How does one prevent one's daughter from burning coal?

Case study: pic related was raised by a very religious mother, who shared custody. Her father to my knowledge is not religious. Now she has tattoos, pierced nipples, and is showing her ass on Instagram.

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you're never gonna have children hahaha

Why wouldn't I? I am engaged.

Seriously, you're posting this again already? Did you get enough material to cum last time cuck?

There are tons of white women who are filthy whores.

Theyll soon be hung. Don't you worry.

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why the fuck would you even ask a question like this on r9k? nobody here knows the answers to these kinds of questions or they'd at least be able to make friends or get laid irl.

Also my dubs says you're going to get cucked and your children will be some random dude that pumps up your wife

Why would you want to rob your daughter of the only chance to experience actual pleasure from vaginal penetration as well as squirting orgasms? Every girl I've seen with a black bf seems to be in absolute bliss, glassy eyed and utterly obedient and kind/well behaved.

Every white girl I've seen with a white boyfriend has been a high strung, flirtatious, mean spirited cunt bitch constantly complaining about her boyfriend and men in general.

You can't user. As a negro I can swear on my life that by the time your theoretical children have grown up to be fuckable it will be socially unexceptable to not fuck colored people so you enjoy the fact that no matter what you do your daughter is gonna get peer presured into at least claiming that she loves BBC if not actually love it. Besides user you wouldn't want your daughters firends to think she's a racist right?

I think their bfs are already hung though so they're good

>by the time your theoretical children have grown up to be fuckable it will be socially unexceptable to not fuck colored people so you enjoy the fact that no matter what you do your daughter is gonna get peer presured into at least claiming that she loves BBC if not actually love it.

Pretty sure that's already the case with current generation, blackanon, and I say that as a beta young white male (25) whose only sex came from an average Asian girl who treated me like a cucked beta doormat the entire time. She always claimed to hate blacks and not be attracted at all but she said this was not at all the case among young Asian girls in general, especially in Japan and Korea but even among young Chinese girls in Britain.

>Besides user you wouldn't want your daughters firends to think she's a racist right?
You would be a failure as a father if you didn't raise your daughter to be racist and understand why. People are racist when they understand the underlying reasons anyway, not just because you raise them to be. Daughter can pick between having a father and being a coal burner, she can't have both.

If you're a shitty or annoying parent, kids will do the opposide of what you do and what you want them to do. Simple, hard truth that many can't accept.

nigger culture is the hip trend right now. just raise her listening to rock and show her not all white guys are bland and uninteresting

we are reaching degeneracy levels that shouldnt be possible

And as a white man I swear on my life that you will cease to exist

All white girls eventually become mean spirited cunts, especially when their bf walks out on them after she gets pregnant out of wedlock.

Amigo mio just take the bean pill in our culture we are how you say? Castrated for not taking care of our mistakes, you know?

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Rape is temporary, murder is forever.

Why do you guys concern yourself with this so much?

Because nigger noses are ugly


dumb nigger

Not referring to yourself as 'one'

Do you think her bf minds that she seems to be dating him just to piss other people off? I wouldn't mind having a white gf but if she posted stuff like this of us I'd be a little weirded out.

That guy is clearly med, not black

>who shared custody.

Easy, don't find a shit wife who will leave you.

just don't be a shitty asshole dad who is drunk all day and you can teach her why racemixing is wrong

>racemixing is wrong
Thankfully that is already a dead belief outside internet meme forums

That guy isn't even black, just tanned

You wish, mutt.

maybe in America. my dad explained it to me in a normal not spergy way so it makes sense to me.

If you can't figure that on your own, then your genes are not worth much anyway.

You don't, goy. Your daughter WILL fuck dirty nig-- I mean fine African gentlemen, and you WILL accept it, lest you be branded a racist and made a social pariah. Your grandchildren WILL be brown. You can't escape the multicultural future, goy, you WILL be culturally enriched. You have no say in the matter, because goyim are slaves.

I see this so much it doesn't get a rise outta me anymore. Everytime you see a white female she's attached to a black male. TV, video, advertisement, and irl walking down the street. In fact on the rare occasion I see white girl/white guy I'm shocked.

You become a respectable authority figure in her mind and show disdain for niggers. Not hate that can be confused with fear and thus increase their value, but disdain. Like you niggers are the buttmonkeys in class and you can bully them.

As an authority, you also express sadness and disappointment in her whenever her actions lead to buddying up with niggers - important: this includes nigger females as friends, idols and so on. You act like she's letting you down, like she wronged you. You reward her when she's worried and missing your approval, you subtly attack her emotions when she's doing what is bad.

You can apply all these tactics to make her a virtuous woman too, by applying negative values to whoredom and antics that lead to approach whoredom and whores, as well as applying positive values to good behavior.

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Whites are based, just the trash hang out with blacks

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easiest way to solve this problem is to not let this problem manifest.

>don't have children

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The answer is obvious, white men must breed with black women only

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The father sets the moral foundation of the home. Even weak "Christian" fathers can bear coal-rollers, you know why? These guys generally don't control their own house, furthermore I've noticed coalroller fathers tend to be basedboy/emasculated in some way, either via the media Jew or the divorce/alimony Jew.
If you're an actual man, not the Buffalo Wild Wings/WWE/ESPN concept which is pointless B.S. masculinity, but a real man "with a chest" that C.S. Lewis covered in his book "The Abolition of Man", you raise kids with a healthy respect for the precedent of cultural/religious righteousness you've set.
If you don't find a woman and rein her in, then yes coal rolling is inevitable.

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>Why would you want to rob your daughter of the only chance to experience actual pleasure
Pleasure itself is idolatry. If you place pleasure over your ancestors and legacy, you are scum.

>Every white girl I've seen with a white boyfriend has been a high strung, flirtatious, mean spirited cunt bitch constantly complaining about her boyfriend and men in general.
The problem is that they're allowed to express such feelings to begin with.

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The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(white dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.

In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint at all.

All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.

Natural selection is weeding you out wh*teboi, nobody wants pigskin dicks.

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>retarded niggers are top in something other than crime
Neck yourself faggot

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>as a white man
unacceptable.please retract that statement.

>raised by a very religious mother
Those girls always end up slutty af because they get sexually repressed their entire lives and go all out when they finally get out on their own

being a low class bigot seems to be the biggest contributor to driving your children into the arms of low class mates.

The solution is to become the burners of coal to such outrageous success that white women can't compete.

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Hello Tenda.

Meanwhile in reality, you're actually much more likely to marry out of your race the more educated/wealthier you are. Bigots, especially poor bigots, do not.

It is the cities that are cancer. Oh and the people in it too.
Raise her in a village or a small city where there isn't too much degeneracy and it'll be fine probably

>I think their bfs are already hung though so they're good

You only think it's degenerate becuase you will never participate in it.

>shared custody
Here is the issue. single parent household

Well to stable parrents usually help also some common sence like hey no one is ever going to actually ever respect you and you wont find a decent husband later of you fuck animals

the thing that pisses me off the most about this is that she admits that this relationship is merely to get back at daddy and society and piss people off. this is all one big sick fetish for her.

Why are so many incels also racist?

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White men actually have the most muscle mass per kg of any race.

Coping mechanism, it's an ego defense.
>The only reason white women find me repulsive is because Jews are bankrolling BBC porn to perpetually keep me a virgin

Stable parents would teach their child that whoever makes them happy and makes them feel loved is the right person for them. By teaching a child that racemixing is bad, all you're doing is raising an SJW

Honestly I would much rather my son turned out racist than a cuckold.

Niggers are going to hang from trees.



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Yet only like 4% of white women say they prefer Black men over other races.

>wants his daughter to be a loser
Nice man

>ctrl+c, ctrl+v boyfriend

>mfw when boomers talk about race and piercings and instagram
Boomer your time is near

/gaveuponthewest/ server, come join lads

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What percentage of white women dont necessarily precer black men over others but would be open to fucking one?

Absolutely based and blackpilled

I thought it was bullshit until I finally got with a black girl, now I cant go back

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There are some solid philosophical reasons to reject racism, but if you have piercings, tattoos, or an Instagram account featuring pictures of yourself, you're fucking garbage. And being a fucking Zoomer is no excuse.

You will always be subhuman. No amount of muh huwhite race coping will fix that. Say what you want about niggers, most of them are above you in the societal hierarchy

>tired boomer calling the young rascals garbage
Ayyyy lmao

They really are amazing

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Koko the gorilla scored higher in IQ test than the average american negro.

You are not the same species.

>if you have body decorations or take pictures of yourself you're bad!
What a faggot. It's 2019 you dumb nigger, get over yourself.

legitimately and honestly: kek

Well, you've come to the last place on earth anyone would anything about child rearing, retard. Jow Forums is not a child rearing board. Jow Forums is a social retard virgin loser board. Now gtfo and never come back, norman scum.

You're dumber than Koko if you genuinely believe this

>Also my dubs says you're going to get cucked and your children will be some random dude that pumps up your wife

>Swedish pool party
>Sign says LOVKIZ PARIS, a Kizomba dancing group in France
>Kizomba is a dancing style from Algola, Africa
why am i supposed to be unhappy there are black people here?

Go to Koko the gorilla's wikipedia page, then google african average IQ.

I'll wait.

Can't deny these trips OP.

>robots thinking black people are ruining their lives, possibly with Jewish masterminds behind it

So close and yet so far. Revolution will never happen as long as the brainlets have been diverted to their own self destructive ends.

>raised by a very religious mother
Doesn't really matter what the mom was like, women aren't suited for raising children without adequate male supervision.

>why am i supposed to be unhappy there are black people here?
lmao, when i was in college i studied various romance languages, spent a semester in Marseille. White French chicks are on black dicks like flys on shit man. the local white french guys i was able to hang out with complained about this constantly. this is one of the main reasons the Europoors on Jow Forums hate africans so much. just lmao if you think 'dancing' is all that will happen between the folks in that video.

>why am i supposed to be unhappy there are black people here?
Because they are black people? What part of racism don't you understand lmao retard. You're probably a basketball American too.

i genuinely love videos like this. grils getting their slut on, dudes having a good time and clowning. there are several new ones of them made every weekend and uploaded to black twitter, this is like a legit genre for them

no because im nor a nigger or a roastie

Point still largely stands. White women prefer darker men. Whiteoids may as well just kill themselves.