/fat/ - enlightened infinifat edition

For dough elementals who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>Why hasn't my weight gone down for 3+ days?
If you're on a deficit, water weight. Plateaus can last up to 3 weeks.
>This is not QTDDTOT, use that thread for questions not about fat loss.
>Read the Jow Forums sticky (you should have already but it covers the basics of diet and exercise)
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your BMI
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>count calories, all of them
>calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories
>buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate
>learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables
>develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits
>eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight)
>cardio. learn to love walking
>start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners!
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
>eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
>drink your calories. alcohol, soda, fancy starbucks shit. forget it


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Other urls found in this thread:


It is what it is. *burps*

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I've become readdicted to shit food. At least I'm also addicted to the gym, too.

Bros, I thought I had the beetus this whole time, but I've been testing my blood for a week and my blood sugar levels are perfectly normal. What the fuck else causes chronic thirst and increased urination? Shit. Am I gonna die?

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Met an average looking girl yesterday. Thought she didn't like me (knew each other as kids) but got her number yesterday. Am I making it?

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This thread fucking sucks already. 3 bait posts and a literal shit confess image.

Shoo shoo skelly

How do I make snake juice in Australia?


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I ate like shit in weekend. I didn't go over 2300cals but ate pure shit. Now I'm trying to get back to wagon.

Good news is that my appetite is much smaller these days, its self control that needs work these days.

How is this a bait post?

He’s an obvious fatcel and can’t stand you making it. But also
>losing weight for women


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im eating a bag of chips and 3 subway cookies

I had a small dominos pizza like 3 times this week. I go OMAD when I do it and still stay under my 1500 calorie goal, but I still feel gross afterwards.

If I want to lose ~200 lbs, is there any way at all to avoid loose skin or will I have to bite the bullet and have loose skin surgery once I lose the weight? I'm 22.

Lift, eat your protons, and cut slowly.

>Wants to lose 200lbs
>without loose skin.

You are fucked, king of lard. If you were in your teens, maybe, but you ain't no more. Prepare yourself for surgery because of the damage you caused yourself. Disgusting.

No i'm losing weight because I have heart disease on both sides of my family and my grandfather had a triple bypass

>spend years of my life eating 1500 calories and not loosing weight because binging
>start eating 2600 and loosing weight, im at 15 % bodyfat from 25%
do slow cut anons is the final key

>Goes into /fat/ to baww about people who want to get into better shape

>eating 1500 calories and not loosing weight because binging
1500 calories on a binge? or 1500 calories plus an undefined binge?

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putting the weight back in binges

I ate like a lumberjack (1200 calories of eggs, bacon, potatoes, and waffles) on Saturday, ate two 1/2lb cheeseburgers with root beer Sunday, and one more burger (no fizzy drinks) an hour ago.
Thankfully my appetite has shrunk during the past four weeks of calorie counting (I feel like shit now), but is it wrong to spoil yourself for one day at the end of the month?

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right, so you intake looked like

I've been there
you start to feel a bit silly when it takes you all afternoon to add the stuff to MFP

>lean protein and green vegetables

i cant eat chicken and broccoli everyday

If you can eat a microwave pizza a day then you can eat chicken daily

it taste like shit

You don't have to eat that chicken plain.

I'm at week 3 and have lost 7kg. Feeling pretty happy about it, don't know if I could have went harder and lost more but it's been a pretty effortless journey so far.

I haven't had any cravings for the unhealthy stuff I would have had before. I have a feeling the near future will be a bit tumultuous for me, hopefully I can power through it, I don't see myself going back to how I was before.

Remember that it will slow down.

I lost 25kg in 7 Months.
8kg in the first month
5kg in the 2nd and then it kinda evened out afterwards

Just see it through once you’re done you‘ll be more than happy

It doesn’t, you just fuckef up your tastebuds eating processed foods that are laced with chemicals that intensify taste and are loaded with sugar so your dopamine addicted brain connected that taste with „good“

Keep eating chicken, you’re on cold turkey now. You’re a junkie that’s weening off.

You only think it tastes bad it doesn’t and in a few weeks you’ll wonder why you ever thought so

Based human table poster

weight tracker apps helped me put a stop to binges once and for all because I got in the habit of inputting meals before I ate them to see what ingredients I'll add or remove from my meal when I'm preparing them. So every time I got the cravings to binge I opened up my phone started recording data and 95% of the time I stopped, didn't binge and deleted the already recorded food I wanted to binge because the fucking app and every input reminded me that I'm a weak willed bitch so I didn't binge out of spite towards that part of me. Now I never get the cravings for binging, lost around 35 kg, 20 more to go. It really helps, one friend did the same thing but with a notebook that he used as a food journal and it helped him control the binging

i cant cook at all

Learn to cook

Unironicslly buy the book „microwave for one“ or just pirate it

> Gf says my shoulders look really good now and asks me what I do at the gym
> Explain and then she asks me if I'm doing it for or if I started for her
> Say no, that I was a fat blob all my life and that I wanted to know how it felt not to be one
> Five minutes later she's crying and leaves saying she's not sure I love her
I wish I was a homo, if she didn't have a pussy I wouldn't put up with her shit

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I had somewhat considered that. If all goes well by that time, I will have these new habits drilled into my brain. I also wish to begin exercise but I will have to get a bit less lazy.

isnt microwaving unhealthy?

sounds crazy

Do you expect your non-existent gf to cook for you?
Buy a meat thermometer
Buy a frying/cast iron pan
Go buy a cookbook or look up on the internet for chicken recipes

why? Explain user, I really want to hear why you think microwaving is unhealthy

ive heard it kills nutrients but i dont know anything about cooking

Gained 7 pounds this week, on vacation in Europe. Back how now. The beautiful thing about losing weight over the course of 8 months is how easy it feels to be able to jump back in. I in no way consider this a relapse because I already feel ready to get back into the swing of healthy eating.

Most of the people in these fucking threads "want" to lose weight, but just really want a head pat when they fail or binge so they feel better. Its become an echo chamber.

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>Gay anime poster who thinks flagrantly insulting people for no reason will help anyone or anything, most of all himself
Yikes sweety that's a big oof and I'm not here for it

Dry fasting may help a bit. Also I once read that it doesn't matter how fast you lose weight has no bearing on loose skin, but I would do your own research on that not sure how true it is.

the results for week 7 of the fatty contest are in! somewhat delayed.
we lost an average of 1.28 lb this week, and have collectively lost 141.2 lb since the start of the contest.
we're now in the last week of this leg so make it count!

winners by absolute weight lost:
1st: CountNickula
joint 2nd: daydreamanatomy2 and Grungus
3rd: KenloBorther

winners by percentage weight lost:
1st: CountNickula
2nd: daydreamanatomy2
3rd: KenloBorther

the current lineup on points:
1st: KenloBorther - 93 points
2nd: daydreamanatomy2 - 79 points
3rd: Wewlad - 75 points
4th: Hogfather - 73 points
5th: crono - 70 points

the following people are now on warning:

and the following people have been eternally condemned to the HALL OF SHAME:

a big haul this week, meaning we have 5 slots open. if you want to sign up check out the rules and spreadsheet, it's first come first served:

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Oi what is the hall of acclaim?

I would like a slot.

for people who hit their goal and graduated the contest. i'm also thinking the winner of a leg will get a spot there.

sure, check out the rules on the sheet for how to sign up.

>sure, check out the rules on the sheet for how to sign up.
K where do I do that at?

Meant to get started yet again. But ended up convincing myself that today wasn’t the day and to get pizza so that I would be extra motivated to start losing weight tomorrow. Retarded, I know...

there's a link at the bottom of my post

im happy to report that i still weight 100.5kg

Is there any other way than using google? Google services are kinda banned in my country. Otherwise I have to use a vpn I guess, but not sure how to do that.

what country?

ok ill join

current starts 100kg, 184cm, goal 90kg nick moon man

oh ok, it's not actually necessary to use the sheet, i just ask people to read it so i don't need to repeat myself constantly.
here's a screenshot of the rules.

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you're in!

That's how I dropped out of uni
> Today is just not the day, better start tomorrow, but then I'm going really hard

Hello lads i dont know if this is the correct general but whatever.

Today i puked for the first time after doing high intensity sport. I think it was because of the breakfast( i ate a ssndwitch and a coffe)

Can somebody tell me a good breakfast to go to the gym in the morning?

Thank you.

fuck you

and heeere cooooome the fastggots

Would like a slot.

103 pounds

lunch with grandma turned into a 4 day binge. i was 18 days perfect until then

Strength training three times a week, cardio three times a week, going for a run once a week, counting calories...

You can't lose weight when you eat fat because the fat you are losing is just replaced from the diet. You must eat carbs and produce insulin to help burn the fat off (when insulin is high, the liver stops releasing glucose, this gives an opportunity for fat stores to get emptied), calories don't matter.

Through this thread I lost 25 kg in a span of 6 months and managed to hold my weight for the last two months. I seriously want to thank you. All the shitposters, all the go getters and the legends of /fat/ like /swimbro/ even though he is not around here a lot anymore. If someone has his weight chart, please post it. I lost my copy.

Thanks for the marathon so far. Loosing this weight improved a lot in my life. Walking around and climbing stairs is now fun for me instead of agony. I used to take the bus to every destination, now I just walk the distances. Heck sometimes I am even faster than taking the bus. Friends are welcoming the change and miring when they see me for the first time in months.

But what changed the most is my attitude. A lot can be gained from this thread and some of you guys are alright. We are all gonna make it, it just takes time and a lot of small steps.

Also screw puking faggots.

>Hating on people who take care of themselves because you swallow deepfried garbage for breakfast
Im sorry.

I made a meal plan every night the day before, and it’s been day 3 no binges, on someone’s suggestion. But man is it hard. All I do is wait for the next meal.

you either starve yourself or you eat deepfried garbage huh?
have a sandwich, you'll feel better

We're all gonna make it

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current weight, starting weight and calorie limit? Maybe you're losing fat and gaining muscles

How is your maintenece so high?!
And damn that’s a huge cut for a long period of time, god speed.

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2500 isn't high, it's the general figure for adult males
it's what the RDA is based on

need a height and a goal weight too

I'm cutting for 4 weeks now and my dad hasn't seen me in that time. Today he actually noticed i'm less fat.

A female friend of mine’s maintenance (sedentary) is 1,412

I went 2000 calories over my daily limit
I am a fat fuck failure. it's so hard for me to resist, even with good food and support. I am a retard.

Can i join?

107kgs, 186cm, goal 80kgs, nickname Testitickler

Dimelo the story, the full story, of why you caved, amigo

you're in! see you next week.

is she male?

Sure. Well if she was male with the same stats it’d be 1,610

Uhhhh no
We out here! Slow and steady wins the race. My birthday is in 104 days so I wanna be fit to celebrate

I saw biscuits on sale at my local store. I bought 2 packs and ate and ate and ate.
I felt like i was going to be sick afterwards. I don't know why I did it. It was like an impulse.

I didnt look at the calories on the back and I nearly had a heart attack when 100 grams have 500 calories and each of those packs was 200 grams. it's my own silly fault.

I'm female (female) and 5'7" at 163.5 lbs

Based. Remember to celebrate with carrot cake

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Hell no, I'm hoarding my calories and splurging on some damn good strawberry cheesecake


I refuse to believe.
What physical work are you doing?

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That is so fucking bullshit and such a lie. There is no way that is accurate. I eat around 500-800 calories a day right now. Even the thought of eating to that amount makes me feel sick. You are doing something wrong.

They have a saying for shop addicts: anything on sale is expensive if it’s something you don’t need.

Well I'm not going to eat 500 kcal a day, so. But best of luck to you! I hope you reach your goals
Idk man I used this calculator precisionnutrition.com/weight-loss-calculator

Do you think I should cut to 1200 kcal a day? Now I'm worried

there's a good chance that's gonna bite you on the ass at some point
hope you're ready to deal with it

>Well I'm not going to eat 500 kcal a day

And thats why you will not lose weight. Your calculator is fucked. Enjoy gaining you fucking faggot.

God that is just so good to hear. Mark that down as another fattie failure. Hows it feel to literally be nothing? A waste. Can't even eat properly and prone to binging. Stop wasting your, and our, time.

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> All I do is wait for the next meal
Same, the thing is that it's not even that I'm hungry, it's more like I'm bored and want food
> When does eating time arrive I was enjoying myself in eating time

Whoa it really is that high (if I choose light work, light exercise) even with very light it’s 2,100. The 1412 girl would be 1724 here.

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