Any good exercises for my core?

My core is the most lack luster thing on my body, it also has shit muscle endurance so some exercises need repeated rest before I do more.
Is there an effective daily exercise/routine I should follow in order to help strengthen it?

Attached: download.jpg (298x169, 10K)

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Dragon Flag’s are the only correct answer

Attached: 7607D9B4-4CBF-4A3F-BCFF-C564F3619D12.jpg (620x349, 68K)

I do compounds + this routine on my restdays
-4x 20 crunches
-4x 20 sidebends for obliques
-4x 20 woodchops
-4x 12 kettle-bell swings
-4 minute plank

>dragon flag
>windshield wipers

Everything else is a meme. Planking does nothing.

I think I get better quality push-ups if I do them regardless of how many push-ups and how hard I concentrate not doing them.

I fucked my neck doing dragon flag. 100% my fault but haven't had the balls to try again

>Everything else is a meme. Planking does nothing.

post abs

how about ab wheel ? meme or legit?

Front squats and windshield wipers

Legit when you do it right.

Leg raises are so fucking good


>When you Master the skill of hanging leg raises
God I love leg raises

Barbell rollouts > ab wheel

Side Planks
Hyperextensions (or reverse hollow holds?)

I do the first 3 in circuit at the end of my workout then alternate between L-sits and push-ups.

Are we supposed to be impressed you can do a negative number of sets in a workout?


Attached: 1562765274988.jpg (919x892, 309K)

I think he meant he does only negative part of the movement

I thought you had to add weight to ab workouts to see any growth, just like with any other lift? If I just do dragon flags, rollouts, windshield wipers, etc with no weight, I'll still progress??

walking or sitting while flexing 50% of your abs