Day 5 here. Planning to go the entire month of august without touching my ding-dong in a sexual manner.


No-fap is about discipline and breaking long-term porn addiction. For this, it works, no doubt.

Discuss strategies, methods and your experience. Report in, make yourself accountable. Good luck lads.

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I jerked off yesterday bc my wife was too drunk to have sex coherently and didn’t want to deal with her crap. But I’m not gonna do it the rest of the month
>inb4 shoulda just done it
Not my style

Every day I spend without committing self abuse is a day I become closer to God. With His help I will cure my PIED.

I like your attitude user. Go with God

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Masturbation is perfectly healthy go- I mean user. Studies have shown that it increases your test, especially when watching BBC inter-racial videos.

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Same, longest I ever went was around 21 days and I'm planning on going the whole month. Also doing a no alcohol August which I believe is more important. My sleep has tanked because of slight withdrawal and no beating my meat to make me sleepy but those are just roadblocks to overcome.

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no thanks
I really love sexuality in general, and everything related to.

Read the hackbook and be done with porn forever. I would post the link but that seems to make the Janny Trannies prune the thread. Look up "hackbook easypeasy" it's on sites(dot)google so it's safe.

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Still the 4th here but Abstain August is still going strong for me. No jerkin', no ciggies, no DUDE. Feeling really good so far, but the morning wood tho holy fuck

It's so poorly written though, is there really a nugget of wisdom that's unobtainable elsewhere?

I once nofapped for 3 months and honestly it just turned me into a fuckboj. I treated girls like meat toys, though honestly they seemed to enjoy it.
Nowadays I prefer sex with my gf two or three times a week plus a wank here and there for convenience.

Unless you're planning on having kids with a women are they really anything more that meat toys? I only have my current gf because she's a good fuck, cook and knows her place I don't intend on this being a long term thing and she knows this

user I'm 5 days in aswell, just wanted to let you know

>It's so poorly written though
True. It takes the successful method to quit cigarettes by Allen Carr and retrofits it to porn addiction, you'll find something there since the rationalizations you make to keep yourself hooked on porn are the same that other addicts use to keep themselves trapped. Just power through it. It's worth it in the end.

Nofap/noporn won't cure your autism.
Growing to beyond whatever you think is the arbitrary Manlet cutoff won't cure your autism.
Roids won't cure your autism.
PUA won't cure your autism.
Yohimbine/creatine/Maca root/other snake oil won't cure your autism.
Looksmaxing won't cure your autism.
Mewing won't cure your autism.
Lifting won't cure your autism.
Dopamine fasting won't cure your autism.
Face-pulls won't cure your autism.
Cold showers won't cure your autism.
Quitting caffeine won't cure your autism.

If you suck as a person, you need to identify real problems and come up with real goals that will bring you closer to the person you want to be. None of these magic pills will solve your life problems, you need to work on yourself in an honest way, and understand that it takes time and dedication to build habits that form a lifestyle that will help you reach your goals. Nofap, and all the other snake oil to which Jow Forums clings desperately are just more examples of how you refuse to do the actual work required to improve your situation.

I've heard that comparison before, makes some sense I guess, thanks

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Do you work for pornhub or something?
Do anons trying to dedicate themselves to something and the camaraderie that comes with it really trigger you this much?

It has been 21 days since I pulled my dick, guys. I went like 75 days earlier in the year, and although I don't think that I'm addicted, I hate the mental gymnastics my brain tries to pull on me to convince me to jerk off. Fuck that! I'm no weak minded beta and will decide when to jerk off.

hedonistic degenerate

nofap seems to actually make more MORE autistic. I become completely robotic. without sexual desire and the increased mental clarity I become this strange orb of consciousness. I'm not saying porn addiction is good or healthy. but when I did the longest streak of nofap I was like this weird alien creature. I used to just walk around the city at 3am with no fear. I was completely schizoid.

how do I learn to have discipline?

In the past I usually just did nofap by solely my will. I went 70 days once, and then 90 days another time. But right now I'm on it, and I have no willpower, but I find that if I pray often, and if I pray whenever temptations arise, then God gives me the strength to resist. I would highly recommend praying often if you're trying to kick masturbation and pornography.