I’m done trying

i’ve tried everything. started at the gym like a noob just running on the treadmill and eating healthy. no progress. saw that weight lifting is supposed to help lose the skinny fat body. did that for 6 months. no progress. did a mix of cardio, lifting, diet, abs, legs, etc. no progress. i don’t know what i’m doing wrong. i’m just going to have to accept that i will always be skinny fat. i’ll always have a “dad bod” and look chubby in all my clothes. this fucking sucks. all this hard work to literally look exactly the same if not fatter. being skinny fat is worse than being obese or super skinny. you just look awkward in every situation. i’m just going to give up. not off myself but just stay fat i guess. i gave all my work ethic away.

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Your routine was probably shit then

Post height weight and body faggot, if everything checks out there then you might just be genetically fucked

Sounds like you were not trying hard enough.
You can show up but you have to put in the work. A lot of people show up to engineering school and drop out, a lot of people show up to work but don't try.

How are you skinnyfat if you look chubby in clothes?

Losing fat is done by eating less. Have you tried tracking what you eat and sticking to some caloric goals? Lifting and running will build muscle and cardio strength, but it isn't going to make you lose weight by itself. You gotta eat less bro.

5”11 and about 164

i always had a really big chest and it sticks out

At least you look big in clothes. Me i look skelly on clothes but fat all over when i go naked. Skinnyfat really is a curse

Every fag who falls by the wayside is one less to compete with me.

lol. i’m happy you’re making progress at least.

have sex

and no mention of if you are maintaining a caloric surplus or deficit, what exactly did you expect to happen, muscles to appear out of thin air or fat to burn out of thin air? you have to eat less if you are looking to lose weight in the form of lowering your bodyfat %, and the opposite if you are trying to gain muscle mass, jesus christ

what’s good then? is 1500 too much?

are you trying to build muscle mass or lose body fat, because you can't do both at the same time

lose body fat. that’s why i mentioned starting lifting because i’ve had multiple people/sources tell me it’s the best way to burn body fat.

>i’ve had multiple people/sources tell me it’s the best way to burn body fat.
These people/sources were wrong.

the best way to burn body fat is by eating at a caloric deficit consistently and get enough protein to maintain the muscle you do have, it sounds like you don't have muscle, 5'11" 164 is not big, I am 5'8 and 130, up from 120 and aiming for 160, in my opinion you should eat at a caloric SURPLUS of 500 or so consistently, clean bulking, not eating trash, getting enough protein, and build some fucking muscle mass, this is what I am doing

You are wanting to do what, starve yourself down to 120 at nearly 6 foot tall? that doesn't look good, it doesn't look good at 5'8 either, you have to have some muscle in the first place to cut and define later

The fuck are you doing in the gym? Post routine and what you eat

shoot for 200lbs while gaining muscle and then cut down to whatever you want, that is what I would do if I was nearly 6 foot and 164

lean proteins mostly with fruits. lots of food with fiber but i guess that adds to the mistake of eating too many carbs. i don’t eat “junk” though.

post your routine

post pic, cover your face if it matters to you

monday - lift tuesday - lift wednesday - cardio thursday -cardio friday - rest saturday - mix of whatever i feel like sunday - rest

You're obviously incapable of doing this yourself due to your limited intelligence. If you really want to get fit, accept this fact and hire a personal trainer. If what you say is true, and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, do it.

You don’t have clearly defined goals and your “routine” reflects that.

Fuck that gay shit all you really need are eggs, oats, ground beef, chicken thighs, broccoli, and whatever carb you want. Drink water and only water

This is op.

sorry for sounding retarded guys it was in a moment of frustration. i understand i’m still nooby and that i’m not doing things right but thank you for all the advice so far (please keep giving me more though). i’ve been trying all my life and now that i thought i was doing it seriously and not seeing any progress was really disappointing. again thank you.

yeah i’ve only been drinking water and maybe a gatorade zero after a run the entire time.

we mean what are the lifts you are doing, a PPL routine or what, literally type out what you do, I do a PPL with a cardio day in between the PP and the PL and two rest days at the end, so 5 days working out, since I've been doing it for over a year and was a dumbass like you and thought I could eat at maintainence calories and muscle would sprout from thin air, I don't have as much progress as I should, and I only started eating at a 500 calorie surplus and getting enough protein since late June, I'm the 5'8" 130 guy above, and several other posts in here, trying to help you sir

it's cool it's all a learning process, you're trying and with some corrections you will start to see progress

I lost 6 pounds in april from food poisoning while clean bulking, there are setbacks, but keep at it

What are your stats?

Literally...How heavy are the dumbbells you lift?

What exercises do you do?
How many sets? how many reps?

How long do you use it for?
What speed?
What incline?

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This and post body so we can fucking help you

Diet is everything. If you aren't eating right, don't expect to lose weight right OP.
2L of water a day, 30 minutes of intense cardio and upper lower split.
Eat 1500kcal or 2000 if you're a lazy fuck

a lot of this is off the top of my head so i probably will forget to list a bunch. some workouts i forget what they’re called i just “know” how to do them from pictures.

all the basic noob stuff. bench press 125lb like 2x10, lat pull downs 2x10, incline press 2x10 80lb, shoulder shrugs, pull ups, standing military press 2x10 ~60lb (forget weight of the bar), bent over rows, lots of barbell exercises like i said i forget the name, squats (i’m guessing 190lbs? it’s a hex bar so i don’t know the weight) etc. lots more id have to find this picture i printed out and follow.

i have one of those smart treadmills so i pick a hike that is always around the 400cal burn range. i’d say average incline 10-15 at like 3-4mph. use it for however long the trainer walks which is around 30 minutes. sometimes i do runs at around 6-7mph with little incline for about 20min.

sorry to the guy above but i won’t post pictures. i can maybe look for a similar picture online?

you wont post a pic of yourself in shorts and photoshop a cover over your face so we can see what if any muscle definition you have to start with?

We don't care how much weight you are pushing, as long as you are doing progressive overload, the bars are 44lbs

i look pretty much like this with a bigger chest and more toned arms.

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a lot of people here are saying diet, which i agree with. the straightforward way of going about it is calories-in calories-out. but what you eat also makes a difference.

an easier way to diet is to focus on making adjustments to obvious dietary problems, like heavily reducing sugar. personally, i would also suggest cutting out dairy and all of its derivatives.

most of all, you have to commit to making these changes lifestyle-changes. you can't just get your gains and then go back to what you were doing. you have to commit to making healthier choices, not because of the results but because the inherent quality of going to the gym or eating a certain way in enjoyable. goodluck, user. you can always try again and again and again until you're ready.

if you have no muscle definition you can starve yourself down to 100lbs and still look "skinnyfat"

thank you. seriously all of you thank you.

how many calories have you been eating and drinking on average each day over the past however long you have been doing whatever routines you have been trying?

you're quite welcome, and good luck

probably 1600-1800. i apologize for all the estimates... like a lot of you said i have to start tracking it. this is over about 8 months.

that can't be right, unless the rest of your day consists of laying in bed, you've cut out sodas and don't eat fast food every meal?

we're all gonna make it, brother. no matter how hard it gets, never give up.

that’s why i’m frustrated. i do spend a lot of time sitting for work and gayming though. i’ve been trying to cut this too. i don’t want to be that fag but my dad had thyroid problems when he was a kid. could i have the same? or maybe just the slow metabolism bullshit i hear about?

you too my friend. you too.

Looking at these numbers, my first guess will be not enough volume. Common hypertrophic (make muscle big) programs have a structure of 3x12, 4x10, or thereabouts. Novice strength programs will have you do exercises for 5x5 or 3x5. Increase the weights a little every time you hit the set/rep goal (that's overload, as others have mentioned). Even if you're not putting your muscles under sufficient stress with enough weight now, you will sooner or later like that.


130 guy again, my understanding is the slow/fast metabolism shit is a meme, it counts for at most a couple hundred calories a day, which is nothing, thyroid stuff, I dunno, I'd say check with a doctor but I suspect you are in the US like me and it costs a million dollars to do anything

Anyway for comparison: I work in front of a computer, aside from shipping a couple things every few days which consists of driving to the post office, and driving every day to get something for lunch, other than working out I don't get out much, I work from home, I work out because a sedentary lifestyle is hell on your body

I shoot for 3,000 calories every day and 1 gram per lb of body weight, I gained 4 lbs last month, but I am trying to gain muscle mass, I believe I burn roughly 2500 a day when I work out, 19-2100 when I don't, if your lifestyle is similar and you weigh a little more than me you're probably burning similar and if you straight up just want to lose weight (I don't know why you would want to) then shoot for 500 calories less than that every single day, you do more than this and you start to mess with your body, at most you will lose 1lb a week, 1lb of fat is roughly 3500 calories, if you are consistent then you will see this over time, weigh yourself every morning after using the toilet, you will be your lightest at this point, it will go up and it will go down, but on average you should be down a pound a week

if you wanted to make gainz you'd spend years researching. I lifted for 2 years without gaining a pound of muscle, I researched bodybuilding shit every day. Finally one day I decided I'd take longer breaks in-between sets and more rest days. I also started eating more and sleeping better, why it took me so long to try this shit I do not know.

I'm sitting here at 270 pounds ~40% body fat kicking myself because I started lifting a month ago and immediately injured my shoulder just 2 weeks in and I can't lift for probably 6 more weeks and I just want to lose weight and get swole and this asshole posts a picture of a man that literally had sex with all of Hollywood and probably had sex with more women than the entirety of the Jow Forums population combined and he's bitching because his stupid 2x10 routine he tried for a month isn't working.

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yeah the thyroid thing i’ll get checked out maybe in a couple months if i still don’t see progress after these changes. i have some of the symptoms but i don’t want to blame it on that. oh and good luck with your goals man you seem to have it down to a science. it sounds incredibly stupid and gay but i’m happy for you; happy that you’re actually seeing change relatively quickly. thank you again.


this is op.

didn’t realize it was leo until after i posted. sorry for putting you down man. hopefully we both can change. don’t let the injury get you down either. you’ll heal. use it to your advantage and research and prep more. god be with both of us.

we're all going to make it friend
believe it or not I wasn't eating at a caloric surplus consistently until I read it in here, so I like to help if I can, everyone can make the changes they want if they stick to it, nothing stupid or gay about it, I'm happy to see peoples progress and read about it, it keeps me motivated, especially reading about people starting at the same weight I did

Just hire a personal trainer and you'll definitely look way better in 6 months