Be me

>be me
>uni fag
>really into this girl
>she's into me too from what she's said to me so far
>talking to her a lot
>she tells me yesterday that she dated a spic
as a white supremacist, i cant help but to feel that this bitch just isn't worth my time. come on. she dated a spic and probably fucked him. i have so many other options besides this bitch, but she is the only one that i believe to be racially pure, so what do?

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remember her name and when the fire rises, add her to it user

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i trust that this is my only viable option, but i'd like to believe in otherwise! i am so ashamed to have even talked to this dumb fucking whore.

How do white supremacists even exist? IQ tests have proven East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have higher intelligence.

dont lump us in with yew, fag

Ashkenazi Jews ought to be eradicated. Asians, however, have proven to be worthy allies. I still don't like them, though.

Good book, have you read Hunter yet? Or Siege?

just eradicate us last

I've read Siege, but not Hunter. Mind if ask you to post a PDF or an archive here?

(((White supremacists)))
We've got our groups, but you always go for the dipshit Jewish projection of an ideology because fed-built low hanging fruit looks so easy to reach. Whites, while not the smartest, are quite adaptable and cooperative. Jews meanwhile, regardless of IQ, are parasitic and hateful. Read the Talmud and judge them for yourself. I recommend the authorized editions. Just read it for yourself.

I wish I had Hunter as a PDF, but unfortunately I don't. I read it online a while back, ~a year ago.

naw, theres very nice jews.

I talked to my (Asian) mom about this and she said white people have always thought they are better than other races - "and they're right".
What a bitch.

t. ashkenazi jew

nice bait

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There are also shitty whites. I'm speaking in averages, user.

idk if i can agree. lots of Jews are super nice and White.

I wouldn't even know a person is a jew if they didn't tell me. They're very much white. LA fag here, lots of them here.

>trusting jews

tell me how i know youre jewish

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ya. Moco Md here. theyre White.

im not. im rice. Jews here are lovely people. generally speaking

Okay, sure thing (((user))), keep it up buddy, I sure hope that matzo tastes good.
Untrained eye.

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where do you even live? i feel like you live in some isolated craphole

OK here's an exercise for you. White or Jew?

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First time commenting, what in the fuck

Whiter than me.

I like that japs were incredibly blood thirsty savages for thousands of years, but now we just see them kawaii uguu. Koreans and the chinese too, but the japs were the worst.

Angle doesn't help, but looks jewish.
>eyes and nose positioning.

orthodox jews are something else. a little weird desu

>looks jewish

cant wait to see what this idiot looks like

the circumcising, baby dick sucking jews are orthodox rabbis.

Keep in mind jewish identity is the main problem: they see themselves as their own race (Ashkenazim and Sephardim, at the very least) but use "whiteness" as a double identity to fuck with people and subvert institutions.
>"fellow white people"
>"I'm not white, I'm jewish"

>bulblous nose


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nope. you just dont know any republican Jews.

also you forgot orthodox Jews. those are the odd ones.

Whitest Jews are Askhenazi, then Sephardim (they can look very arab), and orthodox Jews (religious nuts).

the goyim know

based and redpilled analysis

the jews in this thread will not be happy

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thats an orthodox Jew.

also i cant wait to see what kind of non white you are

Role play as a spic and see if she fucks like a latina.

God you guys are just too much with the whole "white picket fence" "she is the one"State of mind.
no wonder youre incels.

tldr on Jews - the more orthodox Jew they are, the more radical and leftist extremism they preach.

They all still go for their own interests. Liberal and conservative jews merely disagree as to how they subvert other nations. Orthodox are stereotypical and control themselves poorly, and are the least adapted to subversion.
>every banking Burg and Stein, including the King of Bankruptcy himself
I can go on. It's a natural function of their behavior, natural selection favors the most hidden ones. The remergence of orthodoxy is due to relative safety.

meh. i know some very nice and White Jews, and i would be super angry if somebody tried to hurt them in any way.

not true at all

the worst jews are the liberal elite jews that have no real connection to the jewish faith. Theyre just globalist shills hiding behind holocaust victimhood to subvert western society.

The farm jews are different only so far. There are really only 2 types of jews. a living jew and a dead jew.

Ashkenazi Jews are significantly smarter than you. The highest scoring Asian country is Hong Kong and they have an average IQ of 108. American Jews have an average of 115.

you sound like an ignoramus. you probably live in some isolated trash heap

Here's a better angle. That's her on the left.

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me specifically or smarter than asians in general.

what if middle left is Jewish?

ITT: Jewish shills expose themselves
We really need flags on every board...
DEFINITELY Jewish. Holy shit that's a beak if I've ever seen one.

Asians in general.

Because the beauty of the Judeo-Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

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Asians are generally smarter but they lack eccentric geniuses or outliers like Von Neumann or Newton.

the only thing ill say about this is that things are always in motion, progressing onward. you claim Ashkenazi

A Jew from my home country, which is no surprise frankly.
Please stop mocking me, user, this is getting annoying.

one thing. im just gonna point out that Ashkenazi Jews have the 115 Iq, and not hasidic or sephardim.

Ashkenazi Jews are White, as ive originally stated.

now are you claiming that this tiny, elite to upper class group is generally smarter than the average east asian? i think im okay with that.

now if you want to pit Ashkenazi Jewish group iq to the top crust of NE asians. i wouldnt even know who that top crust would consist of, quite frankly.

you shirk from answering where you live or what ethnicity you are, and by your post i can detect that youre some kind of brainlet.

Hong Kongers are the top crust of Northeast Asians.

>Hong Kong

this smacks of Jewish deception.

Ashkenazi Jews vs the upper crust of Shanghai, who is more intelligent?

Where do you think? And I'm not telling you mr. FBI

Though I can tell you from earlier post: Hungarian in America, 100% white (not a Jewish "Hungarian")

while its fair to not wanna fuck a girl who has fucked non-whites, you have to consider most girls won't be 100% honest about their past. theres plenty of ''''racist'''' or far right white girls who have rode black dick in their past, so don't 100% trust these whores.

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Where does this 115 figure come from? That's a really substantial leap.

From Whites.

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from Redheads

How many people does the upper crust of Shanghai consist of?

There are purportedly about 10 million Ashkenazi Jews in the world but that is probably an overestimate. Anyway, here is the best explanation for Jewish intelligence I've seen. It didn't happen magically. They lived under unique occupational conditions in Europe during the Middle Ages that selected for high intelligence. To top that off they were very insular and almost never married out so this allowed selection to take place at a faster rate. I am not aware of any group of Asians who faced such strong selective pressures.

Attached: natural_history_of_ashkenazi_intelligence.png (1026x1052, 156K)

>"as a white supremacist"
Kys loser

oh please nice fairy tale. theyre White

I consider them white but they are ethnically distinct.

How White are we talking here, "we created the world" White or brown eyed/black hair white?

yea they have like one sephardic Jew ancestor 30 generations back

>ln 1954, a psychologist discovered that of the 28 children in the New York public school system who had an IQ score of 170 or higher, 24 were Jewish.[12]

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what this user said right here

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Brother, watch this, you need to find a virgin if you want to have a good mother for your children.

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OP here. I have brown hair and green eyes. No nigger genes in me for centuries.

Go to Moldova and get a virgin white wife.