How old is too old to have kids (for the man)?

How old is too old to have kids (for the man)?

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Assuming he doesn't have erectile disfunction men can always have kids. If i recall theres increased chances of down syndrome and schizophrenia and other genetic diseases past 50 though.

My grandfather is in his 80s and he is still having kids with his 3rd wife.

Wait, what the fuck?

That's a crime against nature!

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is your dads name walder frey

I would consider it a testament to nature. If only we could all strive to accomplish such feats.

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Why do I feel like you want to fuck your potential kid?

how the fuck does that make any sense?
anyway youre projecting hard user
get treatment

I'm pretty sure that after the age of 50, the sperm DNA starts deteriorating, and the kid will come out more generic, and less like that father. But of course, the man will get caught up in the breeding women meme, and treat the child like his great progeny, or something.

Ideally as long as he will healthy enough to work and support the kid but if you mean like biologically then pretty fucking long.


I fucking hate you and hope you die in a car accident. Go back to plebbit.

after 35 is too old

>knowing thats from game of thrones
fuck outta here covert reddit nigger

you do know walder is /ourguy/ right?

Op here. I'm 35 and I'm thinking it's already too late.

Im pretty fucking fit and i dont want a fucking kid yet (im 31) i decided maybe after 45 is too old so if i dont have one by then ....... Fuck it im a bachelor 4 life baby

I thought the same. Picture shows sexy pic of young girl. Op asks how old can he still procreate. Sounds like he wants to make some fuckspring. I get it. What the fucks your issue numbskull?

He probably just googled it, dude.

is your dads name cotton hill

Men don't have much of a biological clock, so enjoy your male privilege my man.

Erection doesn't really matter anymore because testicular sperm extraction is already a thing.

Never. Sperm quality drops slightly as men age, but it's perfectly possible for a 100 year old man to father a child.
Never. Men get richer as they get older, so old age will only help.
>For the kids overall well being?
60s. Ideally you want to be able to live for 20 or so more years in order to guide your kid through adolescence.

33 is peak male or something, it's more like 45

Sperm gets constantly recycled back into the body, so as long as the man's fertile, he can have kids without too much trouble. Bearing children at an old age is more of a problem for women, as they're born with all of their eggs and said eggs age with them.

Add to that, physically, you've got nothing like the level of fitness that you used to have. Raising a child at 50 plus will be taxing, to say the least.

what the fuck are women reptiles?
They act just as cold blooded and ruthless too, I wouldn't be suprised.

around 45. You'll probably die in your kid's need you most fucking them up mentally more than your genetic makeup

Moar Post more pics of that cutie



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Here is a super comfy server, come join lads

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As a theoretical brother and future father, I'd start to seriously question why a man attempting to court my sister or daughter is still single at 30+

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