Why do normalfags like this shit so much?

Why do normalfags like this shit so much?

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I like it. It makes me forget about my shitty life for 50 minutes.
Why? Give me another show set in medieval-like period. I would prefer no fantasy. Oh, and I already watch The Vikings.

because the first 4 seasons are pretty entertaining but then it went to shit and became shitty fan service

Only reason i dont like it is because i got in a fight with my bestfriend of five years while watching it back in highschool and wat hing it reminds me of that so i just dont watch it anymore.

They are
A) Horny Normies who wanna watch porn but are too beta to even type pornhub.com
B)"Nerdy Geeks" into Medieval themes

its a socially acceptable way to fantasize about socially inappropriate things.

I look at it in much the same way I look at 50 shades of grey.

Lots of settings and a big world
Lots of characters so most people like someone
Sex & violence
Big production budget
Not much 'filler', relatively
Original book author is on board with the production

It used to be better when characters didn't have plot armor though

because they do not know better user

Couldn't have said it better myself.

And honestly I don't know if I'll make it through S7, it's just so bad.

>Horny Normies who wanna watch porn but are too beta to even type pornhub.com
you can't possibly believe this

1) Filled with feminist garbage and stronk womyn characters
2) Pretty basic entry level fantasy world building and storytelling that doesn't reach the autistic levels they find off putting or associated with being a neckbeard loser
3) Virtue signal fuel for how they're such huge quirky nerddzz XD
4) It's popular so even the ones who don't like it will still bandwagon on and try to like it to fit in

The Last Kingdom my dude.
>tfw no bebbanburg gf

It's popular. That's the only reason normalfags like anything.

the last kingdom is boring as hell.
>let's make an ideal character with absolutely no flaws except being unfaithful, fucking a new bitch every few episodes.
When you see an attractive female you can be sure he's going to fuck her, I think scriptwriters are incapable of coming out with other solutions.

Adults themes like sex & violence, high budget. Also if I remember right it had/has a reputation like The Walking Dead did as a show where "anyone can die", it creates buzz for new episodes and stuff. It's something people can watch and digest easily without going into the more campy and autistic fantasy shenanigans.

I don't really know why I watch it myself, seems like the writers don't know what they want the show to be. Not to mention I've never been able to stand Khaleesi, in fact I've skipped a lot of her scenes since the early seasons.

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>The absolute state
Really makes you think.

Attached: GRRM.png (951x357, 21K)

i just kind of got into the series. i don't have hbo but i watched it online. people like it because it has castle theme to it.

The show is incredible. One of my all time favorites. 33hkhv here.

the show is only good as a comedy

Because it is trendy to like popular things. 30 years ago, Norman's would call you a virgin for watching things like GoTs

Marco Polo is pretty good.

>tfw Marco Polo, TLK, and GOT just about cover medieval bingeworthy series

>2) Pretty basic entry level fantasy world building and storytelling that doesn't reach the autistic levels they find off putting or associated with being a neckbeard loser
clearly, you know nothing about george rr martin or his works

It was dark, edgy "mature" fantasy. But now it's stale, thanks in no small part to normalfags.

why is virgin an insult?
promiscuous filth should burn

He is talking about the show and not the books

although there are many normalfags watching it (because it became popular/mainstream) that doesn't mean the show was meant for them. Game of Throne's story is dark and bleak, bad guys seem to be constantly rewarded for being absolute subhuman pigs while good guys die left and right, nudity is present in almost every episode and some times there are even rape and incest scenes thrown in.

>because the first 4 seasons are pretty entertaining but then it went to shit and became shitty fan service

not entirely true, after the first 3-4 seasons the fan service became strong but the show is still watchable and not complete shit, there are worthwhile scenes every now and then which are arguably among the show's best, like hardhome for example or the fight between the hound and that bitch brienne

>It was dark, edgy "mature" fantasy. But now it's stale, thanks in no small part to normalfags.

the show is a bit stale because of the original material (or lack thereof), blame GRR Martin for siting on his fat ass the past couple of years instead of finishing the books

Its a great show .

>the show is a bit stale because of the original material (or lack thereof), blame GRR Martin for siting on his fat ass the past couple of years instead of finishing the books
For sure, but I think the normalfags definitely had a hand in influencing the product. Remember the shitfits over rape? And they see the story as good vs evil and hope Dany Sue and Jon Stu win and make the world a utopia. They're not the ones making the product, but they ain't complaining.

>bad guys seem to be constantly rewarded for being absolute subhuman pigs while good guys die left and right
That's because the "bad guys" tend to have the advantage or put expediency over honor and morality. It's like the real world with fantasy elements. But some people can't handle all that greyness, they get that inch to see "good guys" triumph over the "bad guys", for the oppressed to defeat the oppressors, for the weak to get back at the strong. Inevitably it becomes more good vs evil shit.

They are either too retarded to look up pornhub.com or want to seen edgy because they watch men wielding swords.

duchs aof truht

It obviously was way better before it went past the books. Now the writing went to shit because there is no more of the vast, complex plotlines and character interactions that GRRM is great at creating.

It's literally the truth, though.
GOT is an OK show with OK nudity, which somehow makes it brilliant in the minds of normies.
Why not just watch a great show, and then afterwards watch great porn? I just don't fucking get it.
Nudity in TV shows is generally lame, they never show enough of it to sustain arousal for long periods of time, so it's just kinda teasing blue balling bait bullshit.

I love it because of the epic battles and intense political drama
Normalfags love Star Wars to, it's just one of those things that everybody should love and you're not impressing anyone by trying to seem too cool for Got when you probably watch super gay shit

Because it's dramatic and revolves primarily around human relationships. It's an opera.

Why did they kill explicitly queer character and the only one portrayed by an openly gay actor (the guy who holds the door)?

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I accidentally a word
Why did they kill every explicitly queer character?

The real reason is that the show is actually decent, not great, but decent, and it got a lot of publicity early on when that little blond bitch was raped by that big strong guy.
Women love rape and incest, so they were hooked instantly. While the guys appreciated the production value and fact that the show is decent.
Once something becomes popular, normies flock to it. Normies are herd animals. If they know that something is popular, they feel intense pressure to also like it, in order to fit in. So naturally more normies started liking it (or pretending to, at least), and the snowball started rolling, and now some normies even claim that GOT the greatest thing humans ever created.
Robots are immune from the herd and hivemind mechanic which normies suffer from, so we naturally don't see what the big deal is. Yes, GOT is pretty good, but it's not great. This whole thing is just a great example of social conditioning and how robots and normies are fundamentally different.

They dumbed it down, its more a political drama in novel form and infinitely better. They played up the action,violence, and sex while still keeping some of the more political stuff at a superficial level so "normies" can enjoy it and still feel smart for liking it.

that's not true, varys is still alive and he's one of the queerest characters of the show, so queer he doesn't even have his own testicles

fucking hate this gay shit.

fucking normies its basically SOFTCORE PORN and gore.

they killed nearly all the good characters now it's just sensational garbage.

It wouldn't have been feasible to include all the characters in the book in a tv show format, there's just way too many side characters and side stories. It's hard enough at the start to follow who is who and doing what.