Damn... This is so true.
Damn... This is so true
That’s sad. I feel so bad for people with chronic pain.
Uh, is it? I wouldn't have chronic pain so I wouldn't know.
Lifting unironically fixed my chronic backpain though
Omg, so true, i really respect people with chronic pain for this reason
>tfw chronic knee pain stopped after squatting for a while
>back pain always feel better after a rowing session
Get fucked
tell me the OP pic is taken from a porn shoot
My chronic pain ONLY goes away after lifting. If I don't squat at least once a week my knees get fucked up
i did have an episode of chronic pain for like 2 weeks once. Fuckin sucked ass and I always wished for just a minute of relief. Focusing on anything was such a battle. However, lifting did sort of shift my focus away from the pain and onto the weight during my lifts. It was sort of awesome but at the same time my pain wasn't from something I was using during the lift.
>chronic chest pain
>lost weight
>goes away
>chronic knee pain
>start lifting
>goes away
>chronic trap pain
>focus on back:chest strength ratio
>goes away
responsible lifting cured everything i had going on.
omg its 2019 guys, telling someone to exercise is really inappropriate. When will white people stop.
I have chronic pain in my stomach, but it does not stop me from lifting.
everyone i've known who was in "chronic pain" was an overweight drug addict liar that just used it as a lever to get pity from their enablers.
People don't make faggot shit like this when they have legitimate problems. If you know you really would and you know you really can't then it won't hurt your feels.
Also, people don't usually get told to exercise unless they're fat and I don't think chronic pain requires you to eat more than you need.
>crushing loneliness
>fucking hoes
>gets worse
Wake me up inside pls
>don't exercise
>my back (which I've had a spinal injury from) and shoulders feel like they are exploding for every waking hour that I am alive
>they feel good
people who say this have literally never exercised in their lives
>do nothing but sit around being lazy
>body doesn’t possess the same mobility as someone who exercises
>”the answer is clearly to continue doing nothing”
Humans are pathetic.
just convince yourself you're not lonely, it'll take a year or two but it works. It's like posture correction for your brain.
Just depends on what kind of pain, and why it is there. Working the area may actually cause the chronic pain to get better. Knees started feeling better once i got past a month of squat work.
But there does exist real chronic pain that working out can make worse. Shin splints and stress fractures are real things that runners can get. Chronic pain here can be very real, and working the affected area can make it worse.
The chronic pain is most likely due to lack of exercise lmao
You don't know how many times I've tried to help people with chronic pain with remedies that actually work. I've given up. They don't want help, they want to play the cripple so others will take care of them.
>knee pain is always a problem
>goes away during and after squatting for a day
>it's only a problem on rest days now
yeah fuck off
>Had chronic pain in right arm
>left upper chest
>left ankle thanks to a twist some years ago that never healed
>both knees too
>started lifting
>pain went away gradually
>some months into lifting now
>no chronic pain at all
Start lifting faggots.
have you heard of rheumatoid arthritis? there are days that i can´t even close my hands, i mean i still go to the gym, but when there is a flare up, i can barale walk..