Intellectual love can only exist between men

intellectual love can only exist between men

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>theyd rather post in "GF" and "femanon" threads than here
you guys dissapoint me. did you all become failed normies ?

define "intellectual love"

you reek of low iq

still better than the mentioned "GF" and "Femanon here ask me anything teehee" threads

love that is based on content not vessel
>but that exists between men and women
wrong and easily proven. youd never fall in love with a girl that is ugly to you. thus, chosen by vessel, not content.

I agree, I only said that because you seem like the type to take offense from it. Anyway, if you're looking for replies, "intellectual love can only exist between men" isn't a great starter for a discussion.

You've been watching too much yaoi, ugly guy wouldn't have attracted Griffisu, assuming your fantasy that he was gay was true.

maybe it did exist at some point but now it's impossible with how degraded and pathetic women have become

i dont know what an yaoi is and you clearly didnt understand what i was getting at here. i mean no offense to you, you just didnt understand what i was talking about