I'm 28 and I'm on here because I'm a NEET and I live with my parents.
Oldfags post your age and the reason you're on this board.
I'm 28 and I'm on here because I'm a NEET and I live with my parents.
Oldfags post your age and the reason you're on this board.
27. No job for a while now. Living with family because I'm the one supporting them. We've always been poor and I'm trying to change that but it's not working so far. I'm the eldest so there's that. I failed as a son and a brother.
Hey whats up, Im 20 and Ive been going on here since I was 19, migrated to here since tumblr was dying and Im kind of artsy so I like the creative generals. Whats up with you?
30. I've been here since I was 15 or 16 so it's hard to leave
How are you supporting your family without a job?
I do work temporary jobs here and there. Still have a bit of savings left. Been applying to lots of shit but it seems like everyone is avoiding me.
dang you're one of the OGs then
27. Just visiting and seeing what's up. I used to fill all sorts of charts in my most darkest times here. Crying and drinking myself to sleep. I got some emotional connection to this place. I love how very little and yet so much has changed. All other boards are trash except for /a/ and /tg/
I only started posting around 2011 though, I lurked for years
Not old but take a bump on the house :)
Not a neet
Just a cheapskate who lives with his parents
Im on here because i got tired of the endless fucking spam of porn, loli, and log threads on /b/
As for why im on the entire site itself, i appreciate the brutal honesty i get and give due to the anonimity. It really does help putting shit in perspective from another POV
If people were as honest about my shit IRL, id probably be trying to knock their fucking teeth out.
If i was as honest, some people would open their mouth and try to get tough, which in turn, i knock their fucking teeth out.
Don't know why I'm here. It's comfy. I like reading britfeels and drugfeels even though I'm sober.
30 here.
I have a pretty annoying dead end salarycuck job in the city and actually moving there would mean I have zero disposable income.
Also there's no reason for an ugly, weird, mentally ill manlet to ever expect to be dating or get married which is honestly the primary reason anyone should be moving out.
I don't really like living here but it seems like the only reasonable option.
Wish I'd just get cancer already
Oh, forgot to mention why I'm here. I've been here since 2006 and go on here every night, this is my life.
what do you do for a living user ?, you sound like a tradesman
How do you find fun?
I like to play baroque music and make funny words combinations
you live the doomer lifestyle user ?, you like taking late night walks ?
27. Lost job again so I have nothing else to do or to go, been posting on Jow Forums exclusively for the last month. Im so sick of it.
24, no friends, incel, and depressed. I live alone and work an 8-5
you need to bake a glass pie and eat deeply of it
I like reading drugfeels too, it's nice seeing at least other people be happy or enjoying themselves
23 and been here since 2010. Am I oldfag yet?
Browse youtube, Jow Forums, anime.
No, I don't feel like doing anything after commuting. 2 hours each way, most of that is the train.
Everything is just so pointless to be honest. If I at least didn't have to work I could be content with my meaningless lonely existence. I work out of fear, fear of the future, fear of what could happen.
you're not an oldfag dude.
Well im going through training thats funded by the union to be an electrician. In the mean time i do jobs off the books to pay my school loan so i can get into auto tech school, in case electric doesnt pan out. In reality Im fucking over 30 and i still dont know what the fuck i wanna spend my life doing im inclined to do just about anything construction wise, and mechanically, but i also have a knack for the business world, except of course, not enough capital, hence finding a job with a salary over 50 to 70 Gs. Im just a poor bastard who cant make his mind up.
>Oldfags post your age and the reason you're on this board.
27 and because I have nowhere else to go. No job, no friends, no hobbies or interests.
I don't know what I would do with my time if I left since this is all I do.
It seems I'm the oldest one here at 39. I've definitely aged past this board and should quit, but I have nothing better to do and I'm way past self improvement.
I'm not a NEET, in fact I'm fairly well paid, but I'm a friendless khv.
If all goes well I should be able to retire next year and live the NEET life with minimal human contact until I die of old age or rope myself.
Im 32 and a friendless khv.
I have a minimum wage job despite having a bachelor's and graduating with honors from a somewhat respectable state university.
38 here.
While I probably fit in the "normie, get out" category, because of my sex history, but I'm incredibly lonely, and I feel a connection to the people on here. I don't have friends anymore and it was always rare for me to have them.
I came here after one shooter or another came from r9k. When people go on shooting frenzies it makes me happy.
Are you lonely?
Do you have any advice, old one?
27 and i'm on here because i can't get enough of how much of a train wreck this place is
keep it up user, hopefully you'll find your calling soon.
dang user, if you can retire at 40 that'll be fucking awesome, at least you won't be a miserable 50 year old wagecuck.
i'm 31. i used to browse /b/ back in 2009/10. just started browsing r9k because I don't have the stomach for /b/ anymore and I'm bored.
what do you do for a living user ?, are you a NEET ?
30 years old. NEET. khv. Just want some companionship. can't find a bigger shithole self -loathing than here
Did you lose interest in it or some shit
That could have easily happen to me as well. Despite the fact that I went to what is considered the best university in my country, I spent a year without being able to find a job. Only through a family contact I was able to find a very low paying one. From time to time I tried finding another job through the years, but never found anything, and with time my salary got much better and I got to the point I know nobody else is going to pay me what I'm making now. Still, I hate working and look forward not having to do it anymore.
Yes obviously, but it's not as bad as you'd think. I guess that it may be in part because I was an only child, but I've never been too troubled by being alone, and several years ago I got to accept my situation wasn't going to change. Still, I am somewhat afraid that if I quit my job an basically become a recluse with my human contact limited to weekly lunch with my mother (who is 74 and wont alive that long) and the occasional family gathering, it'll become simply too much. On the other hand, the level of discomfort I have when dealing with people seems to feel worst than being alone, so ...
Regarding advise, the best I can think of is that you don't procrastinate and get out of your comfort zone. Despite knowing that I had to do something to change my situation, I kept avoiding, postponing it making up excuses not to do it. In the end this becomes completely entrenched and it's almost impossible to change, you are almost dead inside. For example when I tried Tinder a few years ago, I had the opportunity to go out with a couple of girls, but the prospect facing the situation and being on my first date in my 30's without having any experience was simply to much so I made up some excuses and gave up on the idea of dating.
28 too.
NEET too.
Not on any NEETbux though, just walked out of my job last month because of bullying and I'm in that uncertain period where I meme to everyone I'm 'in between jobs' while I'm frantically worrying about money & debt & bills & how I'm such a worthless sponger waste of oxygen.
Live with one parent, my mother, as my dad is in a care home because he's 74 with advanced dementia.
Reason I'm here? Guess I'm pretty lonely being a housebound antisocial recluse, you can still get little feelings of human bonding and interaction from a social board, without any of the commitment/ taking-advantage-of-you/ socialisation/ talking that comes with real world social situations.
>without any of the commitment/ taking-advantage-of-you/ socialisation/ talking that comes with real world social situations.
so true fren, I don't have to worry about being used and abused.
my dad is 64 and he's working his ass off, while I'l being a pathetic leech at 28. Your dad must've had you when he was in his 40s
Yes he was old, my mother was his 2nd wife and I have half brothers nearly as old as my dad but we don't really even know them.
Maybe I'd be less of a failure(by society's standards not mine) if my father had been a younger age. Who knows.
>occasional family gathering
Dont you get shit for being a friendless khv? I guess your well paid job makes things easier but it must be uncomfortable af, I stopped going to all family gatherings as soon as I could for this same reason. It was ok for me to visibly be friendless khv but as soon as I dropped out of college I had no excuse.
I'm here because I've been coming to Jow Forums since day 1 and it's the only "general discussion" internet board I use. It's hard to stop doing something when you've been doing it for so long, even when this place has become so terrible.
I'm a friendless virgin that still lives with my mother but I don't think that has anything to do with going on Jow Forums.
Lads, how do you will with this feel? I mean most of Jow Forums is under 20. We're that "old guy" that should've left long ago, we are still able to have fun and all that around here but it feels more alien each year.
props to the original user who posted it
i think i got here in 2009? i was watching a youtube video and i went to the site, was shocked and horrified. but i lurked for years and now im here.
Early 30s, have never had a proper job, a driver's license or even kissed anyone romantically. Believe it or not I've never been fat or ugly at all unless I made myself so - quite the opposite - and have had plenty of opportunities with both genders over the course of my life going back to early adolescence. And yet...I'm undoubtedly one of the biggest losers on this board if the past couple years of idle browsing is any indication.
We're just living in shitty times user, most of us don't have the motivation to be adults, you know, having a wife, kids, house, full time career, lifelong friends etc, shitty societies produce outcasts like us.
And the truth is you might think that all the normies, normalfags, wageslaves, roasties, chads etc are having the time of their lives when in reality they are not, they are drinking themselves to death, doing drugs, committing suicide, living paycheck to paycheck, having fragmented relationships and overall living unfulfilling lives despite having everything they ever wanted.
I don't want to sound like a delusional coping asshole and defend the NEET life or defend the doomer life, both those lifestyles are dysfunctional but one shouldn't get so damn exasperated over not living like a normie.
22, 23 this month. I'm here because I'm a depressed neurotic that wants nothing but to dwell in Gods holy presence again. This body, this world, these people, it doesn't come naturally to me. I'm not settled where I live, I have OCD, I can't decide, I always doubt and dread. I'm going to end up homeless or in jail. There is no end to this bipolar, depression/ mania, this irresolute squander procrastination. Up all night, sleep by day, I want nothing more than to simply go away.
Oh, I also never bothered getting my GED after leaving school at 16 either. So I'll have to that in my 30s as well.
Quit the tough guy act, you'll tire yourself out faster then end up depressed.
>grew up in poverty
>shot twice and have killed someone in self defense
>on SSI
>did manual labor from 17-24
>chronic depression and alcoholism
Since Zoomers have completely taken over the net, do you feel too old for it and think you should shove off now?
I'd try taking the tram. Driving and owning a road car sucks.
27, working at retail. It's not so bad but I won't stand it for very long. I still think I deserve better, but I probably won't be able to move beyond that point.
Of course, still living with my boomer father who is a drunktard and old punk music fan, typical boomer "everything was better in my generation, young people are all dumb, why don't you shake your manager's hand" etc. He's a living meme. I'm more of a doomer meme.
I'm 31 and more of a doomer then a boomer.
God damnit I hate so many fucking apps.
>Try to use bank app for first time.
>Okay write down password on ye olde paper with ancient pen like my great great grand pappy would.
>Type in password exactly.
>incorrect password.
>after like 10 or so attempts my account gets locked.
My doomer traits
>Go for nightwalks.
>Smoke cigarettes
>Have ideas for self improvement but, don't act them out.
>Feel despair most of the time.
>Working dead end job I hate.
>Always alone when outside.
>I don't have a black hoodie but, I have a gray one.
28 Isn't old.
anw, 27 here. I'm still here because I've been here since the start of the board. I just lurk now every other day. The new generation really has taken over, which is ok IMO. They need a place to vent too about their retarded shit. I just wish I had a place to go.
I'm here because I fucking hate making profiles. I forgot to mention that. I don't like uploading my face and I don't care to contribute to the unwarranted self importance of people.
I don't have many friends so my social life would be pretty fucking sad and I feel no need to make a facebook or a profile.
i'm 35, schizophrenic. started browsing Jow Forums in 2003 or 2004. /b/ is basically unusable these days and i live a pretty solitary life so found myself here. not sure exactly why. i don't really fit with the me sad no girlfriend vibe and think hating women is a waste of energy and distracts you from what's really gnawing at you: your own self-loathing.
but this is the only board where it seems like i can be mentally ill and sad about stuff so i browse from time to time to see what the next generation is up to or to find people to game with.
I'm 25. Unemployed college drop out. Living with my family. I'm trying to get a job right now, but I'm also trying not to get another one that pays like shit for very hard work. In my last interview I was offered min wage and unpaid overtime "including a lot of hard work", "you have to be here when needed" etc.
I'm just going to get a grocery store job like all losers my age do and pretend life will be ok. It won't, but I can't afford to think like this right now. I'm counting down to 30 and I don't think I'll be living as an independent financially secure adult by that time, and possible I will never even reach lower-middle class. If my relationship with my parents goes south and I'm forced to rent, I'll never be more than a desperate wageslave. Really sucks. I wish my life was better.
>23 and 24.
been browsing Jow Forums since 2009. my very first serious gf introduced me to it :D
When you take into account the dominant demographics of r9k it makes sense.
Yo im 18, can i fuck ur gf that showed u this site? i love me some mature pussy
30. I'm currently a NEET due to a psychosis followed by developing schizophrenia so I've been staying with my parents for over a year now. Have an interview for a volunteer job tomorrow. Thinking about changing career and working full-time again are terrifying the absolute shit out of me.
24, NEET khv and schizo. Came here years ago to laugh at all the retards, then one day I became one of them. Funny right
I'm 32 and randomly browse r9k a few times a year just to see what the state of people here is like. I'm relatively successful? I finished my PhD and have a nice job, and I've had a lot of girlfriends before. But the last few years I've kind of been too busy with work to put effort into real relationships, and I just travel abroad to Japan and Hong Kong for sex, so I've started to objectify women a lot more. I'm still not as bad as most people on here in their views of women, however.
28, not neet. Nowhere else to go. Gonna try and find a better place soon, as this website is becoming far too normy.
Same, a few anons on this site have taught me some hard life lessons and I'm better for it. Not that it makes a difference because I'll probably die soon anyway but eh
I just want to say the 30 year old user who ghosted me for 2 days straight it's ok I'm not mad and I hope life gets better for you
You know who you are
I have been on this website for 10-11 years. I honestly thought I'd grow out of it. I guess time to an hero.
Go to/X/ fren, lots of fellow schizos there
We need schizos on this board. Very good posters in general.
Lel considering the majority of people that post here are underage or between 18-20 that's pretty good.
34 browsing since 2009
hate humans like beeing alone
at least some friends
sex is ultra rare
trying to get in a financial state where don't or hardly have to work but still can afford everything I realy want/need
28 I'm on here cuz I lived at home as I don't find the need to move out alone when I can help my parents out. Plus I dont habe quite a stable job, bit I have been applying for a full time job with benefits. I am currently looking at the airport
26 and been on this site since high school although I've been hopping boards.
I have a pretty good education but a local industry downturn fucked me over out of a job so I'm pretty much done for and I have no money to move.
Also never had a gf or anything because I'm a retarded/poor/don't have time.
I'm 28. I'm here because my bf left me and I will never recover from that. Gave up on life since then.
33. I've been on since I was 20, so it's kind of just part of my life lol. Plus the memes are still good.
I used to feelpost erry day but I got better. I'm 35 and I still lurk because I still relate to you faggots.
>Came here years ago to laugh at all the retards, then one day I became one of them
i'm here ONLY because site is dynamic and i can vent myself on you instead of beating up my cat
How would you say the board has changed over the years? im relatively new, only been here since 2015
people are more autistic now
is it just me or is there a spike of 28 year olds? maybe i'll come back to this thread later and tally up all the ages and make a chart
i'm 28. used to go on /b/ when i was 15 or 16, then /v/, /mu/, /lit/ when i was in college, then just stopped all of it until a few years ago, when i fsr decided to come to this shit hole and ended up being sucked in.
i have a gf and i live on my own. don't have a job now because i quit earlier in the year and am just killing time, gettin high and makin art until i go to grad school in the fall
I want to steal your life
1990 was the best robot making birth year.
Wait, you mean to tell me all the way back when you were 19?? you're not even a newfag, is this some kind of joke?
So hypothetically...if I changed all of that shit within the next few months how fucked would I still be, from an outsiders' perspective?
Where do you meet women in Asia?
I went to Japan and other than Tinder or paying I didnt know were to start
27 is old fag now. Finally. I've made it.
>recently turned 22
Very relatable
The other day i was talking to the butcher at safeway and I suddenly realized I could blow the guys head off if i wanted to. It was an incredibly free feeling.
I'm 26.
Formerly N.E.E.T. but turned my life around when I was 24.
Came for the memes, stuck for the feels.
Fuck no!
Give me a shovel and I will dig the trenches!
it's kind of miserable right now, desu. although my workplace had a series of horrible leadership decisions that led it to be unbearable at times, i still somewhat liked parts of it.
when i left i drank with my old coworkers and they were like, "you'll be going stir-crazy from not having a job in like... 2 weeks". i didn't believe them, or i did, but i underestimated exactly how stir crazy i would get.
trying to make the best of it. and even though i've already got accepted at this point, and pretty much have my fall and next 2 years planned out, i still feel directionless, aimless, pointless, hopeless, and moderately depressed.
i'm also running out of money.
28, almost 29 neet since 18 here, unfortunately this has to change and I must wageslave or live on the street.
I have until my birthday in two months to get a job before mom formally evicts me (she says if she does that then she won't let me back in even if I were to get a job afterward). How the fuck do I explain my lack of work history/experience? I have no skills or anything nor do I have time to go to school to get any.
Assuming I do manage to get one, how the fuck do I act while at work? How much social interaction with normies coworkers can I expect and how will I be treated by them. Do I fake normiedom the best I can or do I just let the spaghetti flow?
Post mostly normie here 35, been on Jow Forums for like 14 years, I'm retired so when I'm bored I shitpost and lurk I'm also pretty disgusted with all the trap shit these days ya'll are gay lol
Just put you worked at home you filthy cuck, Walmart wont give a fuck nor Burger King start low
Yeah. This board is way more gay than it was in like 2014/2015.
Lots of social interaction because you will most likely do customer service, or work in a factory if you have any there