I didn't give money to a (presumably) homeless man today and I am pretty sure that I did it because he was black...

I didn't give money to a (presumably) homeless man today and I am pretty sure that I did it because he was black....and I am LOSING MY MIND right now at how fucking awful it was. I'm 30, white and an aspie and I grew up in middle class neighborhood in Canada. My entire life I have always treated others the same regardless of their skin colour. In elementary school and junior high I learned about MLK and I always thought that living in a society where we judge people based on the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin would be a really good thing. One of my best friends is Indian, and I've never thought of him as anything other than a good friend. When I was young I never thought about people whose skin was not white as anything other than people whose skin just happened to be a different colour.

Fast forward to 2019, and I see screenshots of racists on social media who call for the extinction of white people regularly and somehow they are not arrested. If I did the same thing, the Horse Gestapo would break down my fucking door and arrest me within days, yet it is somehow okay when someone calls for the extinction of a race, as long as that race is white. I see screenshots of media organizations blatantly promoting vile racism against white people and I see this shit and just think "wow, what a fucking world. How is this okay?" In 2013, the CBC posted an ad looking for a host for a show and in the posting they explicitly asked for a non-caucasian and SOMEHOW this is okay. Our fucking national broadcaster posted an ad and discriminated against applicants based on the colour of their fucking skin.

When I was younger, I never thought of non-whites as anything other than human beings whose skin just happened to be a different colour. In 2019, after being exposed to all this anti-white shit, I feel like I am becoming racist and it bothers me.


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I am 30, white and autistic as fuck. I went back to school this year and every morning I walk by a Tim Horton's on my way to the ferry terminal. I pass homeless dudes every morning, and usually every afternoon on my way home. I am in school and have student loans, I literally have negative money, but when I have change I give what I can and when I don't have anything, I walk away on the verge of tears because I feel so bad for them and I wish that I could save the world and have everyone be happy, but I can't. What I did today makes me want to cry and is causing me so much grief right now that I don't know what to fucking do. Shortly after the incident I got on the bus and went home. Thoughts of getting on the bus and going back there to give the guy the $2 I had in my pocket were running through my head. It fucking KILLS me. I want to die now. 2/2 bye

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Kill yourself you dumb honkey

normies don't know how to distinguish between individual and aggregate data. they see fewer women than men or fewer blacks than whites in positions of power and wealth, and think the way to fix this is to play favorites the other way and give black and female individuals more perks until the stats are balanced. this is backwards as fuck.

in america, blacks are 14% of the population and 50% of the crime (or whatever the statistic is). applying normie logic, the best course of action would be to give harsher sentences to blacks or just throw them in jail for no reason until they accounted for 14% of crime. this would be seen as the metric of success.

obviously the only thing that makes sense is to try and reduce ALL crime, and to give EVERYONE more wealth and a higher standard of living. but you literally have to be autistic to see the hypocrisy. they hate you for being autistic too, for what it's worth. fuck them and don't ever give anyone money for free.

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>obviously the only thing that makes sense is to try and reduce ALL crime, and to give EVERYONE more wealth and a higher standard of living
Yes this sure would be nice.
>they hate you for being autistic too
Yeah probably
>fuck them and don't ever give anyone money for free.
What is wrong with giving someone in need a few dollars here and there?

you're buying him the opportunity to be homeless another day. it's cruel. he has no way out and both of you know it. it's just unfortunate that he doesn't realize suicide is his best option. i don't expect you to agree with this. feel free to ignore that part of my post.

I used to be mega depressed and suicidal and if I were in his position I would likely kill myself. However, that is what I would impose on myself and I can't impose that rule on other people. For some people, existing for a brief moment (in the grand scheme of things) is not that bad. This is why the billions of people around the world, despite living in literal shitholes, choose to keep going...I think.
It really bothers me that there is nothing that I can do for all the suffering. I justify giving money because I think that buying a hot drink or a chocolate milk brings a little happiness in an otherwise miserable world.

You should kill yourself anyway you dumb RACIST

It doesn't matter. Giving money to homeless people is bad anyway. If you have to donate, donate to shelters so you don't encourage begging.

Stop caring, the nature of Earthly existence is transient. All suffering will soon fade in the grand scheme of things. For all things die. Give when you feel like it, don't feel obligated. Good people meet bad ends that nobody can do anything about. For many things eclipse our capacity. Be the best you can, don't beat yourself up too much. Most genetic lines perish within 1-5 generations. Nothing lasts.

>What is wrong with giving someone in need a few dollars here and there?
Why is he in need?
I never give money, only food when they look genuinely desesperate.
If i had a company, i would try to hire them so they could get a job.
Except druggies, fuck them. They choose their fate.

>for entire centuries white people have been mass murdering, enslaving, raping and colonizing entire continents
>no big deal, you should "just get over it" you snowflake pussy
>now for maybe the last 5 years or so white people have to deal with occasionally some hating being thrown their way, and only in verbal form, never in physical harm
>oh my god how could they do this, this is horrific, i am literally shaking right now. This now gives us a blank check to do whatever we want, lets go back to the good old days, enslave everyone and kill the rest who are not useful. Oh and btw i was so not racist before this and definitely not just looking for an excuse to be racist

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Are you retarded?
If someone never sinned, you shouldn't hold them accountable of the mistake of their "ancestors".
Explain how swedes murdered, enslaved and raped blacks, for example?

And i'm black too.
Your thinking is dangerous and will lead our world to a spiral of violence, hatred and suffering.

Shut up nigger. We built the atom bomb, but we also built computers, particle accelerators, spaceships, calculus, telescopes, medicine, etc. We are the best that this world has to offer.


I can't be bothered to do more than skim that text, in short don't take what you see in the press and on Jow Forums as indicative on affairs outdoors, most people really don't give a shit or say things merely to have a position rather than actually care. For sure all people should have a home where they can be around others similar to them, otherwise life would be constant conflict and strife against other groups no matter how hard we try to suppress it. That being said never give money to beggars, many get substantial amounts of money to the point where sadly it is becoming an industry and I can say having had quite many rough nights myself that a great deal of homeless have little to no regard for one-another (that's not to say that all are uncaring, some have genuinely fallen on hard times though they are by all means a minority) and many after giving them your money you'll find outside brothels or buying packs of cigarettes. Race means nothing in regard to this and yes western press pushes way too hard on racial issues presumably because its rallies on confirmation bias for pro-migrants and the hate boner many on the other side harbor, I wouldn't make too much a fuss over it, no white-collar worker will ever make a stand when their careers at stake and society is so interconnected that there's always a price to pay for exerting your thoughts on others even if its entirely innocent.

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it's not a nigger it's a spic
you can tell because they're bitter about being inferior and so they try to spread marxism

you didnt built shit, cuck. Your entire life consist of leeching off your parents and jacking off on your computer. You are literally worthless.

Also, im not black.

>many get substantial amounts of money to the point where sadly it is becoming an industry

You don't have to be black to be a nigger. If I didn't build shit, then I am also not responsible for the crimes of the past. Which is it? Dumb fucking nigger.

Yeah you're probably right. I hate spics now too.

Im not saying he is accountable for anything. Im just pointing out how a small discomfort done to whites is greater in importance to them, sparks greater outrage than centuries of mass murder, enslavement and rape. To shut up these kids who try to make the ridiculous claim that white people are the real victims of this world and that no one cares about white people.

he was gonna buy meth with it anyways.

Except i didnt say you were responsible for anything. Try to at least practice some reading comprehension before you go off on your epic larp "heh i called someone a DuMb fuCkInG niGgER look how cool i am".


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>didn't give money to a homeless black guy and was raised in rascist family what would you do?

spiccuck pls go. No one likes you

>>for entire centuries white people have been mass murdering, enslaving, raping and colonizing entire continents
You implied it with this. If you didn't think that I played a role in this, you wouldn't have said it. Instead, you're a waste of oxygen who wants whitey to make your shit life better. Do you ever have a job? Fuck off nigger.

in other words i didnt say it and you're putting words in my mouth because you cant accept being wrong


Can spics do anything other than make good food and decapitate people?

>you're putting words in my mouth
Uh no. You wrote what you wrote and it is clear as day on everyone's screen. You put your own words there.

yeah, and none of those words say "you are responsible for crimes of the past".

Again, a little reading comprehension goes a long way.

You literally wrote it right here:
>>for entire centuries white people have been mass murdering, enslaving, raping and colonizing entire continents
You think that because my ansectors have done bad things that niggers like yourself are justified in discriminating against people based on the color of their skin, while completely ignoring the fact that literally every race has done shitty things. The only reason whites get so much shit for it is because we are better than everyone at everything, including being shitty.

>Our fucking national broadcaster posted an ad and discriminated against applicants based on the colour of their fucking skin.
Fake news, that ad was put up by a casting agency not the CBC itself, and it was pulled after people started complaining

I LITERALLY did not write "you are responsible for the past". Thats you putting words in my mouth because your peabrain cant distinguish between your own assumptions and what is actually said.


Here are a couple examples. Many 'fake' beggars are often set up by other parties to beg for considerable profit or in some cases know exactly where and when to go to rake in considerable amounts of money even if they are not homeless. Sure you cannot sell a factory of beggars though its clear that many are exploiting society for easy money when they are more than capable of working and have had a far more stable life than those who genuinely need some level of guidance and/ or care to help them achieve an absolutely decent quality of life.

Feel free to dismiss the following note though I've had quite a fair bit of experience with this myself, there was a point where I had to sleep a night under a bridge (with a few kiosks nearby) and you'd see police on patrol for any suspicious types, I was quite alert though you'd often see them stop drunks and those that were blowing money that they clearly begged for on drugs. Another is a group I'm familiar with nearby that collaborate to gain money together and usually set up in places that they co-ordinate (based on what I've eavesdropped from them). Anyhow my trust is far gone these days, aha~.

race is more than skin color you moron
it's brains organs bones everything