What mode is this

What mode is this

Attached: mm9c7a[1].jpg (478x640, 37K)

Attached: 30lfors[1].jpg (478x640, 34K)

the exact opposite of every other mode


this is not possible

calf raises as your only leg lift for 1 year

Double base drummer mode?

Definitely Spinachmode

Attached: Popeye-raising-spinach.png (1020x1426, 613K)

distance runner mode

the chad forearm and calf workout vs the virgin anything else

mailman mode

Jump rope only mode

Walk-on-toes-to-look-taller mode

I’m so fucking sorry..

Attached: B62A41AA-F38E-4757-8E05-7FAA6B5DC2DA.png (922x960, 804K)

UPS driver mode

Attached: 1524713435862.jpg (320x240, 33K)

Either you're retarded and forgot how mirrors work or you're retarded because you thought you were a vampire and vampires don't reflect in mirrors

nice mirror retard


It was a quick edit before work, can't be bothered. But i guess I am retarded and deserve nothing more than working with the postal service

Attached: P_20190730_103839.jpg (3000x4000, 1.19M)

Delete the original at least

Why do you own two mirrors if you're so goddamn insecure about your face?

Done. gtg to work now, will stop derailing the thread

They are not mine they are in a customers elevator

I used to walk on my toes hoping my feet would turn into draenei-like goat feet

Liberty Mutual Mode

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

green is my pepper

Do you hoop a lot?

This is good genetics, calves are harder to build than legs.

30 flights of steps a day mode

have everything in your house and work be up on a shelf just barely out of your reach

One of my best friends has massive calves, has never been fat, etc. He just lives in Japan and walks everywhere. OP's pic might be of a hiker?

Green is my pepper

53 inch vertical without bending knees

Attached: 1563759046248.jpg (279x276, 16K)

Duchenne muscular dystrophy mode

You look like scout from TF


Chad mode. Someone post the chad meme where it describes having calves larger than thighs for ideal aethstetics