What mode is this

What mode is this

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guillotine mode


Attached: CGufLNM.jpg (770x620, 59K)

homeless occasional coke user pill

Scrawny nigger

i don't know what mode he is but i know his meals consist of too many hoes.

Ride is just a middle-aged black twink.

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Paranoid drug faster

The "This is America" mode

It goes it goes it goes it goes.

YUH mode

Homeless schizo mode

mode: sacrifice soul for satanic ottermode gains


Dont eat barely workout and do cardio in the form of performance on stage

That doesn't even make sense

Savannah spearnigger mode desu

Can't wear his pants properly mode

gay music for attention starved teens mode

listen to jenny death and then tell me its gay music

I won't
u mad summerfag


it does youre just a faggot

Takyon mode

look if all you do is sitting around on your ASS hating on a nigga mixtape youre probably diabetic FAGGOT you need to see a fucking PHYSICIAN

i genuinely don’t understand the appeal. it’s just noise. DG is a shitter version of screamo for zoomers