Is body recomp broscience? I'm too impatient and unfocosed to lean bulk so I wanna bloatmaxx and maintain at a comfortable weight (82kg) and lose the fat later.
Is body recomp broscience...
You’re going to need to loose the fat and gain muscle, that’s all there is to it.
yeah I forgot to type that at the end. But is it really possible to do that while maintaining the same weight? Jow Forums is always talking about muh surplus and muh thermodynamics.
I understand.If you wanna lean bulk you need to prepare 5 meals and seal them on 5 tupperwares so that you can eat them every 3-4 hours with the right macros.Is that difficult?No.Is that boring?Yes
Don't bloatmaxx,do a dirty bulk.Increase whole carbs into your meals,try to push that shit into the 4,5k-5k calories per day.You'll be at 90kg in no time(1,5 months maybe 2).After that just cut it.Honestly bulking is harder
No.Only people that take anabolic drugs can lose fat and gain muscle in a significant way.Natural people can only gain muscle or lose fat separately.But bulking is never advised to new people that are getting into bodybuilding/fitness.First reach a good bodyfat like 12% while doing all the exercises.Build muscle memory and a form.After that just increase your weight by 10kg,hopefully at least 6kg of that was muscle mass.Then you cut it and also hopefully you'll maintain at least 4kg of those 6kg of muscle mass you gained.Now you have the same weight you had but more 4kg of muscle mass.Rinse and repeat until your muscle gain is unnoticeable.From then on you have to gain like 20kg until you reach your peak natty
I really like this kind of butt
not too big but not too small
round enough to look great during doggy but not small enough that it looks nonexistent in clothing
This post is completely wrong, there are various situations where you can gain muscle and loose fat at the same time (e.g. a fat guy who is eating in a deficit and uses his fat to provide energy for building muscle), they are just not generalizable or necessarily as efficient as bulk/cut cycles.
Body recomp can work but not going from bloat max to same weight but muscle. More like putting a few lbs of muscle while loosing a few lbs of fat and usually only in specific conditions (untrained subjects or people who have trained and lose gains while gaining fat and start working out again, people training completely neglected body parts in a deficit).
The guy is clearly not overweight
Recomping after bulking means increasing frequency and/or volume. Like a reverse diet but not like a mentally ill cardio bunny. Maintenance is maintenance and ongoing "noob gains" are the marginal difference in workload.
derailing but what outfits can i wear to the gym that mimic OP pics outfit. like an outfit that makes is slutty, but for men to attract women
It’s still wrong to say you can only do one or the other at one time. I added muscle to my abs while cutting because I went from not training them to training them daily. Muscle protein synthesis doesn’t function like an on or off switch based on whether you’re in a surplus or deficit
who is this and what is her routine?
a huge wallet filled with money
Running shorts and a stringer
truly a retard. of course you can synthesize new things and gain muscle while expending more energy than you use, those literally almost have nothing to do with each other and has nothing to even do with thermodynamics because if you're compensating the all of the energy from fat reserves then you're not catabolizing muscle. further, gaining muscle has little to do with how much more you're eating, the question is if you're catabolizing more muscle than you're gaining. eating more helps you sustain more volume and frequency thus allowing you to put more work in and thus give you more potential to gain more, at least if you're not eating well below the poverty line.
Short shorts mein g
Nice formal christmas clothing Bruce
body recomp is inefficient if your goals are strictly 'gain strength+muscle / get lean' but the long term effect of recomp is greater overall conditioning and resilience against future injury
>399 dollaridoos for a tie
>Is body recomp broscience?
not really, as long as you're gaining strength/reps you're doing good also make sure you have just enough energy to get through the entire session without flailing midway through, everything falls into place then.