>Talking to robot on discord
>Tells me hes a spic
Can all subhumans please kindly fuck off. We dont like you and find you gross.
Talking to robot on discord
You are precisely the kind of people robots hate
Nah I love her, fuck non whites. Spics are almost as bad as niggers and chinks
asshurt shitskin LOL
Women who hate shitskins are based.
shut up you kike bitch
Future incoming racist old fat white lady. lol
If only there were more qt girls like this
>b..but my mom says i'm american
at least i'm not a cliche like the fat white kid or the nerdy white kid or the scrawny fit kid hahaha i can be all of those and not be a cliche
Yes please kill me femanon
If you are an actual discord thot, how the fuck am I supposed to talk to you people? I'm genuinely looking for suggestions here, since I'm wearing down my conversation buddies since they get bored of my topics and don't come up with any either.
Scots-Irish are subhumans, too.
lol you seem really fucken ugly anyways, i bet your panties scare fish away
you have to demonstrate some physically attractive attribute. they will assume you're an ugly incel if they don't hear your chad thundervoice or see your chad face/body, and therefore will be uninterested no matter what you have to say.
god i hate eboys like that loll thats why we made a fembot server its still new but come join
discord gg/
no. they are White
I don't vc or exchange pics with any of these people.
tfw voicelet
tfw no thundervoice
then don't expect your relationships to be deep or meaningful in any way. they won't lead to anything unless they're into that stuff
They live in trailer parks, smoke meth, consume welfare and commit property crime. A white person of Scots-Irish descent is much different compared to white person of Danish or Norwegian descent. Yes, they are literal subhuman peasants who should be sterilized.
the guy doesn't even look white after Jow Forums standards
I want a hairless spic twink bf really really badly
my kind of people desu. dont forget tattoos.
Scots-Irish descended people were also measured to be the MOST RACIST white subgroup in the US.
blue eyes = good
ya. danes and norwegians are cucks look at yurop
Hey, all robots are welcome, and if you got something to say you can talk to moot faggot
let me guess a Latino stole your girl OP? so you make this butthurt thread.
Fucking beta jawlet cracker
ya. zoomies have been given a second chance, dont squander it like boomers
holy shit so many shitskins in this thread. fucking based OP well done
Imagine being such a butthurt racist cuck you made this racebait thread
This it's so obvious. Women dont make fucking posts like this
What a pathetic cuck
relazz just a joke
6'4 Aryan master race reporting in
Contact me whore
Messer Klaus#5719
>disgusting creatura with exceedingly high expectations
>tfw no blue eyes white dragon bf
This bait is not great
Newfag spotted.
It's funny how I can tell he is ugly because of his hands
muh racism! ;'(((( Fuck this, I'm going back to R eddit...
You wish that was the case.
yes, I literally do wish you would go back. to africa and r eddit
>rememder don't school go drugs kids
Suck an AIDS dick
>inb4 You mean a black dick?
Yes, that's why African tribes have survived this many years.
ooga booga. unga bunga bip do wop mofugga
"survive" is apt
what the fuck, I thought this was my arm for a second. I even have a freckle in the same spot
>portuguese hair dispositions
pick one
That's because of demonic omens, not because they need help from white people, you moron.
lol you stupid fucking nigger, the point is that white farmers suddenly disappearing is going to mean death for the nignogs that can't take care of themselves and think "food comes from the grocery store".
The only Africans that can't take care of themselves are children.
>being cumskin
Maybe we are twins
I'm 100% german. Also according to soc I'm a 8. My genes are just superior. Deal with it beaner.
>bragging on a Chinese cartoon message board.
I am out I have better things to do.
like what, walking around with a leafblower?
Stay silent, little one.
Top kek
Spics cant cant cope anymore, dont kys my man
Can't Can't? Nervous? You should be.
>like what, walking around with a leafblower?
When I was little I thought that spics were cyborgs, and that leafblowers and weed-whackers and hedge clippers were actually PART OF the spic.