/r9straight/ general #2: all the reasons girls are better than trannies and traps

/r9straight/ general #2: all the reasons girls are better than trannies and traps

ill start
they have such soft and nice skin that degenerate trannies simply cannot replicate, and a natural femininity that is unparalleled

also feel free to tell stories and ask for advice

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Can't help but up trannies in the OP as usual eh, got something to tell us faggot?

they're fucking woman. there is nothing to explain.

you can actually reproduce with them. this alone blows trannies out of the fucking water. there is no competition.

Attached: feels17.png (1731x1140, 1.2M)

Why use the term faggot when you are. Also fuck you have a containment board

I like women, they're super cute, and there is not a better feeling than cumming deep inside them.

Says the one who can't make a "straight" post without bringing them up. Kill yourself you subversive tranny bastard.

Their vagoos don't get filled with puss and other bacteria if that don't clean it or every day. They also smell better. Oh and their vaginas don't look like revolting self mutilation

i cant wait until your tranny ((( gf))) has a mental breakdown and stabs you in your sleep, which is extremely likely given how mentally ill they all are. kys faggot

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This entire thread is just another excuse to talk about trannies you mentally ill twat. I don't know why you're still trying to force r9straight while including that shit, kill yourself.