Who /T-Rex/ here?

Who /T-Rex/ here?

Attached: Lifts.png (1108x519, 77K)

you're not a t rex you're just small

not you, ya DYEL

Im 80kg

If you're still in novice LP, just keep at it and it will probably work itself out as form and conditioning improves.
If you're not a novice anymore, maybe consider getting a coach or something lmao

I still have trouble benching 1 plate.

im only 125lbs (56kg) and I bench 1pl8 but your deadlift is impressive. are you using conventional or sumo?

tfw novice bench

Attached: s.png (1147x516, 63K)

Conventional. 105KG x 5 doesn't feel that impressive

bench is harder to progress on than squat or deadlift