What's the Ideal female body and how different is the sex?
Asking because I finally got a gf last month and she looks like the girl in the right.
What's the Ideal female body and how different is the sex?
>Asking because I finally got a gf last month and she looks like the girl in the right
>he finally settled
>for an obese cow who probably thinks she's hot shit just because some of the fat went to her tits and ass
What ethnicity is she op
Left is better, but with smaller tits.
>image on the right
>based and brosnanpilled
Personally I like tiny Asian chicks, small breasts, slim hips, that's hot.
Don't see the appeal of curvier girls, I'd like someone who is small and cute.
I'm jealous af of the guys in Japanese porn who get to do cute girls like her
The pussy isn't different. As far as positions, technically thin chicks are better. You can hit angles better, etc. without the stomach or pussy lip padding getting in the way. But sometimes it's nice to be able to fuck a chubby chick as hard as you can because the cushion makes it more tolerable for her.
Oh, and forgot to add, thin chicks can ride better. Chubby chicks inevitably get tired faster and just do that lame shit where they grind on you. One other drawback that I forgot about thick chicks in their pussy lip and mons pubis fat can make it harder to get to their clitoris, so with a thin chick where your pelvis would typically make contact with their clitoris, that may not be the case with some chubby or ''thick'' chicks.
This is a flip
Kagami Shuna is Japanese, might be from Okinawa or something, idk.
She's hot af in any case
Know a girl with her bodytype / measure irl. The things I'd like to do to her ...
enjoy that body user
>stealth fat thread
>a b/a as the OP
Incredibly based and brospilled
girl on the right has perfect fat distribution stay with her and be happy as she matures into a goddess
>beer gut just like my uncle's
>perfect fat distribution
Instead of getting with someone like the right and making them the left, why not get with someone like the left and make them like the right?
Depends on muscle tone
A skinny girl and fat girl can be equally tight or loose depending on muscle
A fat girl usually has extra labia thickness though which is rarely copied in skinny girls
>she looks like the girl in the right.
excellent, but not quite perfect, yet ...
Brah she has the body of a 13 year old girl no offense but why
Because he's a 13 year old boy, obv
Where do you think you are?
Tell her to work out and lose weight.
It doesn't matter as long she's 18.
I like it when she's got that little minx body.
who are you, fbi ?
Anyone know the girl in OP's pic?
>I'm jealous af of the guys in Japanese porn who get to do cute girls like her
Japanese porn is censored so that the actors don't have to have sex for real.
Don't post child porn here, discord tranny.
The one on the right's bra padding is showing
My gf, but I wish she had more muscle. She's a tiny 5ft, so I'm sure she can gain muscle fast, but she doesn't want to workout.
It is indeed the perfect fat distribution
Beat her until she wants to work out.
>My gf
user, I...
That’s a dude I can tell by the pixels and I have seen many traps in my time
I love this girls face she has such a homely look about her
She looks like the girl from barakamon she should be learning her A-B-C's (あーかーさ) not working in porn
>crossed legs
yeah we know what you are hiding faggot
Nah mate I just don't see what's enjoyable in that
>i-i sure hate young and/or young looking women!
>d-did you hear me?? I definitely don't find any 16 year olds attractive haha
Hey. I'm the first to admit that I'm not completely straight for wanting her to look more masculine than she already is (she used to be a tomboy), but she's a girl(female).
>what's the ideal female body
whatever this is.
Girl on right is fine for getting your 'sexual sea legs' but I don't know why you would settle for that if you can do better. Once the advantage of youth fades all the fat on chubby girls will begin to droop. Don't listen to those pushing the, "but it's high test to like fat girls!" meme.
she has nice hips. i want to put a bastard in her.
>used to be a tomboy
Turn her back into one.
>cocksucking lips
>hint of bush
>turn her back to one
I'm trying user, I'm trying. But she is really homophobic and thinks tomboys are gay. I tried pointing out that she used to be one but she doesn't get it. Can't complain much tho. What this guy said .
according to the studies you gain muscle with just roids no exercise.
idk, she's hot, also I know a girl with her stats / bodytype irl. Also hot
she's 24
I wish :(
Rude as fuck, she has a very pretty face
>that bush
She looks great, you faggot.
She looks like she's 14 are you a pedo or some shit? She's not even somewhat attractive either
unironically this
I want to lay my head on it
She's an adult and she's hot af. Perfect body (know a girl with her bodytype / stats too) and cute face. Check out IBW-555z
Dude, we understood you have yellow fever, she ain't that pretty.
I appreciate smol bodies too, though.
It's not her being an adult that you find attractive, it's her looking like a 14 year old. I don't care if she's a granny, she looks like someone Muhammad would add to his pedo harem.
Smol bodies are indeed hot. Idk, I dig her look, I think she's pretty.
it's a good thing that she retains her youthful looks for longer. Imagine being only into white girls who are already past it at only 22 :(
Tbh it's negligible
I like petite (>5'3) skinny and small breasted Germanic/Aryan girls.
Fuck off Jonathan Yaniv
The appeal is in healthy and strong offspring.
I've been sleeping with a girl that has a "hot" body for about 4 months and it's objectively near perfect but I find myself wishing she was fatter, my gf before her was overweight with a tummy and I loved everything about her body so much more
It's way more comfortable to cuddle with, fuck and imo it's miles hotter
who thinks about that? I just want to do her sexy, small body
Nice hips.
>imagine being an obligate fetishist
I already have a petite asian gf, but I can see the attraction in mature looking women (pic rel) too. You've definitely got a screw lose if you can only be attracted to qualities found in children. That jap porn star isn't even good-looking.
idk, I find more petite bodytypes just hotter. I think she's good looking, lets agree to disagree.
> but I can see the attraction in mature looking women (pic rel) too
maybe if she got a cute face at least
This is glownigger tier asian propaganda. Chinks are, at best, only fucking you for the green card.
i am fucking with alexis ren for a few months now. it is pretty good. her pussy feels like new. her ex bf mustve been small af
Fucking ruined
Body like this is the most enjoyable for a high testosterone man. The girls are also the most enjoyable in terms of personality or whatever the fuck you want to call it.
how fucking autistic are you mate? he didn't lay down any judgment or say anything about age he just doesn't understand what you find attractive about an undeveloped woman fucking hell you pedos need to stop protesting too much and just accept your illness like damn just dont rape a kid and all is good nigga
Actually this is the ideal body for high t males
Literal goddess wth how do such people exist AAAAAAAARGHH
>this gave me diamonds
Imagine the smell
Too flabby. Needs to stop eating junk.
Have you never caressed a girls soft little stomach and tell her its sexy? She literally instantly falls in love with you and then you can dumb the stupid bitch and laugh about it with your gymbros.
Nigger, is that a child?