, copying techno viking's moves
>some hippy dude with an incense stick in his mouth reaches in and tries to give me something
>sure, gimme
>pours a whole fistful of glitter in my hand
>I don't think twice and rub it on my pecks
>dance some more
>go out for a smoke
>some chick in a fur coat and fake vampire fangs walks next to me, does a double take and freezes for a whole 30 seconds
>wink at her
>she tries to explain her confusion by saying that I reminded her of someone
>introduce myself, compliment her fangs
>go back in
>never see her again
I fucked up.

99% of the chance we only get 1 shot with women, gotta make it count

>estrogen shot when I wake up
>bowl full of full fat basedbean mayo to keep the girls looking good
>wax my upper lip
>pushups from 11-12 to get the girls nice and perky because I don’t have class until 1
>throw on a dress and wig and start riding to school
>pass a boy just done with shirtless muscle ups. He mirin’
>bite my upper lip
>he ain’t drillin’ this hole until this hole gets drilled.

Eh, it's fine, I'm pining over another girl anyway. And this was an absolutely solid, legit mire, confirmed as one by two friends who witnessed it, one male and one female.
I don't know. Fangs. Something about the fangs, I can't stop thinking about that. It's cool. I should go to cybergoth parties more.

I'm legit jealous, i've used to go to raves a lot when i was young, but they never happen around here anymore.

Well, apparently this is a monthly thing here, so I guess I'll go there next month and shred some more like the sick cunt I am.
I wonder if there are any guides on how to dance like Zyzz

you wouldn't happen to be near LA would you

Sorry, mate, I'm in Prague.


>Be me.
>Currently in Glorious Nippon.
>Not getting even a fraction of the mires I did last time I was here.

Just don't know what is going on, lads, I wasn't lifting on my last trip and still managed more mires.

Got complimented for my calves at Canal Parade Amsterdam by a group of gay guys.

I have weak calves as far as I know.

fucking kek, what kind of ass is that, at first I thought this is someones hand photoshopped as ass or what

Are you retarded? It's obviously photoshopped

were rhe mirin you in the first place or was it because you were white

are you that ass and mad now?

It's just so to steal more attention to tits from people around.

How the fuck do even find cyber goth parties

Yes, Yes, we all know that is EZ mode in Japan; which is why I find this of particular concern now.

Got invited by a friend who found it on facebook. I'm as far away from that scene as possible.

is there an oversaturation of whiteys over there now? there is nothing special or exotic about anything if it's not scarce

>constant eye glares
Heh. God bless fraud

but most of the time they cover the tits and make them look worse

Test boost you say?

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I'm in Prague for 10 days user just got the number of a Russian cashier in a vintage store
Feels good man

>biting upper lip
Seriously, I understand the appeal of biting the lower lips, but wouldn't people look like retards biting their upper lips?

t. just bit it in front of a mirror

Good for you. Don't get stabbed.

yo go to Chapeau Rouge bro that place was lit. also prague was awesome but I only got laid once and the girl wasn't that hot.

you solo travelling?

>Chapeau Rouge
Fuck off, that place is a scam. Strippers there are like pidgeons. The only good striptease joint in town is Zlaty Strom.

Wait, I was thinking of Hot Peppers, not Chapeau Rouge, that's a club, not a striptease joint.

more like blueballedition


The thread I got these from is still up!


It sure does. Still it works. Kinda like an object petit a.


Not gonna type out the whole story but I got my first official mires today lads. Older woman called me gorgeous and tried to hook me up with her 31 year old daughter, I'm 24. Absolute qt3.14 shortstack chick who is my mom's coworker saw me take my shirt off (pool party) and proceeded to hand around me the rest of the day and stay very close to me. Mild flirting the whole time, but she is fucking married. God fucking damn bros it was all worth it.

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>be shopping
>see girl I used to work with in one of the isles
>make eye contact
>smile's at me
>smile and keep walking
>10 minutes later on the way home
>get the first message I've ever gotten from her
>Hey user I saw you, you should of said hi

>. Mild flirting the whole time, but she is fucking married. God fucking damn bros it was all worth it.
I don't know if I could control myself man.

>be me
>get neck pain a few months ago
>get MRI
>herniated disc
>get steroid shots
>no relief
>go to neurologist
>need surgery
>3-4 month recovery
>haven't lifted in weeks
>won't be able to lift again until 2020

I was so close to making it

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It was pretty excruciating. Wanted to directly hit on her so bad I found her so fucking attractive. I have zero confidence though, really got to work on that.

Cybergoths are still a thing?

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One day I will post here, one day.

That happened to me with my friend's married aunt. I wanted to fuck her brains out but I had no clue where to do it so I didn't. I'm also kinda crap at making first contact. Self confidence is easy bro, just takes time to build it up, like lifting.

>>he ain’t drillin’ this hole until this hole gets drilled.
Fucking underrated post

>i can say hi tonight if you are free
go for it user, nothing to lose

>I'm as far away from that scene as possible.
>post on Jow Forums
You're closer than you think

Over last week
>lady that was fitting my shirt said i had a wide back
>Dad told me my stepsister told all her teen friends how good looking i am now (was lardass)
>Gymbro told me the gym receptionist was talking to him about me at a party, saying how crazy my wheightloss is and how muscular I now look
>tfw making it bros

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what exercise caused the herniation user?

If girls make eye contact a lot are they mirin me? I don’t socialize so I can’t really tell for sure

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I wasn't doing any exotic lifts but I was going to the gym ~6 days a week, body just wore down.

i'm down trapanon. as long as you pass enough desu

>getting a new shirt
>chick clerk needs to keep handing me larger shirts because they keep choking the heck out of my shoulders and lats
>"wow you have wide shoulders, should've given you the XXL right away"

>that propane salesman ass

>he ain’t drillin’ this hole until this hole gets drilled
kek good shit mane

chloe, is that you?

How do you muscle up m8? I can do one or two in a row but it feels janky still.

>go to a bar with friends
>Bump into a girl who was friends with one of my bros. Knew her from 10 years ago but never interacted with her much back then
>She hangs for a bit
>Grabs my phone and puts her number in it before she leaves for another bar
>Stay to chill with my bros
>My one friend tells me she's blowing up his phone about me and that I should meet up with her
>go to the other bar
>Go back to her place and hook up
>Next day my friend sends me a screenshot of her gushing about my body and how hot I am now

Feels good man

just go somewhere that isn't tokyo or osaka

That's just it, I haven't been to Tokyo yet and I was capable of getting mires in Tokyo.

>tfw lost my mojo.

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>>he ain’t drillin’ this hole until this hole gets drilled.
Fuck i kekd

Sounds like you lost your stuff, sorry dude.

Nice. Keep it up anons

that was the most unsatisfying thing I've ever seen.

Strained my oblique playing softball. Havent lifted in a week. It sucks

Good job m8, I also dropped the weight I'd gained during an injury + more and my face now looks way better as well. Face gains are real, keep it up!

Congrats man. How much did you lose

It could be a number of different things, my guess is if you put on too much weight, you may be mogging them more than you would like

>be me
>waiting in dentist lobby for a routine cleaning
>qt3.14 dentist assistant walks into lobby from the back
>calls my name
>i stand up
>"woah! you look a lot bigger than your client profile pic!"

we made it boys

>be me
>Pump from workout
>Walk into fast food restaurant that I'm a regular at (healthyish and great for macros)
>See cashier guy I'm friendly with
>He calls me a "lover boy"
I appreciate the more, but when will I start getting mires from girls my age

I'm mired by many people, but none of the ones I wanna get with

P.s. I'm still a dyel

>Go to church today
>Another brother died of a heart attack
>I'm getting healthier
>Church elders mire my gains
>Ask to come over and lose their dad bods
>They're coming over Tuesday

>go to bar with my bro and some of his bitch friends
>ladies drink free
>literally scoop the shots of alcohol out of bitches hands, chug it, and hand it back
>get fucking hammered, along with some hot vegan slut, friend of my friend
>she starts grinding on me, autism sets in and don't know what to do
>she wraps her arm around my neck and said "don't worry, just move in a way as if you wanna rape me"
>think to myself what the fuck lol
>unlock chad mode and fucking go at it
>go home
>drink lots of water to the brink of exploding to avoid being hungover tomorrow, it was push day and i was ready to set a bench record
>set bench record

We're going to the bar again this Thursday, what should i do boys

you should make up a green text to get responses on Jow Forums. going through autistic scenarios in your head should deepen your understanding of people. haha

The only thing i lied about on my post was breaking my bench record lol
Have sex incel

Fucking based

Welcome to real life. All the mires are from the people you don't want mires from and all the people not mirin are the cunts you want to pay attention to you.

>should of

I keked

>most important part of the post
>lied about it
Pathetic desu ngl

fellow Utah bro?

> 5-6 years ago
> asocial gamer roommate plays gary's mod
> in some server where it's a shooter, you can post I think they're called "stickies", just pictures onto a flat surface as long as they don't have nudity.
> puts down as a sticker a gif of hitomi tanaka pulling down a tube top, gif ends right before her massive hangers flop out.
> snipes others from a predetermined spot with the best cover/defilade.
I'm now working out how to do the same thing for baiting and shooting coyotes.

> broke bone in dominant hand
concur that shit sucks.

>girl says she will sleep with me
>take her back to room
>take my pants off
>she laughs at me and asks if this is all i have
>Dont know what to do
>Wont stop making fun of me
>not sure if foreplay
>pull all her clothes off and start feeling her
>can't tell if she enjoys or not
> she is fidgeting but maybe she likes it
>am i raping a girl

>fake vampire fangs
whew good thing they weren't real you could have had the blood sucked out of your dick user

fucking based

is this a larp?

should have*

>go to cbd kiosk in mall for that there good shit
>qt cashier ignores me until I signal her over
>she asks how old I am, say 20, whip out id card
>she says "oh I'm sorry! I thought you were younger, don't worry, it's a really good quality"
>she winks at me
>purchase cbd mouth spray and walk away


Long term expat in Tokyo here. Two things.
1 - They mire but they are exceptionally good at hiding it. Know that feeling when you look up at someone and see them quickly glance away? Jap girls are experts at this and look away before you even start to move.
2 - The current standard for men is skinny, frail, oversized clothing to appear even skinnier and more frail, feminized. Look at K-pop boys groups, that is what girls fawn over.
Fortunately a large number of women do like muscular men here but they will never admit as such. You have to take command and make the first move. Mires aren't shit anyways, go talk to girls you think are cute/hot.

>At gym
>See guy that frequents but we've never spoken
>I tell him he's made progress on his traps and ask how often he does the 3pl8 shrugs he's doing
>We talk for a bit
>He asks if I'm on GEAR (100% Natty)
>I say no
> he says it's cool to see guys look good without using GEAR
>Feels good frens

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The path of the righteous man

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What's wrong with it? It gives me social gains.

Dopamine crutch

How can you tell. I’ve got this mid back spine pain. I can’t tell if it’s herniated or not.