How does one prevent one's daughter from burning coal?

Case study: pic related was raised by a very religious mother, who shared custody. Her father to my knowledge is not religious. Now she has tattoos, pierced nipples, and is showing her ass on Instagram.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 20.00.58.png (1764x1054, 1.97M)

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you're never gonna have children hahaha

Why wouldn't I? I am engaged.

Seriously, you're posting this again already? Did you get enough material to cum last time cuck?

There are tons of white women who are filthy whores.

Theyll soon be hung. Don't you worry.

Attached: swedish pool party.webm (576x320, 1.15M)

why the fuck would you even ask a question like this on r9k? nobody here knows the answers to these kinds of questions or they'd at least be able to make friends or get laid irl.

Also my dubs says you're going to get cucked and your children will be some random dude that pumps up your wife

Why would you want to rob your daughter of the only chance to experience actual pleasure from vaginal penetration as well as squirting orgasms? Every girl I've seen with a black bf seems to be in absolute bliss, glassy eyed and utterly obedient and kind/well behaved.

Every white girl I've seen with a white boyfriend has been a high strung, flirtatious, mean spirited cunt bitch constantly complaining about her boyfriend and men in general.

You can't user. As a negro I can swear on my life that by the time your theoretical children have grown up to be fuckable it will be socially unexceptable to not fuck colored people so you enjoy the fact that no matter what you do your daughter is gonna get peer presured into at least claiming that she loves BBC if not actually love it. Besides user you wouldn't want your daughters firends to think she's a racist right?

I think their bfs are already hung though so they're good

>by the time your theoretical children have grown up to be fuckable it will be socially unexceptable to not fuck colored people so you enjoy the fact that no matter what you do your daughter is gonna get peer presured into at least claiming that she loves BBC if not actually love it.

Pretty sure that's already the case with current generation, blackanon, and I say that as a beta young white male (25) whose only sex came from an average Asian girl who treated me like a cucked beta doormat the entire time. She always claimed to hate blacks and not be attracted at all but she said this was not at all the case among young Asian girls in general, especially in Japan and Korea but even among young Chinese girls in Britain.