Im 19 years old been lifting for 4 years now, bench has been stuck at 325, cant bulk without getting fat, cant cut without getting small. All the supps you gotta take fucks with your health regardless along with injuries. Some gym noobie could just start juicing today and by the time i hit a 405 bench, they would be repping that at 8 percent bodyfat 205lbs lookin aesthetic af while i then would have to cut n be back where i started. Give me a reason not to inject.
just do it man, if you just care about looking good and nothing else then just do it
Brody King
Do it
Carson Allen
Just get lean and do sports, no need to be a roiding gymcel, it doesn’t get you anything other than a heart attack at 45
Cameron Parker
think about what your goal is then go for it. the choice of jucing is yours only. it has a lot of ups, but also a lot of downs so think well before because if you go for it there is no going back
Owen Flores
coming from a guy who has been lifting as long as you have been alive and a good amount of it using gear.... let me just tell you: those few years living your "dream" being "on top" looking "awesome" and being "mad strong" really arent worth it down the road once you find yourself mid 30's, struggling with kidney issues, crippling injuries, infertility, bald as fuck. I won't debate you, and my advice can be taken or not. I just wouldnt do it if i could go back in time. not worth it, not at all. after life moves on from your bb phase you will realize it but for many it's kinda TOO LATE
Ethan Gonzalez
This. Women think Ronaldo is buff
David Adams
You’re far too young to roid. You haven’t even fully developed yet. Find a new hobby to focus on and do your gymcelling on the side. If you still feel like juicing 5 years down the line then go for it. The later you start and the more experience you have as a natty the better. I’m sure you can look quite good cut, especially to normies. Reevaluate your priorities and ask yourself why you’re really considering this at your age. Don’t squander your youth.
Michael Richardson
this. i reached a point where i realized i’m happy being lean and benching 2 plates for 4x8. now i’m focusing more on flexibility, cardio, etc. no point in being 200 lbs 10% body fat if you can’t even touch your toes
Noah White
If you plateau : 1. Take a week off, your body needs rest to repair, you may also try deloading instead Personally Iim strongest after 2 weeks off , but thats just me. Will be different for different people.
2. You dont grow without a surplus of calories, fact of the matter is that your body needs energy to repair and grow Bulking is effective for a reason, if you look a little fat so be it, it is ultimately a temporary condition inorder to progress
3. Not everyone is the same, while there is room to improve do not use anothers progress as a gauge for your self , you do not have the same genetics.
4.nutrition, check your diet with a nutritionist to see if you have any gaps, deficiency of certian nutrient will inhibit your progression.
Wyatt Ramirez
OP is subtle bragging and fishing for compliments. also very delusional, thinking he'll reach 405 naturally.
Bentley Ross
i cant touch my toes because i got scoliosis surgery : (
Ian Fisher
Those work during first couple years of lifting, after that shit halts to a depressing degree. I just bulked up but the amount of fat put on vs gains made didnt feel worth it. Thinking of taking sarms to preserve muscle while cutting at the very least.
Michael Cooper
soiboy people actually lift for other reasons then girls. Have sex loser.
Isaiah Martinez
Absolutely horrible pic. Can't see anything.
Charles Murphy
lol, i dont give a fuck, you will risk only your own wellbeing, as for me, you can blast 2g per day and die next month, i still wont care
Jace Myers
cope reddit string bean
Ethan Walker
Could i just take SARMS such as LGD or RAD n be perfectly fine after a mini pct? Or are serms not worth the risk for a 19 year old with already high T levels?
Caleb Ward
200lbs at 10%bf is literally bare minimum for amyone that isn't a manlet. It's not even big. Never seen a 200lbs guys "so buff that they can't touch their toes"
Andrew Stewart
>Give me a reason not to inject. most sane people would agree that the permanent consequences outweigh the temporary benefits
however if you have to ask, it probably means you only learn the hard way, so go ahead and knock yourself out
Christian Nguyen
Take clen there are no side effects
Cooper Gonzalez
>bench has been stuck at 325 That's a good natty level bench without being fat, especially at 19. You're probably pretty big but you have body dysmorphia.
If you want to roid then go for it, just be prepared to accept the risks in doing so. Juicers don't necessarily look better though especially if they have grainy skin and acne to suit.
Either way, post body.
Carter Perez
The kid is only 19, he has room to improve hes probably not even done growing,
Also muscle accretion takes time, at the very most even with all the anabolics you can only put on 15-20lbs of muscle in a year, bulking takes time, the longer the bulk phase the better your results will be in the end. people dont do it long enough because it makes you looks like shit, from my own experience 2 years for a bulk cycle is probably best for a natural lifter, not that anybody has the patience for that.
Xavier Williams
i wonder if OP thinks he actually stands a chance to look anything like the picture he posted in the OP.
Owen Turner
what is the point of lifting ? you can take steroids, or can remain natty, there still will be day where you stall, cause you cannot progress forever, deal with it, you are not special
Owen Ward
you are a newb giving lifting advice to someone far stronger and probably more knowledgeable then you both theoretically and practically on the subject of lifting. Wake up dude
Owen Murphy
all based posts. truly the ultimate Jow Forums redpill is striving for the perfection of the human form, eternalized in marble by michelangelo and breker.
What ever helps you sleep at night, this isnt a 25 yearold , this a 19 yearold , fat chance hes got it all figured out , if he doesnt want to make progress naturally thats his choice, but to ignore fundimental rules is a fools errand. Some times you gotta go back, look at what youre doing and see if theres anything youve ignored or neglected.
Bentley Nguyen
That statue’s physique is well within natty limits
Anthony Morales
"well within" is a stretch. let's call it the ideal natural physique
Grayson Bailey
ok skeleton
Carson Lopez
>All the supps you gotta take fucks with your health
Liam Lewis
He is
Kevin Sanders
Literally havent been under 200lbs since 9th grade, but sure, what ever helps you cope.
Owen Hill
Its not a stretch at all. He isnt that massive, just very lean
Connor Walker
Oliver Hernandez
>has to defend himself on an anonymous imageboard because someone said two words Yes, hes coping. Retard no on wants your dyel advice. This is the gayest shit i've read. When your bench goes over 250 then post this again.
Ethan Morris
If i were to cut right now to 10% bodyfat i would be around ~230
The burden of proof is on you, be mad all you like, nothing i have said is the least bit controversial or untrue. At the very worst its something he already knows
Oliver Gray
delusional fatso detected
Oliver Williams
What is it with manlets , they are always so salty about life, do they forget to enjoy it?
Anyway Op. If your still here, just consider the risks before pinning yourself, (enlarged left ventricle ect) And consult an actual physician about it instead of fitards.
Dominic Reed
roids are a jewish trick. testosterone is prescribed by doctors as male birth control. my friend tried one 12 week cycle of just test. he swears his natural test levels never came back to what it was before his first shot.
the vast majority of breker's statues had a real person as model that breker himself carefully chose. He usually went for athletic-looking people and I really doubt any of them roided. In fact, some retards in here will say these statues have dyel bodies
Don't be a fucking retard like I was and Chase gains with needles only to get gyno at a young age.. surgery and all that fucking sucks.
Adrian Baker
Okay riddle me this. I am 27 still got a solid year and a half of bulking and cutting before I hit my genetic limit. What would be the pussy’s route to lose my natty card without going all out with all the side effects. Like pardon my Ignorance but is TRT like a safer way to go? What are my options here or are none of them worth it. I value any feedback on this as I think about it regularly
Robert Moore
Just lift and stop giving your shitty beginner advice, ok novice?
Jose Jackson
>Give me a reason not to inject. You're still growing. I started roiding at 25 exactly because of that reason. Also, you can get respectably big as a natty if you're consistent. I had a 375 bench, a 550 deadlift and a 485 squat before I ever started juicing. This was at about 205lbs at 5'10. My bodyfat was in the mid teens somewhere.
Ultimately it's your choice but make sure to do your research before you start pinning.
Quite amusing, Every time I read one of these , the mental image I create of the person behind them ,shrinks 1/2 an inch.
Nolan Evans
Can you just stop giving your dyel advice?
Aiden Green
steroids should be reserved for genetic dead ends with natty test levels of the elderly desu
Noah Collins
The question should really be , can you ignore the post?
Thomas Hill
Retard. Every elite athlete and hollywood actor roids. Those guys are the top of the top in terms of genetics. Why would you want to limit roids to people who won't even be able to make the best of them?
Aiden Carter
>all this damage control because people called him dyel Can you make it more obvious? If you dont want people to call you some retarded dyel dont post shit everyone knows especially OP if hes benching 300lbs. Now go try to pass your 225 bench string bean and leave the thread.
Ethan Lopez
>most gearheads skin looks like garbage >balding >potential depression off cycle >literally no one needs to be that big unless competing
Just look at your fucking picture OP. That guy looks like absolute shit
Aaron Brown
>S E E T H I N G
Jordan Walker
i want them all for myself ALL OF THEM t. 397ng/dL at 18
this reply was not the play, user. It just made you look even more retarded.
Nolan Anderson
Ooh, that's rough. Get on dat dere celltech, bro.
Alexander Ross
>most gearheads skin looks like garbage >balding Skin and balding are entirely genetic. >potential depression off cycle Going off cycle is beyond retarded. Cruising is much smarter and healthier. >literally no one needs to be that big unless competing You are delusional.
Adam Smith
It 4am, im just here to watch the thread
Its like fishing at this point, no matter how retarded it gets there are still more replies kek.
Nolan Miller
>> Make the best of them = needing exogenous T to reach that level
I guess that people who have that manlet surgery to get taller are also "making the best of themselves" and not coping, right? lol
Imagine being so insecure that you need to look freakish or lift X weight in order to survive your day to day existence. Specially when being fit and athletic suffices and is way much more functional (I'm sure Rich Piana mofos can finish a meager 5k, yeah right), and injecting shit harms your health.
Carson Thompson
>every roider is Rich Piana Based brainlet.
Oliver Ramirez
> making a straw-man not even adressing that every roider is an insecure nutcase that just lifts to look better because that's the standard he uses to value himself
nice comeback bro hehe got me
Blake Hughes
>every roider is an insecure nutcase that just lifts to look better because that's the standard he uses to value himself >calling someone else's argument a strawman
A lot of us juice for performance in certain sports.
oh but i am. finished le babby 500mg cycle, good gains and made me feel like a golden god. next cycle will be test/deca/dbol for maximum bloat power
Easton Bennett
Solid choice.
Jaxson Miller
Sports in which you can't compete professionally because you roid. And even if you could, you'd be better than others that don't roid because you can't take the time to actually learn the skill at the pace everyone does.
Nice. You're not proving my point at all.
Aiden Thomas
Exactly this.
Ayden Bell
>professional athletes >not all juiced to the gills
>extreme retardation i bet you believe there is cheese on the moon faggot
Owen Morris
This Unless for some reason u want to be a biker gang member or professional bb there is no need to get super huge Natty limit + being lean is peak attractiveness, already.
This. If possible, don’t ever get on a cycle, but if you do, wait until you’re finished growing.
Julian Howard
Depends on your goals user.
Do you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others and never feeling good enough? Congrats, you fucking hate yourself and it's all a big cope. If it's for pussy, think of all the less-than-perfect guys who slay regularly. If it's for health, you really don't need to be superman to be healthy dude.
You'll probably say that the goal is something like, 'to be the best I can be' or whatever. 'Always improve'. Cool, man. That's incredibly platonic, and probably just rationalizing the less healthy version of that same thought--the version you're actually feeling daily--which is 'I'm not good enough.' Omonce we begin to accept insecure thoughts as motivators and as factual, we begin to construct rationalizations and protective behaviours to maintain them.
There is great respect to be had in being really strong and being happy maintaining that. Also, you're straight up just moving fucking heavy things around it's not that big a deal. This is coming from someone who's been lifting for years and lifts 6 days a week because I think its fun.
Isaiah Butler
after cheating how what is your performance
William Lee
If you need roids to get just to the size of that statue, maybe you should give up after all. Lifting isn't for you. That's a soccer player's physique, with smaller legs if anything.
Brandon Bell
Camden Rogers
The retard is you. Elite athletes and Hollywood actors have good reason to roid which shouldn't need explaining. A 19 year old gymcel with body dysmorphia who just wants to be the biggest guy in his gym because reasons does not.
Sebastian Wilson
good post desu
Robert Johnson
just do it smart
Anthony Turner
ancient greek sculptures are best
Josiah Cruz
Just learn to properly program. If you can bench 325 at 19 years old, there is no reason you couldn't bench 500 in a couple of years.
Chances are you are just an advanced lifter now and need to be smarter about your workouts.
If you roid now, you'll just get to the same plateau at ~400lbs, being none the wiser about programming or actual training.
There is simply no reason for you to pay the price of doing roids right now. Maybe consider it if you're 30 and hellbent on benching 650 or something.
Jeremiah Jones
indeed, but see breker's are almost all made with a real human model, whereas the greek ones often represent such a level of perfection that is pretty safe to say is 100% unachievable, like hercules' back in pic related. tldr yeah, greek ones mog every other, but they are not realistic goals