>April 9th, 2019
April 9th, 2019
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I have done absolutely nothing in the past 8 months. I don't even remember them passing. I slept through them completely.
So I'm not the only one weirded out by dates. Everything started feeling less real around 2016, no idea why.
Same here man
Once I finished hs back in 2016, everything has been a fucking blur. Like it wasn't even real.
>the night of New Years Eve I told myself I was going to make it through college
>after this semester, I'm droppng out
5 years and I'm tired of not knowing why I'm forcing myself to do this.
Been in bed to screen NEET purgatory for over 3 years. Time flies.
>2034 is as close as 2004
my brain is still stuck in late 2017. literally nothing has happened since then
should i just blow my brains out?
Time marches on, I know this as a basic fact, time never surprises me.
Try 10 years. I dropped out of school in 6th grade. I don't think I'll ever be able to integrate back into society.
I have a bit of inheritance money, and I'm debating about risking everything and going overseas. I mean if I'm already one foot in the grave? What do I have to lose?
Regular physical activity and self-care, nofap and hard nointernet for long time period completely cured my blur and brainfog, I started to feel like a child again and live in the moment the way I wanted too. To bad Im too weak-willed to try again. I hope some of you will experience this tho.
Your environment makes and break you. Browsing Jow Forums isn't necessarily the problem. The reason why you waste so much time on here is to cope with your shitty environment. It's best to pick up your bags and move. It's better than rotting away forever.
You should have some fun before doing so. Save some money and go to Eastern Europe or Asia. Go be a degenerate. Might as well go out with a bang than a whimper.
fucking hell lads already 4 (four) f o u r months into 2019
not a bad idea what eastern european countries should i go to? what should i do? ive already been to japan that was pretty fun
I thought it was just me. Ever since I graduated in 2016 its like nothing even happened even though I experienced 5 semesters of college and getting my first job.
Its unreal.
Laptop in bed wearing only underpants paralysis, I remember that. I got too used to being that warm, then I wasn't able to do that come winter time. Everything always seems the worst and most inconvieniant to be, despite my given shitty circumstances.
Everyone should. Sounds like such a rush, fuck even drugs.
>be completely neet from 2012 to 2014
>literally no job experience at all at 24 years old
>start working mcjob
>get a new job in 2016
>get promoted 3 times
>make 90k salary to attend meetings and check emails
>have my own car, apt, saving for a house
>got a gf who's way too hot for me
we're all gonna make it, lads
I've been unemployed since June 2018 and I finally landed a full time job which I start at the end of this month. Anything is better than being a fucking neet.
Lmao same, time passes I guess. Also the more old we are the more this effect will get strong
I'm still in 2013-15
That's a cute gif user, thank you for posting it
I don't believe you but it's fun to pretend.
I had shitty environment. Then I cleaned my place
for me it was even before 2016 cos im 27 virgin. Not interested in this world and its happenings at all for a long long time. tf lol
Time can become your friend if you resolve to stop being passive and start taking consistent action toward your goals.
can be so true from my experience but it's important not to use it as an excuse.
The world soul died somewhere between 2012 and 2014. The universe began to decay. We are living in the decay. The beating heart of the world is dead now
I can't explain why but I think you tell the truth
April 10th now
This. I think I lost my soul circa 2014-2015. Ever since then I am experiencing this weird purgatory.
It's definitely not hell, but it's not a good place to be in. And it has been close to hell. Very close.
My life ended in like 2006 when I failed my classes and wound up on the college prep track instead of the AP track and all of my friends left me. I was destined to be a failure from that moment onward. It didn't matter that I finished college; I became a friendless NEET in the end.
I manged to get where I do at least do chores routinely, practice Japanese and have even had a job that lasted about half a year but I am still mostly wasting my life.
The issue is that society really hasn't changed since 2009. It feels like I've lived through the same year, 10 years in a row.
>YouTube has remained unchanged, there's just more stuff on it and slight UI changes.
>Facebook is functionally the same and has only gone through slight UI changes
>Jow Forums visually has remained the same since 2003 with slight functionality changes (captcha)
>Everybody has owned a smartphone for at least a decade so going poop and browsing the internet on your phone is now a legitimate habit
>Tom Brady is still the quarterback of the Patriots.
>Steam looks identical to how it did a decade ago.
>Call of Duty from a game design standpoint has not changed.
>Metallica has been touring with the same guitar tone for over a decade, making all of their concerts from '08-'19 sound the same.
>The Dodge Challenger has aesthetically been the same body style for 10 years.
By comparison, look at how society, sports, and entertainment changed from 1989 to 1999.
how the fuck do you crawl back into the pit after experiencing that kind of nirvana? baka
>Regular physical activity and self-care, nofap and hard nointernet for long time period
I want to try this but I would probably snap and go on a killing spree.
Chan visually has remained the same since 2003 with slight functionality changes (captcha)
Newfag detected. Moot changed the whole css style - probably because 7chan had just updated theirs, and Jow Forums was archaic.
He also changed the front page, got rid of the sidebar for all the boards, and changed the ban page.
People are now just too retarded to remember the passage of time - their memory has been destroyed. Old buildings and websites are being destroyed, and without them we forget.
Liberalism also forces people to forget parts of their lifes because those events are no longer politically correct. 2009 feels like the beginning of this era, because that's as far as SJW culture goes back - nothing older is PC enough to be acknowledged as reality.
/time/ server, come join lads
for a 6th grade dropout, you have pretty good vocabulary. Were you homeschooled after?
My birthday in a few days and I'm shocked.
you realise hes clearly spent his entire life on the internet? reading the english language?
Try do nothing in 8 years and being 35... I have no chance...
I've actually been doing ok. Finishing up my first year of college and getting out of academic probation
The past 3 years has felt like the same amount of time as 3 hours did when I was a kid
2012 for me brother. Life aftervthat ive made no new memories
how the fuck do you manage this? please, I'm genuinely asking you, how did this happen? What country do you live in? Have you been mega enabled by your parents? Are you diagnosed with anything? You said 8 years so you haven't done anything since you were 27. What were you doing then and why did you stop?
I just need to understand you. I am 24 and haven't worked for exactly 2 years, and it feels like an absolute lifetime. I feel like an empty husk, how have you managed to do this for eight years?
major league black pill in coming: getting a car, gf, or job makes no difference if your routine and environment do not change completely. I've spent the last 6 years in the same apartment, the first 4 were miserable and unbearably lonely. but the last two were okay, I got a gf who wants to marry me- but, things still seem the same. I'm not sure how to articulate it.
>went from NEET to employed
>depression is better
>anxiety is better
>really popular at work and chicks wanting my dick
>hold my frame well and don't engage any of them because they don't match my standards
>spending less time fapping and watching porn and on Jow Forums
>generally doing well for myself
>want to die less, but still miles away from where I'd want to be
you don't have to believe me m8
just remember anything is possible
it'll all be over soon
more like 2010
I have had my own sneaking suspicions that this will be true in my case as well for a while.
For instance, I got a job and got fat. I'm not sure getting a gf will fix anything, might have to do it to appease normies
Basically, I wish I could go back to a specific time with a specific group of friends and a specific gf, and take an alternate branch through time and life from there. They were probably the only people I really cared about
To realistically change anything now, I would need some kind of massive shock - maybe moving to a new city and becoming part of a new scene in combination with drugs or something
how do you feel about the 2010s as a decade
rank the years
>bed to screen NEET purgatory for over 3 years
i wonder how many others live like this
The date of this post says it was posted on April 10th, which is today.
>being a timezonelet
The agepill/timepill absolutely destroys me. Looking at the feeble elderly, with all the physical and emotional ailments they have to suffer through, and knowing that you'll eventually be exactly like them, is absolutely horrifying. Literally the only reason I haven't killed myself is fear of death/the afterlife. I now just pray every day now for terminal cancer or death by accident.
Same feel here user, the months keep slipping by. I'll think March just began a week ago and then realize April is already escaping me, just like January and February. Nothing I do has meaning, every day is the same, the weeks blend into each other. Such is the life of the lonely.
Please stop posting until you have something constructive to add to the discussion, thanks.
Make me, u fgt.
The worst part is that we can't be a group. If we were, then we could help eachother. Maybe. This is why I come to Jow Forums. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that has been through this hell.
when do we get to get off this ride? its been enough time, feels like.
>t. fellow world ended in 2010 traveler
>we're almost as close to the next 80s as the last 60s.