>DNP ups your metabolism by 50%
>you can achieve the same effect by cutting your calories by 50%
lmao DNP confirmed for brainlets and normies
Lmao at DNP users
but if you manage to boost it by 100% it's the same effect as cutting all calories which is not so easy
Just fast and take meth, it's much safer
Just how addictive is meth? Serious question
It's addictive if you have an addictive personality. I've taken a lot of crap but nothing's got its hooks in me.
Not really because when you cut calories, your metabolism will adjust down. When you take DNP, you actually start shedding off fat massively no matter what. It's literally a chemical designed to produce bombs, that fucking melts down your fat.
Fasting is a much more pleasant experience
plus with stuff like l-carnitine, synephrine, nicotine gums/patches, garcinia cambogia, tons of other supplements for curbing your appetite, fasting becomes really easy.
Yeah but if you cut all calories as well then that's a 200% boost
*boils your insides when you take DNP*
Heh gottem
Triple lmao at the normies who fried themselves on it by upping the dose daily because 'they weren't feeling it work' Jesus how dumb can you fucking get
If you cut your calories too low it will fuck up your metabolism. Otherwise everyone would just cut at 1000 kcal and lose weight in no time.
Big if true
Plus it is one of the worst ways to die
top kek
the state of normalfags taking 1g of DNP a day and literally cooking to death
The latest high profile death I think was some teen in 2013, she said she couldn't feel it working so she took pill after pill, eight fucking pills I think, way more than a gram in total
then she called her mum and told her 'I'm dying' fucking normie cunt, couldn't even bother to read about DNP before using it
You'd have to cut ~33% for the same effect, retard
Every PED you take makes you feel amazing. But DNP makes you feel like a miserable sluggish faggot. In fact, a traditional anavar+T3+clen stack makes you feel great and will make you lose almost as much fat. Why bother playing on the razor's edge like that?
>It's literally a chemical designed to produce bombs
Technically it was developed as a yellow dye (before the age of synthetic dyes) but they quickly found out how explosive it is. If you have any and are willing to sacrifice it, you can tie a paper container full of it to a firecracker, light the cracker and see how impressive the second BOOM is.
I'm genuinely embarred. I'm the actual retard
Isn't this the thermogenics argument? It's more effective to boost an affect that increases your body's energy use, than to simply cut calories
>take thermo
>body heats up
>spends energy on cooling
>spends energy expelling co2
>spends energy on increased hr
>spends energy fidgeting
So you get a larger net positive than with just cutting calories alone.
it's alright bro hueheuheue it goofy
DNP works because it interferes with mitochondrial take-up of ATP. normally, you can't metabolize all the ATP produced during the krebs cycle, so some of it gets recycled. DNP actually disrupts the enzyme that scavenges those leaked ATP molecules and it's left to the enzyme that Burns the ATP for heat. this is why you get so hot.
What's it like to od on DNP
That's why you cut and take dnp. I've been on it for 3 weeks and lost 20lbs so far. Doubt you could do that with cutting alone
some people on this board literally want you to die for the lulz. dont put poison into your body.
is nicotine gum okay on fasts? and the other stuff?
No retard
If your metabolism goes from 1.0 to 1.5 on DNP you divide 1 by 1.5.
50% increase in metabolic rate is like dropping 34% of your calories you literal fucking brainlet. Just off yourself.
>just off yourself
don't blame OP, he's just using common core maths
I'm on day 19 and lost 9lbs of my 15lb goal without taking shit. And I still eat a serving of ice cream every night. Shaving off a few weeks is not worth it unless you're late for competition shape.
I'm taking 200mg dnp and I'm losing fat every week.
I'm getting shredded as fuuck
ready for summer
Just faggots don't take the dnp pill
I'm reaching Zyzz level fuarrk
Take DNP with T3 and Clen bro it's totally safe
Sure! It's fucking good for you!
Now megadose it and go to a sauna to truly follow in his footsteps
Why would I divide 1 by 1.5 when I can just +50%/-50% it
Meth + dryfasting in the forest is the best way to cut
Because mathematics doesn't give a fuck about your opinion.
You wouldn't.
Because you're a brainlet.
Do us all a favour and neck yourself
Just drink pic related instead. It’s chemically similar and much cheaper and legal!
You overheat and die. Maybe you'll live if you get into running cold water, but who knows?