What kind of cardio do you do?

What kind of cardio do you do?

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this girl is like daisy ridley and the girl from fight club in one

i lift heavy things for about 10 seconds for 3 sets

Squats with sets of more than 5 reps.

Since it's summer I go to a secluded part of the river and swim against the current until I'm tired, float down 100m, walk back up in the shallows and do it again.

20 minute warmups on this

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I only run 5k's in like 31 minutes after I lift. I was doing a beginners HIIT thing for 15-20 minutes every other session, but I took my pulse one time and it was like 130. It's 175-180 when I run.

PS I'm 37

>20min warmup
killing your gains.
i do 3 min on treadmill

Also Brad Pitt from Fight Club somehow too

Running at a local park for an hour.

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>tfw huge legs from squats are finally useful for something
feels good man

>not staying ottermode4lyf

Take poz papi cock in my tight little boipussy. Love it when i can feel the warm cum oozing out of me.

That's not local, that's in Russia


Pff. Just do some hip and shoulder mobility exercises before legs and arms respectively. Warmup sets for the main lifts is all the warmup you'll need
Do your cardio in the end of the workout.
Fapping furiously

Walk ot the gym and back.

I bike as my main mode of transportation, mountains, and right in the middle of work and gym. Since it's about a 20 minute uphill bike ride to the gym I use that as my warmup and general Cardio. Sometimes, I'll do an additional 10-20 minutes on the bike machine just cause. Ride daily, I get about a solid 40 minutes even on days I dont go to the gym.
Going home is nice since downhill and that nice wind cooldown.

Swim for an hour every day. Unless it's storming outside in which case I take the day off.

Heavy bag

Pool. Because I get to show off my body almost entirely.

Same but just 30 mins at the moment.

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weak, shit looking faggots who are destined to get hyptertension detected

Passionate lovemaking sessions with my future wife

I have very low blood pressure and low heart rate with barely ever doing actual cardio
Where's your god?

55 km a week

circuit training

Usually 10min of rowing a day, unless it's leg day then I'll do cycling instead.
On a cardio day I try run for 10+ mins and walk at a decent pace for 15 and make it add up to around 30 mins, then do the sitting cycle thing for around 20 mins

>tfw 0 endurance fatty

>Be lanklet always trying to gain muscle
>No cardio and I look like a skinnyfat mess
>Do cardio and I make zero muscle gains

Fuck genetics

25 minutes on an elliptical before every workout.

What's better for cardio if your knees are fucked: elliptical or biking? I'd throw swimming in there but I don't have regular access to a pool.

I totally hate this machine. Please teach me how not to hate it

Based Ivan!

8-10km runs during lunch break
Divegrass on Sundays
Benis in bagina

I do an hour on the elliptical at the highest resistance I can. The machine says im burning 1000 calories, but I figure its closer to 700.

Do the correct movement. also row while listening to traditional Senegalese music

this guy knows what's up

Swing kettle bells and do fencing.

Gains destroyed.

Do like a few short rounds of HIIT or do 50 kettle bell swings and you'll get the same results without gainslaying the bodynation brother.

walk my dog for 30+ minutes first thing in the morning

swim casually everyday

how does one get into fencing

Fortnite dance.

my experience, cycling is the best thing for knees, but it should be either recumbent or a bike with an actual saddle, not one of those granny ass seats

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for some reason, those way overestimate calories, but i think they are calibrated for beginners, who suck at everything, where an hour would be like death.

Highland Games Athlet here (Strongfat), doing Cardio only for health gains.

1-2 times a week 30 min basic cycling
Once a week farmers walk and stone carrying
Sex with wife


Fuckin'. I do a whole lotta fuckin'. I fuck in the morning. I fuck at night. And I fuck in between. I fuck men. I fuck women. I fuck myself. Sir, I tell you, I fuck. A Lot. F. U. C. K. Fuckin'


Run 20 miles per week and walk my girlfriend 2-3 miles 5x a week

Jog for 5 or 10 minutes after lifting.

i like this body except the delts because they are too big

I take a 2 h walk every other day


Cardio kills gains.
Just kidding I actually fell for that and skipped cardio for 6 years. Now my cardiovascular health is shit and I've just picked up running again, can only run for like 5 minutes at a time.

>walk my gf
Is she a dog?

HIIT on treadmill, ARC trainer (like an elliptical but a better movement), or Water Rower

HIIT is best, no need to do it for an hour+

ingest more calories

>ergometer/rowing: HIIT
>running: 5-7k or hill sprints

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good work

12 mins before lifting

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wrestling and biking for my part time job, and whatever running we do for warmups

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This. Wrestling 3-5 times per week.

rowing and only rowing

I run. Ran a little over 7 miles this morning at an easy pace.

>HIIT is best, no need to do it for an hour+

Unless you actually want to improve your endurance and aerobic capability.

Swimming for endurance. Different kinds of HIIT at the end of lift days for conditioning

>knowing the difference between anaerobic/aerobic capacity and incorporating both types of training into a well balanced fitness routine

get the fuck out of here

Jog about 1.5 miles 11 min 30 seconds
Then 2 miles at 20 minutes

I bet she can get more pussy than I do, and she looks straight.

i mix it up depending on what i feel like. for me it's purely an exercise in burning calories so I rotate between the bike, elliptical, treadmill and stepper according to how bored of them I get. generally i despise cardio because it's literally the most boring thing in my life right now and i'm a programmer with 0 passion for the job, but 8 hours at my desk is better than 10 minutes on a treadmill

You have go slow down. Your body isn't like it was when you wer 7 and could run forever. It's 150 pounds heavier for starters.

When your breath cycle is faster than say 3 steps in, 3 steps out then you have to slow down until it's like 4 and 4 or so. YMMV but you can use your breath to tell you when to moderate pace and when you can pick it up.

I run

>implying doing only HIIT is a well balanced routine.

>Running, every day, from 5am to 6am, either on the road or in the forest
>Tennis, every day, from 7:30pm to 8:30pm
>Cycling, every weekend, usually 3 hours on flat road canal-side
>Rugby, three times a week, two hour sessions

and how many times a week do you lift?

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Every week day, I keep the weekends free to do stuff with my daughter and rugby practice. I quit my job seven years ago so I have time to do all the shit I want.

Work at fedex. package handler x 6 times a week routine for 3.5-5 hours a day

>training 23 times a week

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5 minutes on bike or treadmill at low intensity, just to get the blood circulating. Then the actual workout, and then closing out with 25-30 minutes of moderate intensity on a weekly rotation of bike, elliptical, stair master and treadmill.

HIIT cardio makes my HR skyrocket to obscene levels and it's really not good for the heart, so best to do moderate intensity for a longer period and build up the endurance and build up a stronger heart before I tackle the upper bounds.

I ride my bike about 8 miles a day. It's a nice way to get some fresh air and sun, in my opinion.

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As I said, I quit my job, which means I can do as much sport as I want.

I train for 300m, sprint 600m everyday, sometimes 1200m on rest days

Isnt a disease, its a symptom

Speaking of this, anyone got that anime girl cardio routine .jpg where she explains running resting cycles?
Also getting back into running myself and forgot how fucking crap my cardio really is, jogging 2 minutes resting 1 for now (doesnt help its 95 degrees out).

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