>eat insanely healthy for 3 weeks
>cave and eat a slice of pizza
>promptly shit my pants
why is it so hard to lose weight?
Eat insanely healthy for 3 weeks
Do Keto, faggot
this is some rich mental imagery
don't cave? have a modicum of self control? it's not even that hard, fatass. it's not like you're having fucking meth withdrawals
>it's not like you're having fucking meth withdrawals
Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Fat people need help, not to be shamed
I am doing keto, pizza has carbs.
i am having withdrawals.
no it's fucking not. sugar cravings basically completely stop 48 hours after you've stopped consumption. at this point, it's all in your head you fat fuck, stop looking for excuses
It's just a slice of pizza user. A single slice of pizza won't do shit to you it's not even worth mentioning don't get yourself caught up on something like that
>ate pizza
So what? You can eat healthy for the next meal retard
it did do shit to me, i crapped in my pants.
i have an eating disorder. my relationship to food is different than most people.
Self-control is 60 percent genetic.
i will go one further:
You're literally making up shit so that way you can have an excuse for your sorry fat ass. How fucking pathetic, get over it and stop you're not withdrawling YOURE DOING IT TO YOURSELF
>it's muh genes!
>random """""scientific""""" article (psychology LMFAO)
>no name journal nobody ever heard of
imagine all the fat you could have lost if you were half as motivated to exercise and stop eating garbage as you are scouring the internet for excuses
No i am not making shit up. I do have an eating disorder, I am bulimic, which means I binge and purge. You can't dismiss facts that don't fit your worldview.
>try going gluten free
>2 weeks later cave to a cookie
that's not me (OP) just so you know.
keto is a meme you retard, just EAT LESS
You're an ignorant, obtuse moron who's ignorant of modern genomics research. 70 percent of the variation in weight between individuals is heritable. If you stop eating, you will lose weight, of course. But for some people it's going to be a lot more difficult. We should have more empathy and understanding for such individuals.
who cares, he's probably just as fat as you are and you're looking for excuses too.
I'm on the same boat but I binge eat a lot at night (mostly biscuits) and I'm not really putting the calories anywhere because I'm a housebound recluse since I walked out my job in February
I'm 210lb (95kg) and slowly getting heavier
I don't know what to do. Dieting is harder than people make it seem, and will power is a meme.
Why are you trying to lose weight, op
I am trying to get in shape by eating lean proteins and greens and exercising so I can hike this summer.
Why do you hate fat people so bad that you will literally ignore all science to maintain your opinion?
On the bright side by instashitting you didn't absorb as many calories as you would
Stop eating sugar, stop drinking alcohol. Stop eating so much period. Stop snacking. Stop having oversized portions (because most fat people think their portion sized are normal when in fact they are not, they are huge).
Drink only water. Eat two normal-sized meals per day, breakfast and dinner. Do not snack. You will be hungry and that is fine you will not faint or pass out or run out of energy or anything.
Make yourself a solid meal plan, google examples of meal plans for specific diets and such so you know what you are going to have the next day or even for the next week. You don't need variety you can eat the exact same thing every day.