Tfw no csgo bf

tfw no csgo bf

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ur probs shit

TFW when no gf to cuck me with Fido
Why live

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Csgo died when they started cracking down on gambling. Should've sold your shit when the market was still high

tfw ywn relive csgolounge glory days

I haven't played for over a year so I'm probably shit at it now.
None of my buddies want to play either.

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m8 im shit too

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tfw no millennial gf to play Nintendo 64 with.

Who will carry us?

tfw bought my first N64 recently but I have no one to play with

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tfw no gf to add on Steam and play games with

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Awesome, what games did you get? I recently got a Jungle green one, always wanted one as a kid.

nigga nigga bitch nigga nigga nigga fried chicken nigga watermeIon nigga bitch nigga nigga white women titties ass

i am a csgo bf would you like to play

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you're too good at csgo and when my family is home my ping is too high and they home

what rank are you la?

i could teach you and be bf if youre not fat
mg1 but now unranked

how can you teach me what do we do

well it takes a while to learn, it depends on where youre at skill wise atm. i can tell you how to play competitive and nades and shit

and sorry, i am a bit fat, but trying to lose weight : (

I got the pokemon edition(not pikachu)
A fair few games, zelda (time and mask), stadium, smash, banjo, 007. I think 10 games all up. I haven't played much besides some kart and banjo.
With the old AV plugs the quality isn't just bad, it's really fuzzy. apparently something to do with PAL systems.

ok sounds scary i'll just cut myself and cry

add me if you want

if u give me that knife i might :))

>almost 3k hours of garrys mod
confirmed erper

i play literally 1 thing on gmod, an obscure zombie survival server probably have 2500 hours on it
never played darkrp for more than an hour

scary and rich weapons idk

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its 2 face from batman reflected

Does someone here play Fortnite or is willing to play at least? Been looking for someone to play squads or duos with.


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Yeah, how many wins you got?

Ah nice all really good games. Yeah apparently because the N64 applies blur filter to smooth out the graphics but it wasn't really noticeable back in the day with composite but you can use a gameshark to remove it. I've RGB modded my N64 so I don't use the standard cables anymore but this Jungle green one has a different board revision so it's not easily modded without a special board but it's basically in perfect condition so I don't think I'll be using it.

Not many I started playing and trying to improve, but it's fun especially now with the new balls they added, it's just fun playing with people

sorry man im straight, gl

are you a faggot or a tranny?

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Yeah, I've read my model is missing some shit on the board. I haven't looked into modding it too much, but pretty sure I'm fucked.