Anyone know any good smaller discord servers to join im lonely

anyone know any good smaller discord servers to join im lonely

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Its new but i know the guy who made this one here hes cool, youll probably enjoy it


Here ya go op a server that's died down a little


Fuck joining new servers. People are so overly sensitive nowadays niggers are banning without warning. Grow a fucking backbone faggots.

kill yourself normalfag i hate you


Not small :( originallllllleee

this server was pretty nice it has cute fem*ots lol

just made this please join

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Who the fuck is that hottie chick in pic with the awesome my hero cosplay goin on

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shes in the server in this post

This is the third version of this server. Been fucked over a lot by discord staff. fB6HSst

life is a viscous cycle my friend you'll get used to the pain it doesn't get easier you just get stronger

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small server, growing quite slowly but active for the amount of current members, good amount of channels.

looking to create a really close knit community instead of making a retarded 100+ person server.


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Here. Not recommended if you're a female, gay, or any other kind of non-robot/weeb.

Haha i doubt it...but then again the internet is well known for telling the truth

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How do you cope if not discord then?


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you live with the pain take drugs then live with the pain from drugs easy peasy


shit server, not comfy at all actually. People literally arguing over roles in general the instant i joined. 2/10

>advertising thread

dont go to these servers, r9k users are shit people and will try to dox you. go find a game or other hobby you like thats full of normal people

ever tried ash's corner?
those guys are ok

Who is this? Hmmm



all these servers are shit lmaoo


why would i ever want to join any of these servers, when none of them have descriptions

I described mine but I closed the invite after a few people joined.

vn5zuJ we keep the retards to a minimum real comfy

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Any discords for a cyborg like me that doesn't fit with normies but isn't a complete degenerate?

Is there a discord for people that actually meet up? I can travel, and I can stay local, would prefer local but i really just need to GTFO my house. I wake up, i work out, got up to 60 pull ups, have all debts paid off, have 1 year worth of living saved up. And never get to go out! I fucking drive around to cities and stuff at 5 AM after my 4 am work out.

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How about you make a based discord with no faggot mods that go on power trips and ban people for no reason

how about quit being a god damn autistic screeching LOL IM FUNNY GUIOZE I SPAM THE MIC xD LOOK AT ME GUIZE! Faggot.