Veganism is the immortal Chad diet

Jared Leto. 47. Vegan.

>I think the long fast he did for that faggot AIDS movie has him looking like this as well.

(AIDS is not a real disease. It's just a bunch of old diseases and HIV is a harmless virus. Pharma and The Mason treat these fake diseases to bankrupt and kill civilians.)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-04 at 7.08.40 PM.png (904x1106, 1.48M)

Other urls found in this thread: blood anti aginign&rlz=1CASUUV_enCA784CA784&oq=young blood anti aginign&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.7194j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

micture of botox and genetics

this and also blood sacrifice to molech for worldly power and fame in exchange for his soul

>AIDS is not real and HIV is harmless
Lmao this board needs a purging

It's true

>Lmao this board needs a purging

"Truth about Big Pharma needs to be pruned from Jow Forums."

Jow Forums has more shills than Jow Forums.

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AIDS is not real. it's a ruse created by pharmaceutical industries. STDs are real, but drinking a can of coke and eating a hot dog blocks them all. You just need to have faith.

Prove it then.

cancer isn't real either I just went on a fast for 72 hours and it cured my colon cancer

I saw some videos of boomers who looked spry with tight skin, they said they juiced a lot of veggies and crap and drank them daily
must be true.