Which circle of hell would you be sent too? (Asuuming you'd go to hell)

Which circle of hell would you be sent too? (Asuuming you'd go to hell)

I'm pretty lustful, as are most here. I'm addicted to porn and jacking off. I have some kinda esoteric fetishes like anal stimulation, autogynephilia, hypnosis, traps, crossdressing, and lactation. But nothing too sick. Ive also spent like $1400 on fleshlights and accessories.

I also am a little gluttonous. I'm not fat or overweight, but I tend to overeat sometimes.

So where would you go anons?

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9, I cursed and forsook God.

VII, i'm a violent sperg who went in the army in order to kill people.
Alas, before being sent off, they detected my powerlevel and i had a few troubles before bullshitting my way out.
Technically, i could fit in almost all the other circles below it, except the 6th one.

9, thats the only one where I fit

i am the hollow man
i am the cursed man

IV Heresy
I don't believe in Christian God

I could easily fit in all of these except maybe treachery or fraud.

I am a pretty honest person.

I will get VIP treatment as a confirmed satanist though.

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All just bullshit like anything linked to Christianity or abrahamic religions in general, or hell all religions.

I'll bite though.

>Cicle I
>Pagans and the unbaptized all go to hell
I'm neither Pagan or unbaptized but I am atheist so this probably applies to me anyway.
Lmao Europeans were mostly all Pagans before the foreign religion got pushed on everyone. Nobody questions what the agenda was or how it spread so rapidly. It's one of the big mysteries of life for me. Why did Christianity go on to dominate the world? What was the agenda?
I'm not a Pagan or a Christian because I think labelling yourself anything is dumb, but I'd certainly be pagan before I'd be Christian.

>Circle II
Ayy that's me

>Circle III: Gluttony
Also me

>Circle IV: Greed
Also me

>Circle V: Anger
Not me, I'm a very relaxed person

>Circle VI: Heresy
Probably me? Just by being an atheist I'm probably the classical definition of a heretic.

>Circle VII: Violence
Not me, very nonviolent

>Circle VIII: Fraud
Hell no I hate fraudulent people though sadly my siblings would be going straight here

>Circle IX: Treachery

Atheists and pagans go to limbo.

Heresy would be more like going directly against god which requires belief in god in the first place.

Its the difference between "I dont believe he is real" and "he is real but fuck him anyway"

>What was the agenda?
I wonder...

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Yeah pretty much oregano

>fraud is way at the bottom
What jew wrote this shit? Also having a load of different circles looks like shitty devianart edgy fiction.

yikes, jesus must really hate his non-believers
>inb4"he doesn't send you there, you send yourself there"

imagine having to subtly find a loophole to torture your non-believers instead of honestly just coming out as a bitter person. yikes. It's apparent god is pretty egoistic.

but for real. Hell is the most infantile and childish concept
it's the ultimate power fantasy for resentful cowards who use religion and morality to hide their cowardice.

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Why do souls have the nervous system to feel these things?

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I'm a Jew where do I go

well dantes inferno IS a fanfic. It's not scripture and only pretensions tumblr white girls would take it literally.

Probably limbo. Dante mentions some Old Testament prophets are there. Unless of course you sin, then you just go wherever you belong.

That is a fucking shit representation of Dante's hell. It's missing all the separate malbowges within the circles; gtfo with your shit representation. You don't deserve Dante.

Circle 2 or 5 actually sounds pretty fun

>Dante mentions some Old Testament prophets are there.
No he fucking doesn't. After Jesus was crucified he went through hell and raised the pre christian patriarchs to heaven. Read the limbo part of the inferno right now and you won't find a single jew prophet there.

man I don't really fit in any of these
I guess Heresy but I believe that the Christian values are great guidelines on how to be a good human being.

im a violent psychotic sperg with schizophrenia im religious but reject sky kike
i also have a very hyper sex drive i also have alot of anger issues so I'm not entirely sure lmao

Oh shit you're right, I was thinking about the limbo of the patriarchs. Disregard my post, I suck cocks

Better company anyway.

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