So im thinking to go get my neetbux for mental disablity, however my country has a kinda strict policy for neetbux, if I refuse any workplace they recommand me they will simply cut my neetbux. Can I do anything in this regard, like telling them my mental handicap can't allow me to work ever? Any NEETs here that had to go through a similar situation? How did you manage to reject workplaces while keeping your neetbux?
NEETs of Jow Forums help me out here
shameless self bump, are there no NEETs left on this fucking board? Is everyone just a normie nowdays?
Im a neet but no neetbux so how would i know?
Do you still live with your parents then? How do you manage to not get kicked out
>thinking of going to obtain
yeah lol. you're not even on the dole yet, how about actually GETTING mythical NEETbux before you start worrying about how you'll keep them.
fucking faggot.
I help around and i think they know im a complete loser, dunno really. Id move out if i could stomach it mentally.
You can get neetbux pretty easily here, there was a whole village that was declared blind by the doctor, like every single villager was declared blind so its probably not that hard to get em
The hard part is actually keeping them, there are fucking people from the local council that give you job offers everyday, qualification courses and what not and if you deny even one of them without a good reason your neetbux get cut off
okay. what's your disability and why does that make it impossible for you to work?
I'm a social worker, you will be asked at least this simple question (among many more)
so why would you not accept those offers? I'm a bureaucrat; so what it looks like when largely normal people refuse job offers or trainings is laziness. what is your 'good reason' to deny job offers?
Because the only jobs you can find here are jobs that only enable you to work more and do nothing else, almost everything here is a dead end job because of corruption and the town being small, im not lazy by any means, I do a lot of activites for myself since I consider that my time is the most valuable thing in the world and no job or ammount of money can give me back the time I would lose, I am perfectly capable of setting personal goals for improving myself that require no money.
>okay. what's your disability and why does that make it impossible for you to work?
thats the problem, I only have a bunch of mental problems that are thankfully diagnosed by a psychiatrist(sever OCD, depression, mild schizophrenia and a bunch of others I dont remember rn since I never cared for this, it was my parents that sent me there), I want to use them to justify myself not working, I don't have any phisical disability except for scoliosis and my right leg that is fucked up from being broken 3 times, also asthma
tfw cant even imagine doing a job for 8 hours straight
Give them the impression that you are afraid of leaving your house due to possible harm done unto you. Be convincing. Have them send someone to your house to speak to you for your evaluation. The guy who did mine was a shutin himself before becoming an interviewer, miraculously. They always come accompanied by a cop dressed in civilian clothing, just in case you're a psycho sperge and intend to kill the guy/girl the cop is there for protection. He tried acting so casual but the first question I asked him was how long he was on the force and he gave this awkward laugh and didn't talk for the rest of the interview. They're really nice people from my experience and want to help you. Have a parent around for the interview. I know this is fucking humiliating but do it. Have your parent answer some of the questions. Bam, neetbux. In my cause I'm genuinely fucked in the head. I've been a shutin for 15 years lol But yeah it's doable and in doing it this way they won't bother you with employment bs because you can't leave your house.
Will the actually verify if im a shutin? Like ask around town or talk with my aquaintances or something? Im more of a half shutin, I don't leave my room for months on end and then do some /out/ings alone for 1 or 2 weeks then I go back to my mancave
They'll only talk to you and your parents. That's how it was for me.
>dead end because of boogeyman
so you never got a degree and you never made any networks? deadend jobs are the only thing available with your current skill set, assuming of course that you've reached a certain age with no experience in the workforce that you can fall back on to level out the lack of a degree in something or other. spoiler alert: literal mental retardation is the only mental illness that really counts regarding government dole. scoliosis might get you off though
its not a boogeyman, since there are no private investors here the only jobs you can get are at the state institution such as the townhall, local council etc but those require you to be a member of the ruling party aka the corrupt retards, teaching jobs work the same too, high school directors are in their functions soley because of political reasons, my mother is a teacher so im not talking out of my ass.
>made any networks
the thing you can do in that regard here is nepotism and my parents aren't that important to do that for me, if I could use my networks to avoid work I wouldn't be here asking this
>literal mental retardation is the only mental illness that really counts regarding government dole. scoliosis might get you off though
So my somewhat sever mental problems won't qualify me for neetbux but my scoliosis which isn't that bad can? What the actual fuck?
tfw losing neetbux
tfw in debt anyway since bux isn't enough
how do i get a job?
I dunno user, I have to get neetbux in the first place, how did you end up losing yours?
not being a quad amputee
I would rather be a quad amputee instead of being forced to work
Then man up and cut off your limbs or stop being a retard and get a job
its literally impossible to cut your own limbs under normal conditions unless you are very very fucked up in the head or take some very very fucked up drugs, also im pretty much sure the doctors will find out when you will inveitably go to the hospital and you will be put in a mental asylum and thats no way to live